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Youth Pulls

Started by valkorum, October 20, 2010, 08:10:26 PM

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Quote from: Cyrus on November 07, 2011, 09:09:48 PM  :'(
Clyde Cougars >> 32. Haycene John >> Details
Player Info

16 years old | 13,043 rating | $552 wage

Right hand batsman | Right arm Medium
Talents   Finisher
Nationality   Bermuda Bermuda
Form   reasonable
Fatigue   energetic
Experience   dreadful
Captaincy   ordinary
Skills Summary
Batsman   dreadful
Bowler   poor
Keeper   dreadful
Allrounder   dreadful
Batting   atrocious    Endurance   poor
Bowling   ordinary    Technique   dreadful
Keeping   dreadful    Power   dreadful
Fielding   atrocious
just looked and has 5k spare... ok ok i know he's still shower im just a glass 1/2 full kind of guy  ;)



Quote from: PowerBug on November 07, 2011, 09:07:52 PM
Quote from: BratPack on November 07, 2011, 09:03:35 PM
Not bad....Not bad at all  ;D
Flower you BP >:( Nice pull, gonna keep him or not?? The exp is quite good for a 16yo too :)

I'm going to get some advice from the management group before making a final choice. Probably will end up keeping him though. I need coverage with so many leaving at EOS


16 years old
poor/average Batter
Sturdy Talent
Ordinary Fielding
Ordinary Power.

Keep? Sell? Fire?

A 16 year old, so might actually grow to be good?


Not bad luigi, yeah you could train him yourself or sell him for a bit of coin. Not sure how much you would get though. Definitely don't fire!



Quote from: Luigi197 on November 07, 2011, 09:32:38 PM

16 years old
poor/average Batter
Sturdy Talent
Ordinary Fielding
Ordinary Power.

Keep? Sell? Fire?

A 16 year old, so might actually grow to be good?
Luigi luigi luigi. Keep him buddy, all 17k of his ratings are put towards useful things, there is not much of that wasted. Poor/ave is good, probably good be better if he was ord/ord, but it's not terrible.
He has a solid starting power, as you won't be training that for a while it's nice :)
And fielding is good too. If needed you could easily get that to reasonble by the end of the season :D
And exp is fine for a 16yo. Play him every youth match, maybe fill him in for some senior matches and that's up to poor before the end of the season (I think)

Overall, he's a keeper luigi. 8) Nice pull.


Quote from: CrowsFan on November 07, 2011, 09:35:06 PM
Not bad luigi, yeah you could train him yourself or sell him for a bit of coin. Not sure how much you would get though. Definitely don't fire!

think i will train him, then re-asses him next season.


What about my guy? Sell or fire?


Glenton John

Another 17yo spud   >:( >:(   I seriously think I am cursed.  Thats 13 out of my last 17 pulls who have been 17yo and all of them have been awful  :'(


In my last 2 pulls I have gone away from general and gotten ok pulls as I hear that overall general have better secondaries but specifics have better primaries and as a guy who needs good pulls to bring in some revenue this helps that.


I've tried everything .. nothing seems to be working for me   :(


but dont you have a lavish academy?



Kenroy Williams  West Indies

16 years old | 15,898 rating | $772 wage | Left hand batsman | Right arm Medium | Seam Specialist, Skilled (Technique)

dreadful experience | reasonable form | energetic fatigue | ordinary captaincy
Batting   average      Endurance  poor    Fielding   atrocious
Bowling   dreadful           Technique     ordinary    
Keeping   dreadful   Power   dreadful

Secondries are crap but like his talents.. what to do?