Know we shouldn't trade premos but....

Started by BLBBLB, April 18, 2015, 10:15:03 AM

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Hey all

my team is:

B: Smith, McIntosh, Shaw, Saad, Newnes, Lumumba (Oxley, Brown)
M: Fyfe, Pendles, Wines, Beams, Jelwood, CEY, Vandenberg, Heeny (Miller, Cripps, Cocky)
R: Goldy, Jacobs (Read)
F: Gray, Dusty, Swan, Hogan, McGrath, Clark (Salem, Lonie)

I'm going for league not overall. $11k left in the bank.

I'm pretty keen on getting NVB in as I'm all about the long game and bar him, have the majority of the bubble rooks.

I'm also a bit worried about Beams ability to score big without Rocky (have read previous thread, where the overall conclusion was still to hold).

Here's the rub. I'd hold Beams and hopefully he comes good as he was *** exy, but I can't straight trade Cocky to NVB due to lack of coin.  However, my thinking is that if I double trade Beams to J. Lewis, and Cocky to NVB, the following happens:

- i save the $30k Beams is expected to drop if he hits his estimated score (100), and save paying up to the $20k Lewis is going to appreciate (very unlikely to hit his estimated score of 130, but BE is 80 so he'll still go up) and also conservatively 15ppg more out of Lewis through the season

- i make ~$70k on the NVB trade in week 1, with a view that he's going to make me enough money to be a single trade up to a premo. Plus Cocky's JS aint looking flash at the mo.

Question is, would you trade a premo who's not injured (but might not justify his price tag) to get in a rook who's going to make a lot more coin allowing you to make those upgrades in the future?

The alternative is a straight swap for Cripps and hold Beams (using only 1 trade), but once I cop the price fall on beams, unless he pumps out some serious consecutive scores, im just going to bleed cash on him. its either trade now, or hold for the season..

Keen on any thoughts.



or I could just trade Beams down to NVB and then stack cash for next week..



Don't trade Beams

Avoiding his price drop this week is irrelevant. He's a keeper

Ideally it would be good to turn Cocky into NVB, but not at the expense of Cripps. Keep Cripps, he will come good and should get enough of an opportunity

Really tough spot.

I think I'd rather downgrade Lumumba to McDonald or someone similar, or just pass on NVB and hope Cocky gets more game time


2 trades for 160k, that's probably not advisable. Cocky may get a full game soon, better to hold fire and treat him like a slow burner. If you are desperate for NVB then trade Cripps.


I actually wouldn't trade.. leave as is


I wouldn't trade either

You have all the important rooks

lots of new rookies playing this week and another cow will emerge.