Started by Ringo, February 11, 2013, 12:01:01 PM

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Hey guys,

Just think it would be good if people followed certain guidelines for this section (and the DT equivalent)...

- Do not post a team to rate, if other teams on the front page have not been commented on yet.
- Try not to start a bazillion threads, just update your original post if you can find it. Use search function to locate or make your team a bookmark.
- Give some background on why you've picked certain players
- Tell us how much cash you have left.
- Set it out in an easy to read why! DON'T COPY AND PASTE FROM SC SITE. People won't read it... Copy and paste from FF is fine. You can use copy and paste from the bottom of the fanplanner to post your team. Just copy the bit under BBCode for copying and pasting on forums: and paste it into your post. Copying Team as a picture is also OK but just remember takes up a fair bit of space so anyone commenting has to do a fair bit of scrolling.
-  Remember this is a forum for everyone so try and contribute as well.
- Finally remember ratings and comments are just coaches opinions so there will be times when they will differ so keep that in mind.

Set up:

Backs: Player 1, Player 2, Player 3, Player 4, Player 5, Player 6, (Player 7, Player 8. )

Midfield: Player 1, Player 2, Player 3, Player 4, Player 5, Player 6,Player 7, Player 8, (Player 9, Player 10)

Rucks: Player 1, Player 2 (Player 3, Player 4)

Forwards: Player 1, Player 2, Player 3, Player 4, Player 5, Player 6, (Player 7 Player 8,)
Cash Left: $??

Anyone have any other rules?  Please post in thread and if needed I will update,

Teds Raiders

Im Glad to see somebody here has thought about this Ringo
All very good points


Wouldn't mind if some more people would follow that first piece of etiquette you've written on that list !


It's better that you don't delete team threads as you make a new team as you are taking post's away from members which increases their site rank. Leave your old team there and post the new team with changes into the same thread.


Quote from: Grazz on January 13, 2015, 01:04:27 PM
It's better that you don't delete team threads as you make a new team as you are taking post's away from members which increases their site rank. Leave your old team there and post the new team with changes into the same thread.