How did Roo score pts in 3rd Q????

Started by tony73, April 10, 2010, 01:00:37 PM

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Sure but should people like say Duffield be handed huge points for 'being in the right place at the right time scenario' and should this points hand out over ride people who had been consistently good the whole game like Pav?

There would be no game winning goal for Duffield to kick if Pav hadn't of kicked 5 previously.


Duffield played a decent game regardless of the goal! And Pav scored a big tonne.

The 68 points at 3qtr time was only indicative, they may have adjusted Duffield's previous 3 quarters as well in hindsight! I agree, might need more openness from the guys.


Normally I love it because I have big game players but. If you are an impartial person at the ground and you had to pick between Pav & Duffield for impact on the game think it would go to Pav.

But we will agree to disagree. Openness would be GOOD. Only two months ago I discovered all this. Had always gone by the HS website eg effective kick +4 or whatever etc.

Only recently found out about the 3300 suspected cap and weight of points, and reevaluation of points at certain times... pretty weird thing for the HS to keep us in the dark about. I would say half or more of the 300,000 registered don't know about points weighting, max point cap etc.

This creates ambiguity among people and can lead to people feeling miffed at some scores.


with all that in mmind the game was certainly not won in the first half of fridays game and even then he did not have that much of an influence, yet hes 14 turned into 25