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From the Pavilion

Started by reesbr, April 09, 2010, 02:27:11 AM

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Yep I am feeling confident I can get him :)

8-6 Suited

R&B, you seriously got over 300k? o.O!

roo boys!

Yes I do 8-6, I had over 600k when the prizemoney came in after last season then I splashed most of it on great but expensive players and now I am slowing down again.


I have like no money, I have a few tonight going though, including a guy with horrible secondaries but awesome bowling skills.

8-6 Suited

How long does the seasons last for?

I gotta save my money, or lack there of, for probably a month.

I will make it up with challenges on Gate fees hopefully, to make it go a little bit quicker.

roo boys!

Lol it's ok Alex, it all comes in some way or another ;)

I have 1 guy I am DESPRATE to get, I think it ends pretty late tonight though, may set an alarm in my iPod ;D

14 games 8-6

Justin Bieber

Quote from: roo boys! on September 22, 2010, 07:53:50 PM
So just checking HP, we really need to cancel this friendly, are you 100% when you go to your matches list you can't cancel it?
Sorry can't :(. Can't find the cancellation button. If it appears closer to the date, I'll cancel :). Don't want to rob you off any glory ;).

Quote from: DazBurg on September 22, 2010, 07:55:39 PM
thats it R&B in my match against HP it's a green wicket favors seam slightly disadvantages spin
so John Calver come on down with that swing ability
Seams are favoured..... Should I play my untried Fasty. He's the worst player in my senior squad. Or go for my Old Reliable in Goss who's been with me since I recruited him in my inaugurable season 2 seasons back. Still have 4 players from 2 seasons back when I first went a recruiting rampage :P. Mayne (opener), McFarlane (Batter/Keeper), Goss (Fielding) and De Smith (Dead Set Gun) 8).

Quote from: Alex7089 on September 22, 2010, 07:57:59 PM
2 and a half hours now. Actually I have to stay up late again tonight.
Another night up for me too. Stuff going on which keeps me up :'(. Not the good kind either.

8-6, Usually 3 months give or take.

8-6 Suited

So 10 more weeks then I guess. :D

R&B, I did that on my iPhone last night, go tthe guy then went back to bed lol It was that Keeper/Batsman I was hoping for yesterda. Finished at close to 2.


Quote from: roo boys! on September 22, 2010, 09:41:59 PM
Lol it's ok Alex, it all comes in some way or another ;)

I have 1 guy I am DESPRATE to get, I think it ends pretty late tonight though, may set an alarm in my iPod ;D

14 games 8-6
what is his name I may be after the same guy...
I have a couple ending at 1 then Hunter tomorrow at 9:00 AM ish (our time)

roo boys!

Damn, we really have to cancel this game, perhaps if we put up something about it on their forums?

Haha just realised they guy I want ends tomorrow night, damn he is going to spike tomorrow :(

nah I let you have Hunter Alex ;)


if his your worst leave him out.....i want the Best u got

Justin Bieber

We could just turn it into a youth One dayer. Play our Youths for the 50 overs a piece. A entree to the main course?


Yay. I really need him, he will open my bowling :)

Nawaz and Thornton are my ones ending at 1.

HP I will do the youth thing with you, will still get flogged but will get some experience for my young guys. I still want your best youths though ;)

roo boys!

Ermm I suppose, but my youths are completely horrible so no bragging rights come for the winner ;)

Justin Bieber

Yeah. Just something to postpone the main action 8).

Could play your seniors if they want? They can tour my little 10k arena 8).