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FanFooty => Supercoach Archive => Archives => 2012 SC Player Archive => Topic started by: Malakia on August 03, 2012, 04:49:03 PM

Title: Final trades, yay or nay?
Post by: Malakia on August 03, 2012, 04:49:03 PM
Hi all

After some opinions for trades this week. I have 5 left and 247000 in the bank I'm thinking of goin bugg to fisher and Giles to goldy. This will leave me 3 trades for finals with 30000 odd in the bank.
My team is:

Def- delidio, Goddard, suckling, heppel, bugg , carrazo, s shaw, darley, spurr
Mids- Watson, ablett, Thompson, swan, pendlebury, Boyd, Gibson, sexton
Rucks- Nic nat, Giles, redden, Stephenson
For- beams, danger, Franklin, sidey, roughie, Martin, zorko, t Adams, hall

A bit worried about goldy once Macintosh comes back awns j know fisher isn't a premium so to speak but if I went for a premium in either one of those positions I'd have to do another downgrade to get more cash whivh would leave me with only two trades which I don't reckon would be enough

Any other thoughts appreciated, cheers
Title: Re: Final trades, yay or nay?
Post by: hespey on August 03, 2012, 04:55:19 PM
forward line is set.

your midfield is awesome. set.

you have heaps of cash. bring in maric for giles. then your rucks are set.

next 4 trades should be upgrading the back line.

out Heppel, Bugg, S.Shaw, in Waters, Scotland, H.Shaw. plus another downgrade like adams, as a cash cow. Do these whenever the former have a big breakeven, and the upgrades look like they might be about to jump in price.

Title: Re: Final trades, yay or nay?
Post by: Malakia on August 03, 2012, 07:39:15 PM
Cheers, I've put Maric in, wasn't 100% with goldy

Next week I'll do one more downgrade and then I'll boost my defense and should still have some money along with two trades for upgrades/emergencies