Casualty Central

Started by justJACK, April 15, 2009, 06:38:04 AM

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i am really getting anoyed with casualties that have already occured in my team, round 1 i had brad fisher on field, and rainess.
fisher not making the side and rraines getting injured
using 1 of my trades to replace fisher for higgins,(and using my other trade to upgrade malceski to shaw) using patrenko as a replacement for raines.
then round 2 comes along
chris knights get injured aswel as justin westhoff trading westhoff out for n.krakeour and replcing knights with beams
round 3 comes along and spits at me right in the face,
G birchall injured, heath shaw suspended, burgoyne suspended,
FFS it is so frustratingly frustrating,
is any1 else in a similar situation?



Yes. ROund 1- after lockout- i get told that L. Anthony is out for 7 weeks with a stress fracture.
Round 1. Raines and COusins both injured and traded out for Newman and Ray.
Round 2. S. Stevens injured, not playing; bachar houli, not selected, hentschell injured. Rich on bench. Dalziell and Hentschell for Dal Santo and Ziebell
ROund 3. S. Stevens playing, but reinjured, getting only 3 points, Houli not selected. Hazle on bench. Wells doing shweetnothing, hodge, foley, Ziebell (traded in for hentschell) worst game, Cheney 39...........Goodwin crap, Tippet crap,

Dare i say it- but my team is possibly worse off than yours..


casualty wise,.id say im worst with
overall you may be in a greater picklle then i , what was ur round 3 score?


yeah still pretty good 2294- last week had a shocker though 1864 or something...yours??? BUT at least you have someone to share your headache with


yeh i guess so,

r1 1864
r2 2088
r3 2210

so gradually increasing aswel as the casualties, next week will be a tough week for me ,


yeah-- my team will be great when i've sorted out my structral problems.... but down to 5 trades........


you may as well pack up if ya only got 5 trades...good luck anyway

Dees for the Draft

I've had Raines, Ottens and Anthony out injured. 

Anthony is the only one I've traded because you've got to keep using your midfield bench to generate cash. 

There have been a lot of injuries, but there could be a lot more to come also.  Don't waste your trades whilst you're not up against opposition.

Pies 09

justjack, I assume you've already pulled the pin on the Malceski to Shaw trade given Heath has earnt himself a week's holiday.  But to be honest, I wouldn't make that trade anyway even if Shaw was playing.  His start to this season has been really slow and inconsistent.  I'd hold off him and wait for his price to fall and then assess his form. 

I've also got Malceski and he's been a bit frustrating.  I'm considering upgrading him to Gilbert but steer clear of Shaw this year.


Yep, sh*t happens.

All part of life's rich tapestry, reflected in an interesting game.