North Melbourne KERCHING

Started by Bo, April 08, 2009, 07:06:52 AM

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First time askin a question on this site, but i honestly dont know..

Leigh Harding
Scott Mcmahon
Andrew Swallow

I've missed both North Melbourne games and the Geelong Hawks game. Geelong Hawks was kinda irrelevant, but missing the two north games means i dont really know as much as i'd like about these 3 players.

Does anyone have any info on them ? why are they scoring so well ? What positions are they playing ?

I'll see if i can find a replay of the games, but until then i am at your mercy.



Harding has been playing the majority of the game in the midfield.

McMahon has been on half back and getting a bit of cheap footy.

Swallow has been playing a more in and under role.


Any reason why they're scoring so well ? are they worth hoppin on ?


i have always liked leigh harding

very under rated alot of people on this site dont rate him which is stupid

mcmahon not that good

and swallow wont play as many game as you would think
