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From the Pavilion

Started by reesbr, April 09, 2010, 02:27:11 AM

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Master Q

I'll take Sangster as well  ;)

I've taken Alleyne, Douglas and Sangster from you now, HAHA!


Your going to have, like, no money...Cruel though, very cruel...


I feel sorry for your academies, all these high profiles you recruit will suffer with horrible resources ::)

Master Q

Do you know how much Cash I started with!. Plus, I'm selling players  ;)


How much did you start with? What players are you selling, all the starters are worth...nothing.

roo boys!

Yeah I think he is new to the game, he is bidding heaps.

OUTBID Q Alex, you know how good Alleyne is/will be!!!

A bonus for whoever ends up with him, he has been on Reliable for bowling for quite a while now so he is likely to pop to Accomplished soon.


I have no need for a bowler. Q, I am taking Douglas. BOOM.

Master Q

Is Alleyne the Captain for West Indies.

Alex, I started with over 250k, I doubt I'll get all the people who I want, and 1 or 2 of the guys who I've bidded for, I don't really want anymore.


Are you serious that is heaps why did you get so much? :'(

roo boys!

I can't remember how much I started with..... ???


Enough to get the Windies Capt. ;)


alleyne is not worth over 50k
lol...R&B you are laughing all the way to the bank


Yeah Daz really it was just for the alliance, but the enemy helped us :o :o
In stead I get an awesome young batter/keeper for cheaper, Q gets Alleyne and an old guy ::)

Master Q

What Country are you from? I'm from Aus, If your not, can you take a look at the Nat and U19 Nat Team and check if anyone is up for Transfer, If so, can you give me the link.


I doubt a person on the current NAT team would trade their player. Maybe a guy who used to be on the list ::)