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Steven Baker

Started by ossie85, June 29, 2010, 08:40:57 AM

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Couldn't find a similar topic, so I guess I'll start one!

What are your guys thoughts on Baker's 9-12 week suspension?

Personally, I think he deserves it. 4 seperate charges, has a terrible record, and everyone of them was not necessary. (if you robbed four seperate banks, or murdered 4 different people you'd be all charged 4 times)

Baker has it coming, and I think is a dirty player. The best taggers don't need to do this kind of crap, and rely on their skill to nulify players.

Justin Bieber

Quote from: ossie85 on June 29, 2010, 08:40:57 AM
Couldn't find a similar topic, so I guess I'll start one!
There is one in each of the DT and SC sections ;).

Don't think he deserved 12 but definately deserved some suspension. When Soloman broke Lingy's jaw = 6 weeks (i think). Hall's KO punch on Staker = 7 weeks. Did it have the impact as those two ???

Think they needed to make an example of somebody for hurting the walking wounded, and Baker was their man.

Master Q

How bad was he given for the slap of the hand?


Quote from: Hellopplz on June 29, 2010, 08:59:09 AM
Quote from: ossie85 on June 29, 2010, 08:40:57 AM
Couldn't find a similar topic, so I guess I'll start one!
There is one in each of the DT and SC sections ;).

Don't think he deserved 12 but definately deserved some suspension. When Soloman broke Lingy's jaw = 6 weeks (i think). Hall's KO punch on Staker = 7 weeks. Did it have the impact as those two ???

Think they needed to make an example of somebody for hurting the walking wounded, and Baker was their man.

Both Solomon and Hall were only 1 seperate incident each, this was FOUR seperate incidents.

If Baker had done 4 striking charges over 4 different matches, and got 2 or 3 weeks for each of them, we wouldn't be talking about this!

Justin Bieber

Guess what's done is done.

My question is how did Johnson get suspended and Judd didn't?



The fact that he didnt get reported during the game makes it a bit dodgey. If the 4th umpire came out and said 'look mate, you are reported for the first incident, watch yourself', i doubt it would have went out to that many reports. Also, the umpires do need to pay free's for that stuff. Im all for taggers doing their job, but it must be done within the rules.

Justin Bieber

Well said Ruckus. He's a serial pest, it's what he do :P. How can he avoid it if nobody tells him....

Quote from: ossie85 on June 29, 2010, 09:51:27 AM
Very valid
Didn't cause as much damage but still had contact with the head. Deserved at least a week or two.


It is true that he didn't get reported, but you can get caught speeding several times before they actually tell you!

And there are plenty of serial pests - Cameron Ling and Brett Kirk come to mind - who manage to play by the rules.

Justin Bieber

Nah, I classify them as Great taggers (along with Kornes).

Guys like Baker, Crowley and King are serial pests. They get under their opponents skin with nudging and constant annoyance.


Bakers a dirty mongrel


He got exactly what he deserved. >:(