Where to UPGRADE...priorities?

Started by boneman, August 03, 2012, 05:29:43 PM

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Def: Goddard, Deledio, Shaw.H, Carrazzo, Lake, Shaw.S, Spurr (Broughton, Townsend)
Mid: Ablett, Pendlebury, Selwood.J, Priddis, Boyd, Montagna (Gibson, Ledger)
Ruck: Naitanui, Roughead (Campbell, Stephenson)
For: Riewoldt.N, Beams, Sidebottom, Dangerfield, Martin, Zorko, Hall (Franklin, Couch)

6 trades $131,400 (Top 2 in league and Top 4 secured if I lose this week)

BROUGHTON â€" SCOTLAND, BIRCHALL, WATERS or ENRIGHT? (Broughton has to go but which premium to bring in?)
SPURR â€" BELL (use $$$ for next upgrade following week)


HALL â€" PAVLICH (No Hall = Donut, but will my forwards be too stacked when Franklin returns...Zorko on the pine?) 


If you dont mind copping Halls zero then I'd go with Broughton to Scotland and Spurr to Bell.
Like you said you have top 4 sewn up so look to improve your backline for finals as your fowards are set once Buddy returns.

Blues Blues Blues

Could you trade out Ledger, swing Couch into MIDS, and bring Pav into FWDS? Zorko then offers a mid bench cover via Couch link?


Quote from: tjeff on August 03, 2012, 05:40:25 PM
If you dont mind copping Halls zero then I'd go with Broughton to Scotland and Spurr to Bell.
Like you said you have top 4 sewn up so look to improve your backline for finals as your fowards are set once Buddy returns.


Am happy to cop a donut here and upgrade the backline which I feel is an absolute priority. Franklin hopefully returning next week. If not I have the option then to look at Franklin - Pavlich. Still think Zorko could be great at F7 and save the upgrade for somewhere else come finals or if an injury comes along to one of my players.

Question is who is a better premium for Broughton?
*Points breakdown below:

SCOTLAND: Avg:102.12 Last 3: 113.3
120+ (3)
110+ (3)
100+ (1)
90+   (5)
80+   (4)

WATERS: Avg: 102.07 Last 3: 106.3
140+ (1)
130+ (1)
120+ (2)
110+ (0)
100+ (3)
90+   (1)
80+   (5)
70+   (1)

BIRCHALL: Avg: 96.33 Last 3: 95.3
110+ (1)
100+ (6)
90+   (2)
80+   (2) 
70+   (2)
60+   (1)

ENRIGHT: Avg: 93.81 Last 3: 99.7
120+ (3)
110+ (1)
100+ (3)
90+   (4)
80+   (1) 
70+   (2)

40+   (2)