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From the Pavilion

Started by reesbr, April 09, 2010, 02:27:11 AM

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roo boys!

   Div   1              2              3               4              5              6               7
   SOD   $10.45   $9.23   $8.07   $7.00   $6.00   $6.00   $6.00
   T20   $8.37   $7.38   $6.46   $5.59   $4.80   $4.00   $4.00
   YOD   $4.18   $3.70   $3.22   $2.80   $2.40   $2.00   $2.00

Here we go, these are the gate takings prices.
SOD goes up by a dollar.

Say you get a crowd of 4,800 for a home SOD game, then you will get just over 19k.

With the new prices, if you get 800 less people turn up, you will still get roughly $18,600, so you only lose about 4-8 hundred dollars...

8-6 Suited

Q, while you are correct in saying that, Div 4 Australia is also a lot more difficult to survive in without a strong team. I would struggle with what I have got at the moment here, hence the necessary move.

Master Q

Yeh, you've got a point there. If anyone is moving for money I think you should go Scotland over Ireland, a lot of good teams are moving to Ireland...

roo boys!

Yeah most of us are going to Scotland :)

Master Q

What time do games start their? Aussie ESDT time?

8-6 Suited

Master Q

Quote from: 8-6 Suited on November 20, 2010, 02:35:57 PM
About 8pm I think.
That's the problem for me, especially in SOD games...

Master Q

The TM is just disappointing right now, the quality of players is horrible.

8-6 Suited

Why is it a problem? You don't really need to watch the entire game Q. Its much better than Irelands time of starting at Midnight our time.


I hate Saturdays :'(
Lucky I had cricket o half of it is gone :P

Although tomorrow I have rep so I will miss a lot of my game :-\

Master Q

Quote from: 8-6 Suited on November 20, 2010, 02:44:56 PM
Why is it a problem? You don't really need to watch the entire game Q. Its much better than Irelands time of starting at Midnight our time.
I'll have to wait a whole day to get my result, but anyway, I'm still tossing it up though...

8-6 Suited

You would still have to wait for Irelands time anyway.

roo boys!

Quote from: Alex7089 on November 20, 2010, 02:46:45 PM
I hate Saturdays :'(
Lucky I had cricket o half of it is gone :P
I know, same!

how did cricket go?


Badly :'(
Went out for the first time this year and only made 11.  I was VERY annoyed because they were the worst bowlers I've faced this year :'(

Master Q

Quote from: 8-6 Suited on November 20, 2010, 02:52:38 PM
You would still have to wait for Irelands time anyway.
What are you on about? I never said anything about saying Ireland is better and that I'm moving there?