New League. Looks good.

Started by Master Q, May 22, 2010, 05:19:13 PM

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Master Q

Today I looked at how the Lethal League game works, and I actually thought it looked good. I've made the league, and this is how it works,

10 teams can enter, and you play each team once. There is Finals, but only top 4 qualify, meaning that first on the ladder plays 4th and 2nd against 3. There is also a draft and trading system, so you can swap players with each other. But, the Draft only commences when all 10 teams enter, so join quick!

How does the scoring work?
Here's the link:

If your intrested, leave a comment or PM me. First 10 who join are in.

If your wanting to join, here's the link:

For the details, the League name is FF Q League, and the Password is qdonutqdonut ( ;D)

-Master Q

Master Q

Damn, i forgot that to join you put in the abbreviated name, i'll try find it ;D

Master Q

Ok, when you enter the league name its: "FF Leagu"           Yes no E.

Master Q

 >:( Sorry, this is a bit messed up. the password is qdonutqdon        (No ut)


Master Q, the FF private leagues are different to the Lethal League. The Lethal League was a salary cap comp I ran two years ago. You've got it all mixed up.

Master Q

We've got 3 teams. 7 Spots Left.

Master Q

4 teams, 6 left! Better Hurry!


Did i join? coz my internet crashed while was doing it...

Master Q

Quote from: BOOMZ on May 23, 2010, 06:09:50 PM
Did i join? coz my internet crashed while was doing it...
Yes your in.


Master Q

Comon people lets get into it!

Justin Bieber

Am i in? if not, don't worry.

Can't even log into the main site of my comp now :'(.


Ive sighned up. So will it be a live Draft because i will only be able to make it after 6pm AEST Monday Tuesday Wednesday Friday and any time Sunday due to small jobs and familly maters

Master Q

Master Q

Quote from: Hellopplz on May 23, 2010, 07:00:02 PM
Am i in? if not, don't worry.

Can't even log into the main site of my comp now :'(.
No you are not in. We have 5 left spots left.