Best pick out of the current top mids?

Started by matt1985, May 06, 2015, 06:48:32 PM

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Shuffling my team around, and i've managed to move J Kelly to the mids and downgraded him to Glenn. I was able to also bring Lumumba into the mid, and can afford to pick anyone.

I have seen a little chat about Mundy, is he the main target people are looking at? Or should I jump on Ebert or Hep? Thanks for your thoughts guys!


Get Mundy in your backline ASAP dude! Look at Heppell or yeah Ebert is a fine option.


Quote from: tbagrocks on May 06, 2015, 07:04:50 PM
Get Mundy in your backline ASAP dude! Look at Heppell or yeah Ebert is a fine option.

Hmmm I haven't been paying much attention, I didn't realise Mundy was now a mid,def option haha. Shiiiiiitttt.... May have to wait until next week to get him... Or should I get him this week and Ebert/Hepp next week? I'm benching Lewis for the next couple, so want to keep the points ticking over!