BestCoast: Happy weekend all, Grand Final week Ye ha
hinsch: looking at the fixtures above you have to take Gawn as C Melbourne are playing twice against Geelong and StKilda haha
ben4444: Surely you’d back Danger as C against the dees?
m0nty: fixed 😉
ben4444: what’s everyone else doing about planning for Neale?
JockMcPie: @ben praying
Stuart88: Thinking VC Gawn
Yelse: bad start already with laird… now need selwood to go huge
Mex13: Opponent has Bartel…..
vartic: holy fuck dangerfield
haddles99: 31 points in 2 min. What a gun!
King_Robbo: Yep need danger and seleoodto go massive and Gawn to spud it up
ben4444: Is Danger on 31 at 3 minute marK? or is that a mistake?
haddles99: Make that 39
stakerz: its 31…. dunno how.. 3 kicks lol
haddles99: But he has had 3 effective disposals, 2 clearances and 2 goal assists.
hinsch: Danger 31 WTF how is that possible, did he get points for getting off the bus
GJayBee: Good day to spuddy spud spud Gawn Do it for Johnny.
Yelse: my opponent has T mcdonald 1 HB 10 SC this will be a long day
GJayBee: I had one rook, collings, traded his for the Yo Yo. life death move = death
deco: Danger’s first 3 touches were contested, 3 i50, 2 clearances, 2 goals assists. Hence the ratio
Yelse: deco what gives T mC 31.
GJayBee: Dying in a cash league final already. It’s a miracle or loss!!!
deco: All of his touches are contested, with 2 contested marks. CD just loves the contested ball.
ben4444: Danger 39 —> 29 in 5 minutes. Imminent negative scores….
RooBoyStu: Get Menegola they said, he’ll kill it they said….
JRedden: to start on your ground? you’re joking right?
Ben_Gogos: Hawkins with the cape with 9 minutes left in the Q!
Vich: and rooks are on your field in rd because…..
RooBoyStu: loophole him as emerg, if he scores well
JockMcPie: hands up who Captained gawn…lol
King_Robbo: They missed a Dangerfield tackle
colin wood: VC on Danger for me Jock.
stakerz: there goes geelongs finals series
m0nty: ooh not Danger!
nbartos: danger inj
RooBoyStu: Danger down and Geelong’s Premiership hopes ride on it
J_Pinkman: hands up who captained Danger….uh oh
nbartos: faker
JockMcPie: oh no
colin wood: Just put 50 o nthe Demons
nbartos: major m0nty?
PieBoy: Onya jonesy
Jukes82: is gawn injured? whats with his tog?
ben4444: Will he be coming back?
Umpirespet: Danger looking for sympathy better give him the heart m0nty
GJayBee: colin, you are a man
GJayBee: it’s over for me in SC already, yo yo and captain danger aaaahhhh
JockMcPie: he’s back 😀
GJayBee: i hope Danger had more jabs than the brisbane bears prem team
TheBigCats: Nice to see the big Tomahawk havin a good game
TheBigCats: Come on Jimmy, I want to see you in finals!
BestCoast: Not near a TV is Danger ok ??
nbartos: 125 from Danger will be interesting Sit or Stand
Mex13: If Selwood is done I’ve lost….
Ben_Gogos: Brayshaw is a pleasure to watch.
stakerz: put selwood and danger on ice… wouldnt risk injuring them
GJayBee: Neck soreness is serious when you are a Selwood. head likely to come clean off
shaker: They can rest next week
DrSeuss: Is Selwood coming back on?
nbartos: yep Dr
King_Robbo: Of course Selwood gets injured when we need him most
nbartos: Softwood firing up again now
Roksta: Selwood back with vengeance
RooBoyStu: The question for this game will be who faked their injury better Danger, Duckwood or Jones?
Bulky: God I wish Basil Zempilas missed his flight home from Rio.
GJayBee: as Danger said, ‘Any other herb.’
Yelse: geez tom mc please stop just stop
PieBoy: Onya paddy
Mex13: Keep pushing Selwood, nee a big one
nbartos: stole Jimmys points selfish
Roksta: The question is where will the Roos finish with their best players being axed
Ben_Gogos: Hahah Jonesy is playing with a very tender hammy, can barely run…
GJayBee: axe Harvey, keep Ray? Is this how it’s going down?
GJayBee: I respect Ray no doubt. But he’s the kind of player you hope makes 200
colmullet: vince can lick my scrotum
Roksta: Hopefully Selwood can clean up his disposal in the last half
Roksta: Put the c on danger at half time
Sloaneyyyy: why doesn’t Melb put Hogan into the guts to get a few touches
frenzy: Hogans last game for the Dees?
thommoae: Some class please col …
Mex13: Selwood keep going don’t stop
colmullet: i thought that was classy…
Raspel31: Expecting 120 Gawn last quarter.
Roksta: Selwood having a rest mex
Sloaneyyyy: I thought Hogan was contracted for next season?
King_Robbo: Do something Selwood you flog
Dunlop: @Sloaneyyy – He is, no chance he moves even if he requests a trade west
Roksta: Lol robbo reckon he’s doing ok
nbartos: Softwood robbed a goal there
BestCoast: Gawn having a lazy Saturday arvo
Roksta: Thing Melb are on mad Monday already bestcoast
BestCoast: I think you might be right there Roksta
m0nty: surely some heart icons are warranted!
King_Robbo: Come on danger we want 170+
BestCoast: Give a heart to Hogan m0nty I think he lost his
Roksta: Melb aren’t playing with any heart Monty…
CBeezDeez: They’d be the closest Melb would get to one mOnty!
shaker: Jones for going on with a stuffed hammy
RooBoyStu: Gawn already thinking about the beers and ciggys on mad monday
Ben_Gogos: @m0nty they’ll be coming!
BestCoast: RooBoy you would be guttered about Boomer getting the A
RooBoyStu: Pathetic from the Dees for Paul Roos last match as coach
RooBoyStu: @BestCoast I wont comment on that, as if I say what i really think I would be banned for years
Raspel31: Gawn now only 110 behind SC prediction. Can he make it?.
shaker: Cmon Bartel move your old butt
Roksta: Boomer getting picked up for a year at about 16 other clubs
Roksta: Looks like only one Scott is a good coach
BestCoast: I’m a bit disappointed thought he could easy go on,been playing good footy still
shaker: I would be angry if my club even thought about Boomer time to retire
Roksta: Top 3 bnf
CBeezDeez: Looking @ the other gajes scoreline tells me we haven’t improved too much😕
CBeezDeez: Games*
DrSeuss: Vince you useless spud!!
ben4444: Lift Enright, Lift!!
BestCoast: Insipid Dee’s absolute disgrace sending Roos out like this
colin wood: Melbourne have ruined Hogan.. Another failure. Will dominate up West
kissgodz: Why does this page keep crashing and reloading on ipad 2? It shits me.
CBeezDeez: Looks like Danger loophole comin ip again…
CBeezDeez: Geelong… Melb coach killer yet again LoL
Roksta: Maybe I should drop ward for mangola score
nbartos: Hang your heads Melb players Roos
nbartos: deserved a better send off thanks
frenzy: gee Jimmy, you aint no Rance bud with them numbers
lukefield9: Wait is this game getting scaled down?
ben4444: should be scaled up – aggregate points are only 3201 at the moment
RooBoyStu: nbartos your mate Petracca played well lol
Jukes82: boomer is a flog
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