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Started by reesbr, April 09, 2010, 02:27:11 AM

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8-6 Suited

Don't worry, it happens at the start for us all.

How is your team Cicjose? Is it the original side?


Yeah ive got the original team but i love the commentary for my 8th wicket

QuoteTatchell to Pegg : [stumped] Pegg wanders down the pitch to do some gardening, not realising the ball is still alive. Kasavaraju whips off the bails and Tatchell turns to the umpire with an almighty shriek! With a nod of the head, the umpire sends Pegg packing. He needs to be more alert next time.


8-6 Suited

Well that is why. We need to get to work on your team and get you some players going mate. :)

What I suggest is opening up all your players skills by going to "Office > Preferences" so as we can see what you have to work with and who needs to go.

Also, what is your current bank roll in the game?


Quote from: Cicjose on November 18, 2010, 12:33:41 AM
Yeah ive got the original team but i love the commentary for my 8th wicket

QuoteTatchell to Pegg : [stumped] Pegg wanders down the pitch to do some gardening, not realising the ball is still alive. Kasavaraju whips off the bails and Tatchell turns to the umpire with an almighty shriek! With a nod of the head, the umpire sends Pegg packing. He needs to be more alert next time.

Quote from: benjy251090 on November 15, 2010, 11:41:50 AM - Mark Majewski (21 year old, un-needed but is a decent player for newbies) - John Hanton (20 year old, a couple of 19 year olds better than him so clearing out my squad) - William Griffith (20 year old, Fast Bowler, too many players in front of him as well as 19 year olds just as good as him) - Basil Maher (20 year old, Finger spinning all rounder, have a better all round spinner and better finger spinner already)

All these are up for 0K at the moment if you want them
These players are mine that I have up which I am assuming will be better than what you have at the moment, and they are still cheap

8-6 Suited

I'll happily mentor you Cicjose and help you build a decent team over the remainder of this season so you can be challenging next season. Just means you need to be a bit more active in here or at least talk to me ingame regularly.

Will recommend players to purchase for cheap and get your team going with  some youths.


to make matters worse i was playing at home chose a crumbling pitch and won the toss and bowled

Match commentary:

250 run opening stand  :-[


I know it is a waste of 50k and all, but at EOS, given I have the strength to withhold from buying loads and loads of 'backup' I am considering changing my name, to, Ad Victoriam. ;D It's latin for to victory and was the battle cry of the Romans 8)


But I like Feeling Sheepish :)

8-6 Suited

Overall:   38,303

That's a terrible match rating, which is an indicator that you team... Well.. Is basically a bot team that I enjoy pounding 500 runs on. :D

Cicjose, buy some young players that have capable batting/bowling and capable tech at a minimum. Do so sparingly as you need to fill a team.


So Sibanda sold for 20k, not bad when I bought him for 2  :P

That is the sort of player you need to be looking for Cicjose ;)

8-6 Suited

Quote from: Alex7089 on November 18, 2010, 01:43:20 AM
That is the sort of player you need to be looking for Cicjose ;)

Exactly. Buy players like that and you will be laughing. Everytime you buy one, sack the worst rated player in your team.


Yep, and once you have 12 of those (with bowlers and a keeper obviously :P)
THEN you can start to think about the other stuff like orders & academies.

roo boys!

Or wasting money on team names :P
