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EURO Trading

Started by Holz, September 03, 2012, 12:52:55 AM

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The F.A.R.K.

Quote from: Scrads on November 22, 2012, 02:27:36 AM
Yeah this is going to be an interesting decision from Holz. I think what works most against the Basher's and Zip is that it was a loooong trade period, like, we all had a ridiculous amount of time to get our trades negotiated and done. Still, I await the outcome curiously.

Zip wtf, you can't just say a 3rd party needs to make the decision not Holz because he is 'involved' too much. Um, last time I checked Holz has been 'involved' in this whole comp from day dot and still made every single other decision there has been so far so why would that change now ? Holz is not going to even consider the fact that it will affect his/Bashers/yours/anyones premiership chances when he makes the decision, it is probably a bit insulting to him to think that he would.

we have been discussing this trade for ages...months haha but it took until the last hour to agree to terms


here's an argument for you.

'Trading Ends: Midnight EST on the day the real national draft is held.'

EST. When the national draft is held.

The national draft is held in brisbane, which doesn't have daylight saving times- eastern standard time (EST), generally refers to sydney, melbourne, queensland.

However, since we're in daylight savings time, we're an hour ahead.

Brisbane however, is still an hour behind. Therefore the trade was made at 11.01 EST.

Daylight savings time is EDT, not EST.

so the trade stands.

all I have to say, is SMC.

The F.A.R.K.

think the trade shuld just be approved for the technical thinking by ziplock



Dino's Receive: Leuy, Barlow and Palmer
Basher's Receive: Birchall, Blair, Hmac

Dino's Receive: National Picks No.9 and No.38
Basher's Receive: Rookie Pick No.2

Macedonia Receive: Tom Scully
Serbia Receive: Brandon Ellis

Eagles Receive: Michael Barlow
Dino's Receive: Nat Pick 1

Dinos receive: Michael Johnson
Eagles Reciieve: Andrew Walker

Eagles Receive: Goldstein + Harper + Polec
Son's Receive: Shuey + Nat Pick 15 + Nat Pick 30

Macedonia Receive:Gary Rohan + Sam Iles
Scotland Receive:Rookie Pick #12 + National Draft Pick #55

Macedonia Receive:Kurt Tippett + National Draft Pick #35
Scotland Receive:Alex Fasolo + Sharrod Wellingham

Dinos receive: Michael Johnson
Eagles Reciieve: Andrew Walker

The Sons receive: Pick 11 of Rookie Draft, Rookie Pick 25, Pick 26 of the NAT Draft
Stallions receive: Elliott Kavangh, Anthony Miles and Pick 15.

The Sons receive: Trent McKenzie
Trolls receive: Ed Curnow + Pick 55 NAT

The Titans receive: Billie Smedts + Pick 68 Rookie Draft
The Wolves receive: Pick 10 Rookie Draft

The Trolls Recieve : Stevie J + Chris Judd + Hayden Ballantyne
The Wolves Recieve : Michael Hibberd + Tendai Mzungu+ Ben Reid + Liam Summer + NAT pick 5 + NAT pick 55

Trolls Recieve : Rookie Pick 13
Metal Recieve : Corey Enright

Trolls Receive: Newman  + Petrie
Dinos Receive: pick 20 + 48 + Hayden Crozier


Norway receive: Jack Redden, Harley Bennell and pick #28 in the national draft.
Sweden receive: Steve Johnson, Scott Thompson (ade) and Lenny Hayes.

Dino's give: Aaron Sandilands and pick 16 of the rookie draft
Savage songs give: pick 21 of Nat and Matt Buntine

Dinos give: Nick Dal Santo
Metal give: Jeff Gartlett, John Butcher and rook pick 27

Trools recieve : Tom Liberatore + Devon Smith + pick 49 NAT draft
Sons recieve : pick 5, 13 and 19 in rookie draft

Bashers Receive: Andrew Carrazzo + national pick 27 + national pick 41
Wolves receive: Josh J Kennedy + Brad Symes + Travis Colyer

Trolls receive: Luke Tapscott + Rookie Pick #24
Bashers receive: Matthew Lobbe + Travis Varcoe

Bison (LH) get: Scotland (Titans), Taylor (trolls), Pick 10 (Titans), Pick 28 (Trolls)
Titans (Spink) get: D. Smith (Trolls), Pick 7 (Bison), Pick 50 (Bison)
Trolls (pickers) get: Stanton (Bison), Pick 67 (Titans)

Trolls recieve - Nathan Foley + Rookie pick 68
Titans recieve - Tom Liberatore + Jed Lamb

Trolls get: C Cornes + G Johncock + M Jamar + A McGrath + B Maloney
Titans get: Tapscott + Morabito + Pick 33 Rookie Draft

Sweden Receive: Pick 10 + 28
Belarus Receive: Sam Mitchell + 56

Norway Receive: Rance + Grundy + Hoskin-Elliot + Pick 36
Belarus Receive: Zorko + Bolton + Pick 49 + Pick 62

Greece Receive: Pick 13
Sweden Receive: Nick Riewoldt

Bison give: N. Jones + Pick 22 + Pick 56
Savage Sons give: Duffield + Pick 30 + Pick 63

Trolls recieve: Westhoff + Rookie Pick 52
Titans recieve: Hoskin Elliott + Nat Pick 67

Serbia Receive: Brett Deledio + Pick 7
Greece Receive: Dylan Shiel + Stephen Coniglio + Brandon Ellis + Daniel Pearce.

Iceland Receive: H. Bennell + A. Rance + C. Judd + H. Grundy
Norway Receive: J. Selwood + B. Harvey + J. Brown

Spain Receive: Matt Priddis+Mitchell Grigg
Serbia Receive: Matthew Boyd.

Scotland Receive: McMahon + Hurn + Nat 13 + Rook 25
Greece Receive: Hannebery + Patton + Rook 34

Vatican Trade:  Riewoldt + Nat 19 + Nat 33 + Rookie 32
Belarus trade: Krakouer + Betts + Cunnington + Nat 36 + Rookie 35

Dinos give: Rookie 27 + 44
Trolls give: Nat 34 + 36

Serbia Trade: Rookie 29 + Rookie 43
Norway Trade: Drew Petrie

Serbia Trade: Shane Mumford + Jared Polec + Todd Elton + Nat 44 + Rookie 15
Iceland Trade: Brendan Goddard + Rookie 8

Dutch Gvie:  30
Norway Give: Brad Hill

Bashers Give Patrick Dangerfield, Leroy Jetta, Nick O'Brien
Stallions Give Matthew Priddis, Matthew Wright, National Pick 15

Titans receive:  Tom Scully + Rookie 54
Wolves receive: Jed Lamb + Nat 25 + Rookie 24

Scrads gives: Rookie Pick 10 + Ibbotson
Lez gives: Rookie Pick 6 + Rookie Pick 25

Bashers Give - Mitch Morton
Stallions Give - Jasper Pittard, Rookie Pick 39, National Pick 54

Bashers give : Josh Caddy, Jasper Pittard, Nick Suban
Vatican gives :Pick 4 NAT, Pick 36 NAT, Pick 47 NAT, Pick 35 PSD

Macedonia give: Nat Pick 25 + Rookie Pick 26
Scotland give: Rookie Pick 13

Valkyries give: Nat 61
Bisons give: Setana O'hailpin

Scotland give - Hurn + rookie 20 + 26
Trolls give - Ballantyne + rookie 29,30,37,43,44

Greece Gives: Troy Chaplin + Pick 54 Rookie + Pick 66 Rookie
Belarus Gives: Pick 21 Rookie + Pick 49 Rookie + Pick 63 Rookie

Trolls receive: B Sewell + Pick 33 Rookie Draft + Pick 34 Rookie Draft + Pick 49 Rookie Draft
Titans receive: Pick 26 Rookie Draft + Pick 27 Rookie Draft + Pick 41 Rookie Draft + Pick 52 Rookie Draft

Wolves give: rookie 40 + national 35,55
Trolls give: rookie 23

Scrads trades: Gram + Rookie 25
Pickers trades: Foley + Rookie 33

Scotland Recieves: Jared Brennan
Greece Recieves: Pick 37 Rook + Pick 48 Rook

Scrads gives:Hibberd + Petrenko + Rohan + Rookie 13
Lez gives:Hartlett + Rookie 10 + Rookie 30 + Nat 56

Bashers gives: Robin Nahas + Nat 36 + Rook 39
Sons gives: Rook 5

Iceland get: Picks 39 Nat, 50 Nat , 53 Nat
Greece gets: Pick 22 Rook

Nostradamus gives....... Leigh Montagna, Ryan O'Keefe, Courtenay Dempsey, Rookie 42 + Rookie 56
Pickers gives....... Jack Redden, Shannon Hurn, Rookie 25, Nat 35 + Nat 55

Elephants Gives: Brent Moloney
Nostra Gives: National Pick 14

Hawka gives: Waite + Lower + rookie 58
Pickers gives: Westhoff + Curnow + rookie 34

Scrads gives:
Pavlich + Colyer + Symes + Nat 56
Varcoe + Rookie 9 + Rookie 51 + Nat 47

Serbia trade chris knights + nat 16 + Campbell Heath
Belgium trade Brodie smith + rookie 35 + rookie 65

Serbia Trades - K.Cornes
Norway Trades - B.Harvey

Scrads trades:
Daniel Gorringe + Liam Sumner
HP trades:
Nat Pick 8 + Nat Pick 44

Scrads trades:
Nat 8 + Nat 12
Hawka trades:
Liam Shiels + Nat 17

Titans give: Pick 38 Rookie
Lions give: Seb Ross (St Kilda)

Holz trades : Brodie Smith and Rookie #8
JB trades: Heath Shaw and Rookie #38

Pickers gives: gibson + rookie 58
Scrads gives: Nat 44 + rookie 51

Pickers trades:Dempsey
HP trades: Rookie 15 + Nat 50

Bashers give: Nat 15 + Rookie 5
Lions give: Nat 3

Bison give Chis Dawes and NAT pick 61
Polar Bears give Xavier Ellis and NAT pick 39

Pickers gives: Wells + Talia
HP gives: Chapman + Nat 53
Reason: Trade Period 2

Bashers Give: Adams, lynch, N27 and R2.
Zip Gives: Marc Murphy
Reason: Time-of-trade dispute

1. Hawka
2. Hawka
3. Elephants
4. Elephants
5. Scrads
6. Whatlez
7. Holz
8. Hawka
9. Hawka
10. Meow
11. Torpedo
12. Hawka
13. Whatlez
14. Elephants
15. MTTY
16. Elephants
17. Scrads
18. MTTY
19. Lahug
20. Hakwa
21. Hawka
22. Whatlez
23. HP
24. Elephants
25. Whatlez
26. Whatlez
27. Elephants
28. Meow
29. Nostradamus
30. Lahug
31. Hawka
32. MTTY
33. Lahug
34. Hawka
35. Nostradamus
36. Whatlez
37. HP
38. Hawka
39. LaHug
40. Torpedo
41. Elephants
42. Meow Meow
43. Nostradamus
44. Pickers
45. Hawka
46. MTTY
47. Scrads
48. Hawka
49. Lahug
50. Pickers
51. HP
52. Elephants
53. HP
54. Elephants
55. Nostradamus
56. Elephants
57. Nostradamus
58. Holz
59. Hawka
60. MTTY
61. HP
62. Lahug
63. Lahug
64. Lahug
65. HP
66. Elephants
67. Spinking
68. Torpedo
69. Scrads
70. Meow Meow
71. Nostradamus

1. Holz
2. Elephants
4. Ziplock
6. Scrads
7. Lahug
9. Scrads
10. Scrads
11. Whatlez
12. Whatlez
13. Whatlez
14. Nostradamus
15. Pickers
16. Whatlez
17. MTTY
18. Ziplock
19. Whatlez
20. Pickers
21. Spinking
22. Spinking
23. Scrads
24. Scrads
25. Nostradamus
26. Spinking
27. Spinking
28. Nostradamus
29. Whatlez
30. Scrads
31. MTTY
32. Lahug
33. Scrads
34. Hawka
35. Holz
36. HP
37. Spinking
38. Holz
39. Whatelz
40. Pickers
41. Spinking
42. Pickers
43. Whatlez
44. Whatlez
45. MTTY
46. Ziplock
47. Pickers
48. Spinking
49. Pickers
50. HP
51. Pickers
52. Spinking
53. Torpedo
54. Lahug
55. Meow Meow
56. Pickers
57. Holz
58. Scrads
59. MTTY
60. Ziplock
61. Pickers
62. Whatlez
63. Spinking
64. HP
65. Holz
66. Lahug
67. Torpedo
68. Pickers
69. Meow Meow
70. Nostradamus


The F.A.R.K.

bashers have no rookie picks


Im going to allow the murphy trade: for the reason that the trade was posted up before the dealine and was confirmed jsut 2 minutes after midnight.

I feel that sticking hard to the rule would do little to help the competition and that it is best to let sanity prevail and not to block such a big trade becasue of 2 minutes.

I dont feel allowing it will disadvantage anyone in the comp (besides my premiership hopes :) )

with that bring it on bashers. Murphy is going to have to pull out something huge next year to battle with my big 3.


Just going to point this out regarding the Murphy trade. In soccer they also have trade windows that usually end at 10pm (I think) on whatever date is specified, however once this time has passed there is often a couple of late trades that filter through. These trades had been agreed before the deadline, but the paperwork had not been completed, but they are still allowed to go through.

Similar to this trade. It had been agreed upon and posted before the deadline, but the paperwork (confirmation by zip) had not been completed yet.


the nat draft order is fully updated on the front page, have a look at it and PM me any issues. The draft will happen shorlty after the real draft finishes.


DAMN IT!!!!! flowering O'keefe lost DPP :( lucky i got chapppy in the end


Quote from: Hellopplz on November 22, 2012, 12:44:32 AM
Quote from: CrowsFan on November 22, 2012, 12:30:54 AM
A late trade between the Bison and Polar Bears...
Bison give Chis Dawes and NAT pick 61

Polar Bears give Xavier Ellis and NAT pick 39

HP to confirm :)

Thanks for doing this, guys! I swear I checked my emails last night for any PMs and there were none... But once I got up this morning, apparently there were. I must have been more tired than I thought......


“@Lumpy0305: Ryan O'Keefe loses his DPP status in '13. #afldreamteam #supercoach"”

and traded Bolton and now he is a fwd for 2013

:'( :'( :'(


Some of these trades   ::) the boys from Belgium are such scammers.  :P


Quote from: Torpedo10 on November 22, 2012, 05:14:39 PM
Some of these trades   ::) the boys from Belgium are such scammers.  :P

when you send out 100s of trade offers you have to get some good ones back. I think FARK has probably sent more offers than all the other euro members combined.


the murphy trade was posted wrong but both parties agrred to it it should be

adams, lynch, N27 and R2 for marc, suban

with that im putting the trade up to vote if it should go thorugh. Note this has nothing to do with the trade being late it has to do with the trade being too one sided.


My thoughts if I could.

Marc Murphy - a premium and our new skipper

Nick Suban - huzzah, some reminisce of backline depth!

Rookie 2 - a young 80+ player for zip which when you look at his side is clearly what he's building towards.

Nat 27 - a good pick in such a deep draft and a chance to add more young potential to his already frightening list.

Taylor Adams - average of 75+ in his first season. High draft pick. Dpp. We all know how good he will be one day.

Tom Lynch - average of 70 (much higher if you look at his last 5 or so rounds!) for a kpp in a bottom two side. When GC and their midfield delivery improve, so will Lynch. Could go 90+ in a couple of years. Look out. Zip knows how highly I rate him because I bargained for ages to get him out of the trade to no avail.

So yeah, you gotta look at team motives when making a decision on this trade.