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Started by MissPiesFF, May 11, 2010, 03:47:48 AM

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I am seeing a lot of down trading topics in the players section. WTF are you all thinking.
*Slap those upside the head with her Pies scarf*


?? Downgrading is an essential part of getting a good SC team. Its how you get your cash to upgrade.


Downtrading meaning trading in a premium that is already averaging 100 ppr. Example,15122.msg110827.html#msg110827. You will see what I am talking about lol.

Justin Bieber

If they are getting rid of premiums i.e Keepers, they deserve a "slap across the upside of their heads" ;D.

They are breaking one of the coloured rules >:(


Quote from: Hellopplz on May 11, 2010, 10:38:31 PM
If they are getting rid of premiums i.e Keepers, they deserve a "slap across the upside of their heads" ;D.

They are breaking one of the coloured rules >:(

Where are the coloured rules - they should be sticky somewhere  ;D

Justin Bieber

Quote from: Resch on May 18, 2010, 11:10:55 PM
Quote from: Hellopplz on May 11, 2010, 10:38:31 PM
If they are getting rid of premiums i.e Keepers, they deserve a "slap across the upside of their heads" ;D.

They are breaking one of the coloured rules >:(
Where are the coloured rules - they should be sticky somewhere  ;D
I'll do a little searching and see if i can find where they are at :)

Justin Bieber

Was made in the robbie gray thread from a few weeks/months ago.

Golden Rule = Never trade before teams named
Teal Rule = Keep A Little Faith
Blue Rule = Don't Panic
*Red rule = Never sideways trade!
Green rule = Always consult your BE's before trading
Purple rule = Never send a man to do a woman's job :P


Pink rule = never wear a pink shirt if you are a bloke    :-*

Justin Bieber

Quote from: Cool9 on May 19, 2010, 02:13:26 AM
Pink rule = never wear a pink shirt if you are a bloke    :-*
Oh O then..... :-[

Master Q

And then the extra line when you are giving advice:  ;D

"Just Remember, I'm Here To Help

Justin Bieber

Quote from: Master Q on May 19, 2010, 10:23:09 AM
"Just Remember, I'm Here To Help
The lime green rule of FanFooty ;D

Master Q