BestCoast: Carn Rocky and
BestCoast: Zorkinator
nicw98: Need Steven to break the Robinson tag
McSpud: any word on neal?
circle52: Start Rocky
PieBoy: onya rocky
FrothyOne: Needing Rocky to go bigger than Danger and Neal to take a week off, my opponents flying atm
fyfe is life: haven’t heard a thing on neale but surely they play him because last game of season and pavs last #ThanksPav
BestCoast: Flood gates could open here
AngryRyno: also my thinking, Neale will play for the few touches he needs for a record and farewell good mate pav
FrothyOne: yeah, it would be harsh to leave him out
McSpud: how many touches does he need?
nbartos: I’m flying
AngryRyno: it’s only like 10 touches for the record
AngryRyno: lions definitely playing for the win not the pick
circle52: But we have to keep it up for four quarters. Watch the second.
AngryRyno: what would you prefer @circle52, win or pick 1? you don’t really want to lose but not by enough for #1
FrothyOne: nice start in this game by all the popular picks other than stNick
circle52: No real standouts in the draft angry – So win would be nice,
BestCoast: If the lions lose by 8+ goals they go bottom could be a possibility of they don’t play 4Q
frenzy: look at carlton, they got 5 number one’s
McSpud: I mean, what the bloody hell were you doing getting lippy at me with a bloody shotgun? I had a bloody loaded shotgun.
haddles99: Need Neale, Reiwoldt and Martin to combine for 324 to win. Not the best star. Come on boys
AngryRyno: rockliff on 46DT and still no tackles
fyfe is life: looking like a classic pig game from the champ here
BestCoast: Carn Saints
circle52: Shocking by Hanley there
King_Robbo: Need rocky to go massive for me to have any chance
Hadouken: im in the same boat robbo, he had danger C i have rocky.
fyfe is life: someone injure robinson, steven has to lift here
FrothyOne: Not that fantasy relevant but McEvoy out for haws is ineresting. May play into Pendles hands in the middle a little more
JButcher: Montagna plz
Roksta: Def not getting montags next year
thommoae: Billings being kept fresh for second half?
JButcher: @Roksta he got my hopes up with a good 1st quarter and then returns in inconsistency
PureSwag: Who will win, iv’e got Rich,Montaga,Pendles and Neale and my oppenet has Martin,Gibson,JJ and leads by 196
nbartos: Mcspud nice
fyfe is life: riewoldt cape??
FrothyOne: wow, gone to do a job, come back and stNick’s gone bang!!
9inch: Bugger off Rich.
nbartos: I’m just a bloody normal bloke. A normal bloke who likes a bit of torture.
nbartos: Roo gone bananas
PieBoy: onya brucey
King_Robbo: Flowering hell rocky do something! I need 130 at least!
BestCoast: NRoo firing on all cylinders
FrothyOne: 19 possessions prior to the half Robbo, hes going along ok 🙂
blashtroko: is that 75 DT this quarter for Riewoldt?
JRedden: riewoldt with a 75 point quarter…
fyfe is life: double superman surely ahah
King_Robbo: Yeah frothy – only 60 in SC – need more
jackbastas: this Is amazing watching Riewoldt dominat especially when you have him On your team
ballbag: @bartos they like it. . . well . . . they don’t like it but
JRedden: riewoldt was 14 at QT.. this insane
blashtroko: This is the biggest quarter of football i have ever seen
nbartos: Sux when op has him and I don’t
circle52: Too quick for Sauce – Need to put someone else on him.
FrothyOne: the Blokes a freak… shouldnt he be slowing down at his age??
ballbag: nroo dble cape. amazing gun that bloke!
Even Flow: how many pts do saints need to win by to make into 8 on % ??
Hadouken: jack steven ya flog. terrible
circle52: Have to beat Lions by 286 to make it Even Flow
man0005: st kilda should retire nick riewoldt
Even Flow: oh easy as that!
BestCoast: Saints should play Norths next week winner goes into finals
heppelitis: it depends on for and against @circle…1 point to 286 gonna effect % more than 2286 to 2000
Even Flow: Saints deserve to be in finals more than north
BestCoast: Totally agree Even Flow at least saints have some heart
heppelitis: anyway…not happening
King_Robbo: Agree even flow- north are rubbish! At least saints play with some fight and spunk
Costanza: GC & Lions to merge + Tigers & Dees still = 2 average teams
poolboybob: C’mon Saints, win the second half by 221 to 0 and you can lose to the Crows next week!
BestCoast: Who has a 9-0 start and just scraps into the eight, really
ballbag: norf melbum Norf melbum
CBeezDeez: please dont merge us with them! they’ll only drag us back down where we flowerin came from!
ballbag: so join the chorus
cusch1: Come on saints get that margin up
heppelitis: Cusch1 wants Brodie and dons to be spoonfreesince33
haddles99: If BRS finish last, wont that mean that essendopn couldn’t take the risk in taking omeara to the draft,
cusch1: Jaeger wants out of qld so Brisbane won’t take him in psd haddles
cusch1: Hepp I’ll take mcluggage, Brodie or Ainsworth and be a very happy bomber
ballbag: O’Meara had a patella injury. he ain’t never gonna play a full season
Pokerface: jaegar wont get to the draft. GC will sell him to the highest bidder first.
heppelitis: Agree
cusch1: Thats not what their pres said Poker, but hope that its done cleanly with all parties happy
Pokerface: you really think the pres would let him go for nothing when they could get something?
AngryRyno: “back on the game”
Pokerface: the fact there are multiple interested parties means somthing will get done
King_Robbo: Good rocky very good! Some big points there 🙂
ballbag: O’Meara wants 700k… lol. ud go for the couches or Fitch before O’Meara
cusch1: this is the gcs we are talking about Poker. It is a lottery in QLD football atm
ballbag: *titch
heppelitis: ryno…al this chat is about todays game…lots of flow on effects
heppelitis: Geez Rich please dont go backwards
BestCoast: O’Meara two years out of footy big risk paying 700k a year
Pokerface: cusch true, but it will be like carlisle. hawks being interested forced saints to go higher. gc will get somthing
AngryRyno: haha, just in jest mate
BestCoast: Lift Zorkinator
cusch1: Tbh I hope essendon goes after Patton but that is unrelated so I wont go there hahah
heppelitis: yeah I know..just your best m0nty impression
cusch1: Lions are currently 14 points away from a wooden spoon
heppelitis: lions are .3% ahead of dons and dropping
ballbag: great. and just like that Stevens passes monflogna
JButcher: Montagna may have just single-handedly lost me my Grand Final….
cusch1: Hepp if you have facebook go on the “essendon football club supporters page” and there is a table of what the score…
BestCoast: NRoo having a birthday
cusch1: …needs to be for us to jump them
frenzy: settle now Nroo
mattmac24: nick has just made me lose my grand final. Unless Neale, Dahl and Bont smash out a 120+ each
heppelitis: im watching on bigfooty haha Cusch….got the live ladder in front of me too!
cusch1: Come on Saints dont less us down
ballbag: what’s bigfooty?
nbartos: Too got 20sc for lucky goal out the back with no Mark?
september: Saints are playing like inbreed blindfolded Wombats!
heppelitis: chat forum
PieBoy: Onya rocky
Pokerface: its what nroo is playing right now ballbag
King_Robbo: lions are disgusting
heppelitis: killed me today rockliff…too good
september: C;mon saints GiddY Up!!!
Sloaneyyyy: they just said on MMM that if Lions lose by 10 goals or more they are guaranteed first pick in the draft
heppelitis: wow roo with 15 marks
Pokerface: hulk for jack
JButcher: In all honesty, I think that the Lions need pick 1 more than the Dons
mattmac24: Lions are still 0.4% ahead of bombers. Started the game at 0.5% ahead
BestCoast: Carn saints
cusch1: Sloaney its not as straightforward as that. the higher brisbane score, the higher the margin has to be
september: c’monnn crickyy
cusch1: right now margin has to be 64+ but that will only increase
mattmac24: It looks like Bombers are staying on the bottom at this point unless saints really kick away last quarter
heppelitis: yeah but it just dropped .26 of a % with those 2 goals
september: gunna need like 6 goals nil playing brisbrine muppets its defo possible
mattmac24: I hope the saints can push brisbane down.. The bombers deserve better than the wooden spoon.
Stuart88: Great gameRoo just wish the rest of my SC team turned up
september: if saints kick 4 goals to 0 bris % be 60.8
mattmac24: I know that if Saints get to 140 without brisbane scoring again, Brisbane are on the bottom.
september: so it’s not a huge margin needed still
Coutzy: If Brisbane don’t score from here, 19 points will do it
circle52: At the moment Saints are 19 points shy of handing Brisbane the spoon. But basiaclly for every goal that Brisbane score S
RooBoyStu: What are Bomber fans planning to cook with their wooden spoon tonight?
september: Says the north supporter haha
cusch1: Kangaroo stew
september: Your clan already buying wooden spoons for years to come
Jukesy: RBS still upset about getting done by 125 in the 2000 QF? Or the 69-point comeback?
haddles99: Give white the bandaid as he just kicked a goal
circle52: Each Goal brisbane score saints have to score 2.
King_Robbo: 50pt SC quarter rockman
RooBoyStu: our last wooden spoon was 1972
september: our last 1933 boxhead
RooBoyStu: now 2016 mate
september: your next is just around the corner
mace485: what are north planning to do when they crash out first week of finals? finishing 8th from 9-0.. what a joke
King_Robbo: missed tackle on rocky…
Jukesy: Tfw Melbourne have made a grannie more recently than North
King_Robbo: thanks CD – do your job you flogs
ballbag: leave Norf alone. their medical centre is a caravan
cusch1: saints need another 3 goals without brisbane scoring
cusch1: make that 2, or 11 points
september: essendon % 60.99 also going into fractions
circle52: Umpires doing best to hand Brisbane spoon – dubious free to Membrey and Sauce high no free
ballbag: you’re a mashed potato montage ya flog!!
september: Stick this spoon to your roo’s in 2 years!
Hadouken: roo has effictively killed my GF.
cusch1: No complaints here circle
cusch1: 1 more jfc how much time is left
Roksta: Brisbane on the bottom now
Pokerface: no greater deserved spoon than essendon this year.
september: up to 17th ongkayy
circle52: Leppa will be gone – Why he has not put a player in front of Riewoldt is beyond me
King_Robbo: any chance of doing a thing this qtr rocky?!
Hadouken: is rocky alive ?
mattmac24: Bombers should go thank Roo after this game.
mace485: as a dees fan, i know what this feels like. must be very average being a brisbane supporter
FrothyOne: Rocky youre killing me….
cusch1: fml come on roo get 2 more buddy
AngryRyno: Lions back to 17th…
september: All will feel the pain of the Bomber’s next few years! It’s coming
cusch1: saints need 19 points now. It was good while it lasted but the spoon is ours now
mattmac24: Saints need 3-4 unanswered goals now.. correct?
Pokerface: you might want to change your name september.
circle52: Been through it before Mace We will bounce back
Hadouken: my GF is all but gone now, so would be nice to see nRoo get the 200
RooBoyStu: James Hird to cook the Bombers boys a casserole, becareful what herbs he adds in it.
RooBoyStu: Hird to use the spoon
cusch1: dont let scott walk behind you, he might accidentally drive a knife through your back
september: Not over yet, love the noe=rth supporters is like their all the same breed of fish
BestCoast: Nroo genuine legend
ballbag: go for 10 nroo you fucken legend!!!
mattmac24: Really Rooboy? Just can’t let it go can you?
JRedden: get the double ton riewoldt
BestCoast: Should bombers get first pick after drugging
Pokerface: hird used to own a whole set before they got stuck in people’s backs!
Jukesy: RooBoy jealous that 16 >>> 4
blashtroko: This is like the Kobe Bryant send off game, except for Riewoldt’s captaincy
september: Says who the eagles fan?
jackbastas: would love to see Riewoldt kick
jackbastas: would love to see Riewoldt kick a bag of 10
Jukesy: BestCoast jealous that 16 >>> 3
DZL7: thought bombers wanted the spoon for that first pick
mattmac24: How many years has it been since all the stuff for the bombers happened? And people still can’t let it go..?
ballbag: leppas a dog for putting merret on nroo in his last game!
Pokerface: cronulla a genuine flag threat because they took their 3 week penalty. #standbyhird
Pokerface: lol pointing to cup wins from early 20th century. big deal.
cusch1: no we dont dzl
Hadouken: wow the double ton
BestCoast: BestCoast couldn’t give a flying uck about bombers
cusch1: 2012 i believe matt
DZL7: well my maates that go for bombers want that first pick LOL
cusch1: in an even draft, pick 1,2 and 3 are basically equal in terms of value.
DZL7: o meara to the bombers gunna happen now imo
JButcher: Except this one might not be Cusch if O’Meara is in it
mattmac24: First pick isn’t exactly that important.
september: Yep who would want a wooden spoon north just booked one so i guess some are after them
cusch1: oh well off to work so if FF isny up during finals all the best until round 1 2017 lads
Pokerface: certainly not this year mattmac. no standout at all.
AngryRyno: thanks for the ton Stefan
cusch1: Butcher he will be in pre season draft/rookie draft, not national draft
Pokerface: omeara wont be in the draft. trade week is bfore the draft
McSpud: i know what the bombers would use the spoon for
Pokerface: gc can trade him to whoever they want
mattmac24: Exactly pokerface.
PieBoy: Onya rocky
JButcher: Ah cheers for that Cusch
frenzy: blow the friggen siren
DZL7: omeara wont go to the draft lol
boges11: Bullseye for Roo
poido123: the refs just cost me the 55 margin for brisbane. that was a mark to zorko dmb fck
Pokerface: what are refs
PieBoy: Onya