Any suggestions?

Started by HellYeah, July 29, 2010, 12:20:26 PM

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Backs: Hodge Goddard Enright Fisher Gilbert Grundy R Shaw
           (Hams Roberton)
Mids: Ablett Swan  Montagna Pendlebury Bartel Stanton
           (Gysberts McNeil)
Rucks: Sandilands Cox
           (Warnock Bass)
Fwds: R Murphy Goodes ROK Pods Brown Betts Ballantyne
           (Henderson Playfair)
5k in the bank with 3 trades left.

Obviously a team with issues.  Until this week DPPs and cover in the backs  worked together to provide cover for most contingencies.

Hams suspension and Roberton's precarious security and Gysberts confirmation of pretty much being an out for the season make the outlook grim.

Any suggestions?

I'm particularly keen on any that include Riewoldt as an in. At the moment I'm favouring ROK - > Riewoldt


nothing wrong with rok - had a bad game. he a premium, if anything i would go Betts/Balla/Pods to ROO if you want him that bad. other than that if your playing finals footy then keep your trades, your most prob gonna need them!!


Thank you for the suggestion.

The upside of the ROK trade is that it only burns 1.  With such low cash, to trade anyone else for Roo would require a downgrade somewhere else as well, leaving a miserly single trade left. I'm not keen on that, but would probably do Gys -> Hardingham or Hams -> Smith

Few trades left is obviously bad, but sadly a win this week is needed to make a finals spot a certainty.  If I was solid in the top 8, I wouldn't consider trading.


With 5k and 3 trades you can look at bring in 1 prem player in your forward looks best.

I would pick up Pav over Roo at this stage. Safer bet for my mind  ;)