I need some advice

Started by Warrior5771, February 21, 2011, 05:33:08 PM

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DEFENDERS - Goddard, Gibbs, Gilbert, Connors, Suban, Heppell, Otten
BENCH - Toy, Faulks, Duigan

MIDFIELDERS - Swan, Boyd, Montagna, Bartel, Swallow, Harris
BENCH - Winmar, Smith, McNeil

RUCKS - Sandilands, Jacobs
BENCH - Bailey, Campbell

FOWARDS - Chapman, Franklin, Didak, Petterd, Petrie, Krakouer, Prestia
BENCH - Mzungu, Matera, Callinan

$99,900 in the bank


Nice guns. Very solid line up. I think a lot of those names are going to be in a lot of teams this season.