AFL DT Assistant Coach?!

Started by Wes Mantooth, February 01, 2011, 10:18:33 PM

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Wes Mantooth

So basically any tom and harry could be competitive if they have 20 bucks.

This really gripes me. Personal research, the one thing that makes or breaks your team is being made so easy now that it basically comes down 99% to luck.

How does everyone else feel about this?

Anything to make a buck... this ruins the competition for me. It also kills websites like Monty's because people don't need to come here for info. The only thing it doesn't offer is opinions, and thats what will keep things like DT Talk and FF together.


After seeing all the new additions to dreamteam this year it did occur to me that .. yeah .. this site has had its fingers burnt.

The gameday live scoring, forum community and the weekly livestream/podcast are what set this place apart tho. More power to fanfooty!


Very true Wesley. You sold that idea very promisingly as if you were a salesman at an electronics store like Crazy Johns ;P

The difference between the most elite and the amateur DTers/SCers has been minimized now with such things being introduced. It truly does ruin the DT experience. I don't think its luck though. Nothing happens by chance, my friend... No such thing as luck. A meaning behind every little thing, and such a meaning behind this. Part for you, part for me, may not see it all real clear right now, but we will, when the season starts.

The initial choosing of the team is now more than important than ever. With the correct choice of the intial players, as well as the 'bye factor' playing into your mind, the prices of the GC list/rookies... it may truly be the year that seperates the nuff nuffs from 'the cream of the crop.'!!!


Agree with all your thoughts.
One thing is for sure we can still count on people who dont know the meaning of "NO SIDEWAYS TRADES"  :P

And as far as im concerned what you do with your trades is most important, I had a lack luster start with some blinding mistakes in my starting line up but ended up top 1000.

As far as im concerned it not only makes it easier for the nuff-nuffs but also for US! People still dont understand the best way to play during the season and a lot of good players arnt adaptable they always have their 1 strategy which in the end burns them from being the cream of the crop.

Initial team is important but how you sculp around it is more so especially with variables like injuries and suspension etc......

The glass is half full mother fuqers!!!! ;)


Quote from: AndyJ on February 01, 2011, 10:39:10 PM
After seeing all the new additions to dreamteam this year it did occur to me that .. yeah .. this site has had its fingers burnt.

The gameday live scoring, forum community and the weekly livestream/podcast are what set this place apart tho. More power to fanfooty!

So true, I'll probably give this Assistant Coach thing a go though (any helpful tools will come in handy), and still come on here


Real coaches don't need an assistant!
Remember, it's not just a numbers game, it's about strategy too.


The afl finally realised that dt is a potential gold-mine


And making money is apart of strategy. It's a key part of the game so any help with B/E scores etc...etc...etc... will be a big big help. $20 well spent if you ask me, their are worse things you can spend 20 on.


was always gonna happen mate the game evolves and so will we Wes... take it to the next level ;)

Justin Bieber

I play it for fun so don't really care. Do hate that they made the info so easy to find but still like when you can find that awesome unique that nobody else knows about.

But all done to make money. There is an increase of interest in the Football fantasy games so can't blame them for trying to milk it for as much as they can.


It's a good instrument to have on hand but anyone who comes to this site and others like it wont go away imo.

Assistant coach doesn't have forums and opinions.
I play DT for fun too, and sites like like this are gold for info ;) :D


I guess if DT or SC didnt exsist, Monty wouldnt have a website anyway, so its there baby they can do what they want even though i disagree with it.