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From the Pavilion

Started by reesbr, April 09, 2010, 02:27:11 AM

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Ok but if CC's in it he'll smash us all
If there's enough you could do divisions


ATM I have only put in people who come on this thread regularly and Valk and CC don't really. I am tossing up between bringing reesbr in I think I might as at the moment there are 13 teams haha.


Oh yer a nice even number


Let me have Smid BOOMZ please :P


I put it up I think I stuffed it we will see how it goes though............


Yer i found him a while ago


Soz ML I always forget that the howard coathanger guy is u! lol


LOL. It is the BEST name 8)


It's ok and yer I know the name is pretty good


Makes me want to change my name to 'Kevin Rudd's Knife Proof Vest'


Or you could change it to Julia Gillard's Champagne Glass

Justin Bieber

Quote from: 8-6 Suited on October 03, 2010, 09:08:46 PM
I'm actually looking forward to playing you HP. :D
Same 8). Even though you'll win, my youthful squad will put up a hell of a fight :D.


HP check my bargain buy for the day 15k

even the assistant of the UAE said good buy
but said a little behind on potential of some of the other 16 yr olds but either way he should he'll mould into a great bowler for me  ;D

Justin Bieber

He looks good. Gifted Bowling doesn't hurt 8).

If you get your academy up 1 level each season, can't see a reason for him not to!! Good luck with him.

I have a few similar players who have decent potential (not as good as his) but will remain solid 8).


Quote from: Hellopplz on October 03, 2010, 11:16:32 PM
He looks good. Gifted Bowling doesn't hurt 8).

If you get your academy up 1 level each season, can't see a reason for him not to!! Good luck with him.

I have a few similar players who have decent potential (not as good as his) but will remain solid 8).
yup hope to make him a star for me
actually surprised he went for so little he has huge potential