Hi all
After some opinions for trades this week. I have 5 left and 247000 in the bank I'm thinking of goin bugg to fisher and Giles to goldy. This will leave me 3 trades for finals with 30000 odd in the bank.
My team is:
Def- delidio, Goddard, suckling, heppel, bugg , carrazo, s shaw, darley, spurr
Mids- Watson, ablett, Thompson, swan, pendlebury, Boyd, Gibson, sexton
Rucks- Nic nat, Giles, redden, Stephenson
For- beams, danger, Franklin, sidey, roughie, Martin, zorko, t Adams, hall
A bit worried about goldy once Macintosh comes back awns j know fisher isn't a premium so to speak but if I went for a premium in either one of those positions I'd have to do another downgrade to get more cash whivh would leave me with only two trades which I don't reckon would be enough
Any other thoughts appreciated, cheers
forward line is set.
your midfield is awesome. set.
you have heaps of cash. bring in maric for giles. then your rucks are set.
next 4 trades should be upgrading the back line.
out Heppel, Bugg, S.Shaw, in Waters, Scotland, H.Shaw. plus another downgrade like adams, as a cash cow. Do these whenever the former have a big breakeven, and the upgrades look like they might be about to jump in price.
Cheers, I've put Maric in, wasn't 100% with goldy
Next week I'll do one more downgrade and then I'll boost my defense and should still have some money along with two trades for upgrades/emergencies