Percentage is the Key

Started by MissPiesFF, May 11, 2010, 05:13:52 AM

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After much delegation and seeing the most recent posts on players to trade etc. I thought I would make this topic in hope that most coaches that are asking for help to consider % before posting a topic for trades.

The % you need to achieve is this.
28% Backs
33% Mids
29% FWDS
10% ruck
The reason the Mids are higher is because you would at least have a mid that is scoring 140+ each round as your captain which pushes the % up in Mids.

Backs always produce lower scores than Forwards. The reason being that a lot of backs Fist/Tap/Contest the oppositions Forwards and do not have as many possessions.

It may be hard to get your ruck % this year somewhat with players taking longer to get back their form but over all 11% is good. If you can not make this % on rucks the best place to improve is in the Forward line.

Food for thought.

PS. You can also apply this to your DT strategy :)


So, for a team averaging 2200, thats:

594 points defence
726 points centre
638 points forward
242 points ruck

Or, per player..

85 average for backs
104 average for centre (assuming captain is here)
91 for forwards
121 for rucks.

Doesn't seem quite right to me MP

Ruck is too high, back too low.

But good thoughts


I am speaking of a total 100% you can find this on your SC & DT posted on the right hand bottom corner. Ruck 11% seems high this year only because of the form. It is usually this % to achieve.

This year is down. If you want to even out in backs that's fine. But to get KPP that are scoring an PPR 100+ in your forward line is far better than trying to get 30% in your backline as players in you backline tend to stead with %. Forwards tend to fluctuate and the % is not to high for forwards IMO.

You just need to choose the right players and be smart. No one ever wins with % out of wack. Choosing KPP rather than MPP is better as you know they WILL get games unless LTI.

Ossie you do not need 100+ avg do not dismiss the fact we all have captains that score 200% mostly from a Mid


Backs: 4,430 points in total
Mids: 3,486 total points
Rucks: 1126 total points
Fwds: 4,115 total points

if i strengthen my mids my team would be even more gunnish



Quote from: MissPiesFF on May 11, 2010, 05:30:44 AM
I am speaking of a total 100% you can find this on your SC & DT posted on the right hand bottom corner. Ruck 11% seems high this year only because of the form. It is usually this % to achieve.

Ossie you do not need 100+ avg do not dismiss the fact we all have captains that score 200% mostly from a Mid

Miss Pies, I was using your percentages to come up with a what the players scored. With the percentages you listed, and with a team averaging 2200, that's what the positions would have to average.



This week my backs scored 27.8% of my score
mids 35.6%
rucks 9% (disappointed, I have Cox/Sandi)
and forwards 27.6%Pretty close to what MP is saying.

Barlow 21

My rucks scored around 15%!


Sandi/Tippett combo worked for the first time this year! FAITH HAS BEEN REWARDED...