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Youth Pulls

Started by valkorum, October 20, 2010, 08:10:26 PM

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just saw that valky that is bloody awesome


It is one of the Bermuda u19 nat assistants who has the leading bid. I'm sure he will fight hard to get him! :)


I would love to see the 1 million mark get broken ;)

I did advertise the sale of my youth to the Bermudan U-19 managers.  I support Bermuda and would love to see him become a Nat player.  I just dont have a good enough YA to get him there.


20 mins to go and no change in price - hopefully a nice bidding war starts


Looks like it will be just the $687,160 for your guy valk.
But then again that is still a heap of money :)


Yep - no bidding war at the end.  Still, very happy with the money and the new owner is a Bermudan U-19 Assistant. 

Barlow 21

Went less than I thougt as my Avg/Ord/Avg Fast Bowler Prodigy went for 700k. :D

My guy rated 21k while Valks 26k. Unlucky Valk you didn`t pull him earlier. :P

roo boys!

My 16 year old early in the season that rated 21k sold for 12k -.-


because everyone spent all there money.


The problem with Valks is since he was ordinary in bowling and keeping there were 3000 rating points that were useless so he was really only rated 23k. But still a great pull!


I am still very happy at getting $687k for him.  That should make my EOS very exciting



I have a feeling I'm going to pull a complete star this week. I'm sue, haven't pulled anybody worth 10 mil yet :P


Pull Zimbabwe Alex. If he's not a star you will get a guy with an awesome name. :P


I don't know where I'm gong to pull this week... I really need someone who will sell for a bit ::)