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From the Pavilion

Started by reesbr, April 09, 2010, 02:27:11 AM

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NAWAZ GETS CHANDAN!!!!!!!!!!Bury The Ball wins by 160 runs 8)
WOOO nice win for my first :P

Robinson BOG, Hewawasm comes in second with Graaf getting 1 vote.
Robinson very deserving, 2 wickets and 54 runs, the runs came when I needed them as well.
Can I ask what the votes are for?

On a side note Mc lost and 'The Dockers' who are second in our league (behind me) absolutely mauled 'The Matchbox Matadors'


Well done ;D ;D ;D I'm not sure either about the votes....


Maybe there is a B&F type of thing...

Re The Dockers: I have no hope of making Div 5 because this guy in my league is HP-like.


U gotta start somewhere...


I am going for John Fewin-

LOL yeah BOOMZ, just wish I started in Div 7 so I could go UP to Div 6 and feel like I was getting better :P


ahh yea he's not bad... I'm gonna give Q a good fight if he wants that other guy & I'm also going for another cheap batsmen.

haha Div 7 sucks... reallly easy. I'm in div 6 in youth and I suck lol

EDIT: Just noticed I got a bid on my youth keeper at 50k ;D Bidding war please! lol

Justin Bieber

Alex, his youths would slaughter mine ;). Senior team would be a close one ;). I might go up to Div 7 next season :(. One team is undefeated while I'm tied for second place (think I'm third on the ladder).

BOOMZ, Told you somebody would bite at 50k ;). Have alot of cash coming your way soon 8). Could possibly me a future U19 NAT with those stats in the right academy.

I also won my One Dayer after 42.2 overs :). Took a long time but a solid 50 from Mayne and Selth got me over the line. Very nice match.

P.S Going out for the night.

If somebody outbids me (hopefully not), Have a go at this guy Great fielder bound to end at 5.


You created an internal error :o :o
Up to div 7 in youth?
Well he will no doubt beat me by 200+
Nice BOOMZ might get one in the last our or two, quality keepers are rare.




ahh stuff that some person went up to 20k on the batsmen I wanted (& Q) think they might have a Agent too...


ah BOOMZ. Think you will keep going?


I'll leave him I reckon he'll go too high... Found a few others anyway ;D

Master Q

Affonso finished off with 6 Wickets, Alleyne with 3 I think.


i see my brother Brat Pack kept u informed of how i went
nice win for me still 3rd though  >:(
but 2nd lost so his only ahead by net run rate
hopefully next week i can leap frog him


I fell to 2nd but only on NRR so should be OK.
Just had a look at Ireland Academy's team and looks like we are matched quite well.
He probably has the edge especially with his best player 38k rated.
Shaoib being my best at 37k.