Pure Ranking Team

Started by Holz, January 04, 2011, 06:47:10 PM

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this team i have designed ofr a ranking win. I only have 2 occasions where i have 2 players on a bye on the same line.  round 4 iwth adock and goddard soundbt be a problem as adcock isnt a premium. But round 6 is a worry with chapman and pav, but im sure others will have problems too. I have alot of players out round 16 but they are mainly players i want out by than ie otten, knights petterd.
Goddard, Gibbs. Deledio, Broughton, Adcock, Otten, Jacobs (Richardson, Talia, Toy)
Swan, Boyd, Anthony, Swallow, Foley, Gaff (Heppel, Atley, Wallis)
Cox, Fraser ( Smith , Daw)
Chapman, Didak, Voldt,  Pav, Knights, Petterd, Petrie (Prestia, Matera, Mzungu)

im not sure how much importance im placing on the multi bye rounds but they have caused me to pick up players i wouldnt  have done without them ie cox over sandi, didak over franklin


good solid team, maybe having a mid/fwd in ur midfield to swap ur players about when they have byes!!


Very Solid team IMO 9/10 :)


Seems preety good.
Although you could have a few problems in your ruck with Fraser and Smith in the same team, but i guess Petrie could cover them.

It would also be good if you had a DP link on your midfield bench for F/M. Maybe swapo one of your mid bench players with mzungu and get darling or someone else in you forward line.

how much cash you got left?

other than those very miner points could be a real contender, 9/10.

PS. can you rate mine, http://www.fanfooty.com.au/forum/index.php/topic,23647.0.html


there is no problem with having smith and fraser on the same team ,as i dont plan on having to use the ruck bench at all this season, asi i will simply switch in petrie and use a forward bench. Luckily GC have their byes seperately to everyone else so round 1 i just need mzungu to play and i will have that covered, and by round 9 i will just downgrade prestia or matera so no worries there.

i dont see much of a point of wasting a midfield spot with a F/C as round 6 is the only time i will have 2 players out with a bye and hopefully if i pick my rookies correctly than matera and prestia should be fine to play. or any other 2 rookies i pick when the season starts.

i think i have about 20-50k left just enough to pick up some different rookies e.g polec over atley.


good points their but i would still rater not have Fraser and have mzungu in my mids(theirs not much cheap value in the mids)

PS. can you please rate mine, http://www.fanfooty.com.au/forum/index.php/topic,23647.0.html


good side not too much different strategy then mine backs close mids close i chose tambling over foley forwards strategy close

but that was my old team have a look at my new one again
see if its better
went for 10 premiums instead of 8



Beautifully balanced team, one of the few deserving a 10 out of 10. An even spread of players, and good bargain picks. Cox is a good choice, looking very good from all preseason reports, and is well and truly under priced. Only thing i can pick is Atley on the bench. He is highly rated, but with the depth of our midfield, im not convinced he'll get games early? Your thoughts on this Holz? Definitely cheap though, touted as a top 5 pick and priced well below that.   10/10


my only knock would be no sandi... avg 12 more pts a game than any other ruck must hav for overall imo... other than that awesome setup :)


this team should have a really good go at the car. No obvious weakness and strong all across the board. 9/10

Can you give mine a rate, cheers Hally


i now have over 250k to spend on upgrades ecause of the price changes and im unsure what to do. Im having huge problems with round 6. Im not going to get sandi becasue if i do i will need to take petrie from the forwards to cover and i already have chapman, pav and mzungu out. so at this stage i already need no forward injuries and both matera nad prestia to play for no donuts. 
I was thinking of upgrading pettered or knights but all the forwards i want e.g franklin, rioli are round 6 byes. was possibly thinking either goodes or ROK.
the backline im struggling to pick some premiums as i dont even really want broughton, same with picking didak in the forward line.


alll i could think of doing is downgrading chappy to franklin to free up some money to upgrade foley to a super premium probably selwood possibly bartel as i have already banned stkilda players from my midfield due to the bye with the bulldogs.

Goddard, Gibbs. Deledio, Broughton, Adcock, Otten, Jacobs (Richardson, Talia, Toy)
Swan, Boyd, Selwood, Anthony, Swallow, Gaff (Heppel, Atley, Wallis)
Cox, Fraser ( Smith , Daw)
Franklin, Didak, Voldt,  Pav, Knights, Petterd, Petrie (Prestia, Matera, Mzungu)

any other ideas to spend the cash?

8-6 Suited

Upgrade Fraser to someone else could be a start.


Quote from: 8-6 Suited on January 14, 2011, 04:48:16 AM
Upgrade Fraser to someone else could be a start.

thats the issue i want to upgrade to sandi at some stage and i think cox and sandi will be number 1 and 2 at the end of the season.