MPP extremely important this year ?

Started by juzzyj, January 17, 2011, 08:54:26 PM

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Quote from: juzzyj on January 18, 2011, 11:03:42 AM
Im just thinking its a huge advantage to have the option , i mean gibbs goddard delidio dids chappy pav petrie pettard clarke these players are all good gets and have mpp , i won't be sacrificing my team to have mpp for average players but if they are there , what a bonus it will be down the track !

Average is being the key wording here. As i stated early Premiums / guns & if they have MPP all the better for you in the long run saves trades as trades are Gold


i agree MPP gets important towards the end of the season but for me im only using a MPP for petrie in the forward line and a FWD/Ruck in the ruck bench. because firstly the ruck bench is useless anyway and i need the cover because i am using fraser on the field with smith on the bench.

Im thinkinh of maybee putting in heppel in the middle but with the loss of richardson and mzungu to the forward line i think i will need to put him in the back.


Last year MPP was exaggerated. This year, well, all depends on how you build your team, if you build it set up to fail, then get all the MMP you can, play as many MMP out of positions as you can, second guess yourself as much as you can, incase you need to spend that extra 100k for an MPP to get the extra potential 30 points. Everyone is getting Petrie in the rucks to sacrifice a Ruc, go on, everyone else is...


... or, choose some strong mids - for their premium points.

... choose the best 2 rucks you can find, and back that up with cheap benchies - mpp if you can - no-one's really relying on these guys to score.

... choose forwards and backs that wil play through the middle. They tend to score best, as the real DT points are scored in the middle. They're prolly mpp, but not all of them.

Now see how many players are left for you to buy. Get the most likely to play cheapies for your bench - maybe even put some on the field.

Check who's got byes when. Consider if an mpp gets you around any of those problems. If that works, you prolly want the cheapest one available (they're there to add mpp flexibility - not to be on the ground).

Did Petrie / Tippett turn up?

As for the "spend that extra 100k for an MPP" - No, you don't spend an extra 100k for anything. But don't leave it in the bank!


Might be the first constructive reply I have seen for a while  :P , a nice bite... Some nice tips for those needing them.