Grima, Beams etc

Started by ronl, April 16, 2009, 07:10:26 AM

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Come on, I'm desparate, somebody throw me a bone - has anybody heard absolutely anything about Nathan Grima and when he's likely to get a game - or maybe I should just unload him for Beams or Z-hakis and pocket the cash now...


I know nothing about Grima and when he will play but Beams does definetly look like a good prospect to trade for and i think that is the way im going to go for Liam Anthony.


Grimas a backman. Trade him for Rance. Rance can go on the pitch.

CFC 1979

Trade him for Suban if you don't have him. He will keep his spot a keep making you $$$$$$$. Otherwise hold onto Grima. He is down for a test this week and Melbourne desperately need him on the field. He had a big pre-season. 


Suban???? He's already gone up! Rance or Broughton.

CFC 1979

Woops too true. Rance then or keep the faith