Part-way through ’09, YSCC began running a private, hidden forum with individually selected and invited members. The aim of the group being to provide a platform on which SuperCoach can be discussed at a higher level than presented on public forums, thereby maximising the group’s success. We are now opening the group up to applicants (again).
Core Group Values/Rules
- No selfishness. This is the most important value/rule we hold. The aim of the group is to maximise the seasons of each and every member of the group, NOT to hoard advice for the sole purpose of personal gain.
- Furthering that, each member must possess the willingness to share their knowledge and give advice, and be able to expect the same in return from every other member.
- ‘Passengers’ will not be tolerated. A lack of contribution for a sustained period of time is NOT acceptable. Neither is any form of group sabotage. Trust must underpin the group.
What We Are Looking For…
- If you are an existing member of a forum â€" be it FanFooty, BigFooty, etc â€" we will take into consideration your post quality and quantity.
- Your 2010 end-of-season SC ranking and previous years’ finishes.
- People who actually spend the time to do in-depth analysis/research.
We currently have 21 active members in the group and are looking to still expand. As you can tell, this is an extremely select and therefore exclusive group, and we are looking for members of a high calibre.
How to apply, you ask? Shoot over an email to Include: previous years’ SC rankings, usernames to forums you may belong to, which club you support and anything else you think would convince us you should be part of the group.
2009 YSCCE Accolades
- 11 members in the top 400
- 7 of which in the top 50
- Boasting the 3rd, 4th and 7th ranked overall individuals
2010 YSCCE Accolades
- 3 members in the top 11
- Boasting the winner of SuperCoach 2010
- Both YSCCE leagues ranked in the top 20
Seems like a very smart group of people :o
Applied for this in the past and I think I will again. Although I doubt I will get in!
Very impressive Marcus, how is YSCC going by the way? Last I checked things were going very well, I remember when you started up ;)
Hey Alex,
YSCC is progressing steadily. We're a bit behind schedule this year but we're on track to launch the new site early next week.
I apologise to anyone who didn't receive a reply in previous application rounds. I felt horrible about it but I was simply too busy and we received so many applications that I didn't have time to reply to everyone.
I'm certainly making a point to reply to everyone this time round.
Good to hear Marcus :)
Next week is pretty soon, I'm sure it will be great! So did you overhaul the layout? Or just closed the site over the summer?
We're still running on at the moment. We've posted 3 pre-season articles so far.
The new site is being worked on offline. We're overhauling the layout this year and we have a little project in the works that we reckon people will enjoy :)
I look forward to it ;)
I won't apply (Even though I check the site often and a member of the forum) because:
A: My time online will be nothing compared to last year
B: Although I play SC, I don't really study it like I do with DT.
last years winner, not bad
:) i applied