Hows my team?

Started by James_Pies, January 30, 2015, 04:34:07 PM

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It's still early stages so no doubt ill make thousands of changes between now and April 2nd. But i would appreciate some input on my current team.



My suggestion, Read>Lobb Bellchambers>Rookie priced player and then Wells to a premium or upgrade some of those defensive rookies to mid priced players. That way you have coverage if Mummy gets injured and you are not forced to carry Bellchambers.


great 3 premo backs. great 4 mid premos. but too heavy in the rucks i think. as good as it looks. maybe downgrade 1 to a nicnat or kruze and wells to a rookie (cant see wells doing great, personally. best days are behind him, avg over 100 only once in his career, awkwardly priced) use that cash to upgrade belly and whitex. too many mid pricers, in my opinion. risky. like the sloane and heppell picks though, if heppell can fix his disposal efficiency he could go 110avg. solid mate


Not bad, but a lot of money in the rucks considering all ruckmen are expected to drop some points based on new rule changes.


Cheers for the tips guys. Will make some tweaks shortly  ;)


How does this look lads, still have 90k left over.

Money Shot

Colq is injured so he won't be playing round one.
Jones/Whitecross are easy picks.

Apart from that it's a great team!

Would love your thoughts on my team?


How does my team look lads


Not a bad team ... don't like the Sheridan or macmillan picks think that leaves your def a little weak especially with relying on goodes getting upgraded and don't think Sheridan is going to do much. I'd go Sheridan to rookie, macrae down to cripps/van berlo or rookie and upgrade macmillan to prem. Boak could be a good POD.
Also no point having O'Brien as R3, may as well put cheapest option in there to pocket the extra $15k.