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Started by Hellopplz, November 10, 2010, 09:46:49 PM

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Justin Bieber

Since I couldn't find the thread which explained why Q is called Chris Connelly, I'll try to explain a part of it.

Connelly has always been involved with some controversy and is usually quite annoying. Q got named that more as a joke by m0nty as he use to point out quite a bit of things and got banned from chat a few times :P.

This goes back months though so will be hard to dig it up again. Might be in the secret place but too lazy to search it up now since I have exams first thing tommorrow morning. And I haven't studied for them properly!!!!! At least it's just English........


You don't need to study for english ;)

Justin Bieber

I didn't study that much and breezed through my English exam 8). Was staring blanklessly at the wall at times during my last 2 essays and still managed to get through all 3 in the time :D.

2 down, 5 more to go :'(.


I finished my exams today. ;D

You can't study for English. You just hope for the best. :P


roo boys!