2019 Rookies

Started by quinny88, November 22, 2018, 10:53:37 PM

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Quote from: smashbox on March 21, 2019, 09:48:42 PM
Pretty happy didn’t go Balta will be dropped next week
yeah, spewing  >:(


Quote from: RaisyDaisy on March 21, 2019, 09:32:40 PM
Big 3rd

22 touches and 64 SC now. Kid's a gun

Put the moz on him  :-[


Great games by the rookies sans Balta.  Unfortunately didn't translate to SC tonight but that ain't important.  Ticks for Gibbons, Setters, Walsh.


Quote from: batt on March 21, 2019, 10:19:21 PM
Great games by the rookies sans Balta.  Unfortunately didn't translate to SC tonight but that ain't important.  Ticks for Gibbons, Setters, Walsh.

Saving grace is just edged Drew over Balta for a on field spot.


As horrible as Balta was, the silver lining is that this score will roll out of his average, and the unfortunate injury to Rance might just see him hold his spot


Quote from: RaisyDaisy on March 21, 2019, 10:23:25 PM
As horrible as Balta was, the silver lining is that this score will roll out of his average, and the unfortunate injury to Rance might just see him hold his spot
Yeah seemed to play a little back late in the last qtr with Rance off.


Guess I'm the only idiot who played Balta. Watch Drew get 100 now.


Quote from: tommy10 on March 21, 2019, 10:25:14 PM
Quote from: RaisyDaisy on March 21, 2019, 10:23:25 PM
As horrible as Balta was, the silver lining is that this score will roll out of his average, and the unfortunate injury to Rance might just see him hold his spot
Yeah seemed to play a little back late in the last qtr with Rance off.

Hardwick in the press conference said that Balta might go back. May still be in the frame for a 2nd game!


Quote from: RaisyDaisy on March 21, 2019, 08:57:53 PM
Quote from: Mat0369 on March 21, 2019, 08:41:58 PM
Yeah, that's the thing, was in 70% of teams and those would all be starting him on field. His ability to find the pill is impressive, just needs to use it better.

Gibbons has been ok. Balta bleh

Last I saw I think it was 75% so pretty much every active team would have him on field

Like you said he's getting the ball just needs to be cleaner and that will come so should be fine

Me not starting him makes him a POD and I'll take that small win. Nah who am I kidding, he looks like being a superstar


Walsh came out after half time and looked like he had settled in. Both him and Setters ran out of juice in the last quarter which is understandable.

Gibbons was on 30 at HT and finished on 35. Jeez it ain't looking good there and I may regret bringing him in last second for Atkins. Thing is I doubt Atkins scores much better.

Balta is freaking useless. I expected the forward bench to be a pit, but I didn't expect it to be that bad. Why the F couldn't they have made Gibbons a forward rookie?


I'm not worried about Balta being dropped because I allow for 2 rookie correction trades after round 2 anyway. What annoys me is that I put him on field ahead of Drew 10 minutes before the game  :'(


I might use him as the loophole if he gets dropped this week anyway. Thing is I don't want to have 4 guys I need to make correction trades with so I'll be royally screwed if that's the case.

Way I see it

Walsh won enough of the pill to justify his price tag. He will clean up his disposal and he looked a hell of a lot better after HT.

Setters was better for the run and looked really good out there as well. Position is solid, scoring will improve with his fitness

Gibbons didn't see a lot of the pill. There was the play where he had the open 50 with just Rance. Our player cooked the kick to him and put him in a bad spot that he had to really reach and it slipped through his fingers. He picked up the ground ball, tried to shake Rance and got rag dolled. Rance tried to block Gibbons out but he was able to get past and smother the ball for it to go out of bounds. That's the sort of stuff that should see him hold his spot regardless of the possession numbers. He will be a slow burn but I can see him having games where he kicks a couple and pops out an 80.

Balta will need to be either a rolling donut or a corrective trade option. Can he lose money if he averages 18 at his price?  :-X


I luckily didnt play balta on field wasnt confident enough


I'm not worried about Gibbons. His first AFL match was against one of the best teams on the biggest stage

He'll improve and at his price will easily make enough cash to justify the pick

Walsh and Setters looked very good at stages and we can field them with confidence

Let's see how Balta goes next week - like I said Rances injury might just give him another chance

It was just 1 game, no need to panic yet


Quote from: tommy10 on March 21, 2019, 10:25:14 PM
Quote from: RaisyDaisy on March 21, 2019, 10:23:25 PM
As horrible as Balta was, the silver lining is that this score will roll out of his average, and the unfortunate injury to Rance might just see him hold his spot
Yeah seemed to play a little back late in the last qtr with Rance off.

Yeah played back for most of the last quarter, had a really good intercept mark right near the end. I didn't see much of the third, but the fact he was on 25 at quarter time and finished with 15 says a lot..