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Started by reesbr, April 09, 2010, 02:27:11 AM

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Quote from: Nails on February 27, 2012, 01:10:57 AM
How much do you guys think I'd get if I sold both:


I could then use the funds to find a better batter to replace McDonald or instead of selling McDonald I could sell:

To replace Hussain I'll be using:

Thoughts? Opinions would be greatly appreciated on this one.

Nails, I would love to hear your reasoning for thinking about doing this. Personally I don't think you should but you might have better reasoning


What's the reason you have against it Cookie?

I have a best 12, only need a best XI...

Therefore sell 2 of the best XII to make a stronger XI


Okay nails. McDonald would be or close to your best bat. If anything Yogish might be best sold IF you get a player with better experience for their age. Hussain is one of your better bowlers. I think Dernbach shouldn't replace him as you bought Shah. If you want I can take a closer look at your side. Importantly you should have a strongest XI for each pitch


Quote from: Cookie311993 on February 27, 2012, 01:14:16 PM
Okay nails. McDonald would be or close to your best bat. If anything Yogish might be best sold IF you get a player with better experience for their age. Hussain is one of your better bowlers. I think Dernbach shouldn't replace him as you bought Shah. If you want I can take a closer look at your side. Importantly you should have a strongest XI for each pitch

Thought about selling McDonald and Hussain as they could sell for how much together? Optimistic 450K? I could buy quite a gun w/ that much money.

All player skills revealed.

Reason I like Dernbach - he's a lock in captain and has solid exp. I think having a solid captain makes a pretty decent difference, results in more chances etc. Therefore I'm willing to take him w/ slightly lesser primaries, though his talent is beastly.


But selling 2 players to get 1 isnt worth it nails. Don't sell some for a replacement worse off then the original player


Quote from: Cookie311993 on February 27, 2012, 01:22:04 PM
But selling 2 players to get 1 isnt worth it nails. Don't sell some for a replacement worse off then the original player

That's the point, if I sell 2 for say 200K each... how much do you think I could get?

Then I can buy a player better than either of the 2 I've sold. Therefore attaining a spec/spec batter who's a lot better than McDonald.

I should also point out that Hussain popped in bowling on Thursday and McDonald in tech on Thursday. Therefore they've only just hit that.

McDonald requires like a whole season to get spec batting.


I think you have other players that should go first but it's choice mate


That's why I was thinking Yogish + Hussain.

Let's face it, Hussain is a best 5 bowler for me, but he's not THAT far ahead of Dernbach, and behind the rest of my bowlers.

Therefore decent income for me from Hussain + Yogish (who's not my best batter) = I could find a much better player for Yogish.


Hussain is plenty better than Dernbach. Your choice


Cookie once nails has decided on something there is no point trying to talk him out of it cos he wont be persuaded ;)

Just like me when I decide on a combo in SC. If I post asking between that combo and another really I am just looking for someone to agree. Even if everyone says the other combo I'm not going to listen!


Quote from: Cookie311993 on February 27, 2012, 01:54:33 PM
Hussain is plenty better than Dernbach. Your choice

Thing about Dernbach = better bowling type and he's a lock in captain.

Maybe I'll just stick w/ Hussain. Hmmm.... Need to fit in a batter batsman, dunno how though.


O'Rourke is a weak batter.Regardless of talent


Quote from: Cookie311993 on February 27, 2012, 01:59:10 PM
O'Rourke is a weak batter.Regardless of talent
Yep. Can't believe you spent 61k on him nails!
Going by his wage he isn't even that close to acc/acc


Quote from: valkorum on February 27, 2012, 12:10:35 PM
Quote from: BratPack on February 27, 2012, 11:28:47 AM
my team's fatigue is FLOWERED :'(

I reckon my team's fatigue is worse.  Here is my starting XI

6x ener
8x revi
1x rest
should be right with to days rest b4 T20


Quote from: CrowsFan on February 27, 2012, 02:01:00 PM
Quote from: Cookie311993 on February 27, 2012, 01:59:10 PM
O'Rourke is a weak batter.Regardless of talent
Yep. Can't believe you spent 61k on him nails!
Going by his wage he isn't even that close to acc/acc

Has rest of season for batting training. Hopefully I can get him accom/accom by EOS.

Possibly a brain fade, I liked him cause he was a 19yo w/ like 5K spare ratings :( lol