How are values calculated weekly:

Started by SimonOz, April 01, 2009, 04:49:51 PM

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Is there a maximum amount per week, once we reach 3 scoring rds, that a players value can rise?

Example...Otten....averages 85 over 3 weeks as written above.....I'm sure his price doesnt go from 134 to 400 in one are the increments calculated?


I could be totally wrong and I'm happy to be corrected if this is the case.

Numbers are examples only.

Andy Otten started at $134,600.
Let's say he was able to average 85 for the first 3 weeks.
An 85 average player is worth about $457,000.
1/4 of this is calculated into his price.
3/4 of his orginial price makes up the balance.

So 0.25 x $457,000 + 0.75 x $134,600 = $215,200.

In R4 he only managed 40.
So his average over the previous 3 rounds is 70. ( 85+85+40=210/3=70 )
A 70 average player is worth about $376,000.
1/4 of this is calculated into his price.
3/4 of his previous price makes up the balance.

So 0.25 x $376,000 + 0.75 x $215,200 = $255,400.

I haven't paid too much attention to price rises, this was something that was passed onto me, it may not be right.
The key is that it usually takes a rookie/cheap type about 7-8 weeks to peak at their average. I think Monty did a chart of some of last years players to illustrate it, have a look on this site somewhere.

Hope this helps.


Tks Hawk for your time mate.

Will scour FF and find the chart that Monty drew up as well.

I know Champion Data uses some 'secret' formula etc, but your formula is certainly easy to follow and can be used as a great guide.

Best, simon


Scoured March & Feb blogs for the chart that Monty drew up but cannot find it.


On the main page you will see a link called "cash cow culling". Look there.


Or, check p357 of last year's AFL Prospectus.




so we've all got that then...nothing too hard from here on eh?