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Chat log from P2 of 2020: Carlton vs Brisbane

Chat log for Carlton vs Brisbane, P2 of 2020

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Kidult: if ur here gotigres hes the crows fwd who doesnt like to tackle
frenzy: Did Williamson get the kyber
Gotigres: Thanks Kidult. I noticed scores of 43 and 55 for him. Better than Kings 46 and 29. Thanks for the name.
Ash777: be better to go crocker
Kidult: if u got the coin u can
Kidult: sc is live wat the
wadaramus: Birchall or Roberton for D4?
Kidult: roberton cheaper and higher ceiling
wadaramus: m0nty always feels generous on a Sunday afternoon.
beerent11: Roberton for me. Will get better and better with games
Kidult: just being a tease now seem to have stopped dead those live scores
Gotigres: Scores of 56 and 59 for Ben Crocker at 152k. Interesting. Thanks Ash777.
Kidult: not so nice from the lions so far in 5 qtrs look slow
Baldfrog: Can’t believe Birchalls name was mentioned
Ash777: Birchall is mr glass
beerent11: That’s why you don’t pick Birchall. Made of papier mache.
Kidult: loving robertson on from the start
wadaramus: Well 60 from Roberton today isn’t great for 260K, gentle halfback role for Birchall was worth a thought.
Ash777: someone explain why princess park is not considered for an AFL reg season venue
Chewma: Welcome back Doc
Baldfrog: Cause AFL own docklands
frenzy: Parking ash
beerent11: *Marvel?
beerent11: Anyone holding off on docherty will be jumping on after this game
Ash777: such a shame it looks good for low drawing games
Yelse: The way its going they prob be playing behind closed doors eventually so any stadium would do
bones351: Can Starcevich play his way in? God I hope so haha
Baldfrog: Soon they won’t be able to touch the same ball
Kidult: lions will b our saviour with robertson and starcevich rd 1
frenzy: Walsh is a star
Ash777: is there anyone other than yolmen to com in?
Ash777: oh the berries too
Kidult: the elderberry only got 35% tog last week and not played this
Kidult: they had the week off in the middle
StuL: Last year was a fluke. Lions look back to being rubbish
amigaman: Setterfield kicks a goal & his d/e goes from 50 to 50 wtf
Kidult: 3 disposals to neale even in a marsh game is weak
Baldfrog: Is Huddo a Carlton supporter?
blonde0na: wtf is this over umpiring in a marsh game
frenzy: Cats baldy
StuL: Huddo is a cat
Baldfrog: Thanks Frenzy
Baldfrog: And Stul
StuL: Robertson will be playing neafl at this rate.
Kidult: would u consider starting treloar to save a trade?
Ash777: Ah chee worth a consider
Baldfrog: You would have to be definitely sure he’s back r2 or no
Chewma: Why would you do that? Just get Treloar with your first upgrade
StuL: Come on starcevich.
Kidult: im questioning players like bont/dunk impacted when liberatores back
Baldfrog: Don’t think Libba will affect Bont
Ash777: Libba will help bont.
frenzy: Did it happen last season Kidult
amigaman: Actually loving the dearth of rookies
shaker: Reckon Libba’s best days are behind him always injured
Ash777: in Libba’s last game he was helping bont get loose.
Kidult: yeh dunkley didnt play 2 much mid coz of libba
Chewma: No it didn’t at all. Dunkley still averaged well over 120 with Libba in the side
Baldfrog: CD likes the Bont
Kidult: no dunkley didnt play mid till libba got injured
Kidult: he avged around 130 when libba went out
Chewma: The only thing that affected Dunkleys mid time last year was Bevo.
Chewma: Look at the games Libba and Dunkley played together, there’s about 9 matches to sample from.
blonde0na: when Libba came back he played a more-forward role anyways, there’s no way Bevo decides to swap them.
Chewma: Lol, Libba got injured in round 13 and Dunks played mid from round 7.
Jackwatt$: How convenient! 2020 looks like the year Carlton are no longer shit and the year we run out of shitroll!
Kidult: libba/dunk/macrae were more mid in rds 6-11 when bonts score got impacted being fwd
Kidult: dunk and bont switched fwd role when libba was in is wat im saying
Chewma: I did the math. Dunkleys average with Libba in the side was 116 from round 7 onwards.
Kidult: 7-11 dunkley played more mid than bont did
blonde0na: that sounds like Libba has more of an impact on Bont than on Dunkley then Kidult
Chewma: Im only talking about Dunks being influenced, which it isn’t. Not sure about Bont
Kidult: libba, macrae,bont 1st 1-7 then it was libba,macrae, dunk in 7-11 then libba got injured and it was those big 3
Ash777: I think Libba will have a new role this year.
frenzy: I’m no judge, cos I thought Libba played wing
Baldfrog: I thought Libba was still in Indonesia
Kidult: hes a dad now pulling his head in even if hes still whacky
blonde0na: Libba’s actually still on a bender from the 2016 win
Kidult: elder berry is actually in this game wat
Kidult: couldnt see the name b4
Baldfrog: Kidult plenty of premo mids Who avg well to pick from so don’t stress
Baldfrog: Dingleberry is the one missing
Kidult: im contemplating gaff playing extra mid with kelly/brander on wings
Kidult: some1 like shuey/kelly could get the tag b4 gaff now
Ash777: so far I’m going titch, bont, oliver, yeo, mcluggage, brayshaw
Baldfrog: Yeo looked like he’s in for a good year to
Baldfrog: No rowell Ash?
Kidult: gaff scored 133 and he had only 14 kicks 18 hballs
benzammit: Go blues by 16 +
benzammit: Tired of no rookie bull plenty about
Ash777: rowell, picket, mcinerney, green are my rookie mids
Gotigres: why do 34% of coaches have Rivers given he hasn’t played
benzammit: Missing some fine picks Ash
Ash777: starecvich too but could be me my last rookie depending on other things
Baldfrog: No idea Gotigres don’t even know who he is
benzammit: 34% are foxy for sheep n round 1 selections
benzammit: Bluebirds dancing today?
Chewma: Rivers was a top 10 pick Im pretty sure. Really good prospect and played well in an intraclub
Ash777: Rivers went at pick 35
Ash777: correction pick 32
Kidult: i think people just picked him coz he was most likely to debut out of the d/m cheap options and havent logged back on
benzammit: Uh fen blues cost me $1500
Baldfrog: Yeah I don’t log back in till Thursday teams come out before r1
Baldfrog: Ouch Ben
Kidult: mchenry/robertson etc were talked alot about when the supercoach/fantasy opened back up
Ash777: oh did carlton realise gibbons is a fwd not a mid?
Kidult: is curnow running with neale at all?
Baldfrog: Na number 32 is
Baldfrog: Newnes
Jackwatt$: I have Sharp in the midfield. Chance to play I think
Baldfrog: And Walsh by the looks
Ash777: well damn doc
Kidult: if mcluggage gets another 130+ i have to consider
Kidult: robbo starting to produce
Kidult: robbo jr that is
Baldfrog: Robbocop
benzammit: Ouch buggers had em over 15 uh well
amigaman: Already have McCluggage. He’s a gun and still improving
benzammit: Apparently McGrath is better than Taranto and McCluggage?..
benzammit: Just ask Bombers fans.?
frenzy: Who
benzammit: Impartial comments please?who best of 3
amigaman: @benzammit are you on drugs?
Ash777: mcgrath was peak dodo allergic reaction to mids
benzammit: I was but not now?
benzammit: In my opinion Heis behind other 2 by a way
Kidult: any thoughts on zorko went at 116 post bye coz neale got the tag instead most weeks
bones351: But we picked him number 1 so he has to be better
Baldfrog: Zorkos Good is very good and his poor is very poor
benzammit: He’s not yet Bones . Can be but needs to lift
Pokerface: go home dal santo you’re drunk
StuL: Ok. So Carlton are back to being rubbish
benzammit: Hate Lions, so many intravenous rorts
benzammit: If they do Fire a shot preseason there shot
Pokerface: did an essendon fan just complain about the injecting habits of another team?
Kidult: he had a 61 and 95 in those last 10 avg of 116
frenzy: Parish took awhile benzammit give him time
benzammit: Yep sure did?
Kidult: and they might work well together the longer they played
Pokerface: cool. just checking
Kidult: and the 61 he sat at in 3rd qtr from hammy tightness
benzammit: Lions will do bugger all, draw is not as kind, still great for a top 4 finish.
Kidult: sat out*
frenzy: Lol poker
Ash777: Mcgrath will be good but wont be a gun like tarranto n mcluggage already are
DrSeuss: Did you just suggest the Lions will do bugger all and finish top 4?
Baldfrog: Aussie Aussie Aussie oi oi oi
benzammit: Cheers ash I agree
benzammit: No will get slaughtered but had a kind draw for a top 4 finish
benzammit: Draws still great for a top 4 I meant
Gandhi: Lions will finish about Essendon, that’s for sure
benzammit: Na Lions won’t make the top 8
DrSeuss: Ok, so they will get slaughtered, but the draw is kind, so they will finish top 4? That’s what you meant??
Gandhi: Above*
frenzy: Neale will still ton up

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