Raines in the VFL

Started by Pweter, April 27, 2009, 10:26:30 PM

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Anyone hear how Raines went in the VFL? My defence is a bit of a mess with Hansen going down and my bench being Broughton and Raines.

Also have Hille and Richo in my side so got smashed by injuries on the weekend. Am thinking I will be keeping all 3 defenders named above and hoping one of them gets picked, if not play 1 down, and trade Hille and Richo.


he wasnt in the best players mate thats all i know !!

id say broughton and raines will be in the mix to play ! broughton the most likely out of the two cause they might want to see how raines goes over another week of run in his legs.

but do not trade richo ! he will only miss 1 week, hes a genius so dont waste a trade. who in the forward line do u have on the bench ?

if u were prepared to run with 1 zero in the backline, do the same in the forward line, richo is too good to let go.

Bomber Rock

Agreed^^^..  letting Richo go would be a poor decision!


I definintely back those statements on Richo now, especially since I've read it was a glute rather than a hammy and he shouldn't miss more than 1 or 2. Mitch Brown will cover him in my side.

Just wish I knew more about Raines and Broughton's progress, guess I'll find out on Thursday night.