Goodes, Didak, Vince and McIntosh

Started by DevilsReject, June 07, 2010, 01:07:21 AM

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While I would like to save my trades for a few weeks now, I've been giving some thought to the following possibilities.

Vince - Didak/Goodes (Yes it's sideways but I believe the other two are much more likely to improve PLUS it opens up MPP support for my forward line with ROK, Harvey and Higgins)

McIntosh (Not sure what to do with this guy but I'm worried that Goldstein will continue to effect his scores for the rest of the year.

BACKS: Goddard, Hodge, Carrazzo, Enright, Shaw, Waters, Maguire (Silvagni, Webberley)
MIDS: Swan, Montagna, Hayes, Bartel, Barlow, Vince (Gysberts, Shuey)
RUCK: Sandilands, McIntosh (Trengove, Warnock)
FWDS: Pavlich, Harvey, O'Keefe, Brown, Higgins, Podsiadly, Rockliff (Fyfe, Hughes)

10 trades left, $20,400

Good ideas? Bad moves?


Actually I only just realised Maguire might be seriously injured, so probably going to have to do something with him instead. Damn it!