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What will they think of next??

Started by MissPiesFF, April 29, 2010, 12:27:51 PM

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And now we have a router with storage. Are XBOX PS and PC's all in kahootze now? Gees oh now that you have umpty terabyte external HDD lets go one better and put in a personal home network with share file storage. FFS. It never ends.

I liked the good old days when my VOODOO vid card was the bomb and that's all there was too it, running on my pent 2 266. Mind you I did love my 386 games in dos. Took around 2-3 mins for me to fire a missile to my opposition but I still waited patiently and thought it was grand.

Oh wait I can go one better. In 6th grade we played lemonade stand from a tape drive that took approx 1hr 15 mins to load the game. But it was sure worth it ;)

Then I go way back to my first ever computer the Commodare 64, I had to program that little sucker just to run it. I was 11 years old.


I can go one better MP - I still have a working VIC20 (the model before the C64).  Its complete with tape drive and 640k floppy disk drive (5 and a quarter)


Very nice indeed. Tape drive still working huh? WOW. I'd like to see that -----><-------


These guys spit the dummy at the umpire and get away with that - I would like to see that




Sorry - could you say that in modern english or give me a link to an antique english translator?



Might just do that - google translate just lol'd at me.


Click the AFL link lol on you tube and it will all make sense you nutter