HamJam2014: buddy to kick 10, please
leorosman_: stay down franklin, go big hanners and parker
Jukes82: have to start petracca or kerridge, who should i choose lads?
Vich: youd think kezza v that horrid saints backline
poido123: kerridge jukes. lets go franklin
TowelBoy25: Need Gray to drink it up, so watch him go ballistic today
Jukes82: cheers fellas
TowelBoy25: *stink it up, bloody autocorrect
HamJam2014: @Jukes82 kerridge
TowelBoy25: Hope Pittard actually scores today, last week was painful
CBeezDeez: JPK… Huge please
poido123: lets go sydney! 22+ please
Pokerface: that’s enough parker.
bongidongi: need gray and heeeeney to smash it! parker as well, but my op has him, so it doesn’t really matter
Pokerface: ollie ollie ollie
boo!: wines wines wines
blashtroko: Oggy Oggy Oggy
JButcher: FFS we are gonna get spanked
shaker: Cmon McVeigh get your old butt moving
OllieC: butch to kick 5 today
TowelBoy25: Bugger off Nankervis!
blashtroko: The SCG has turned into an absolute dump of a ground
poido123: Give em a hiding Swanners 🙂
Stst1001: Hanners is going huge. I don’t need this.
AngryRyno: Swans will have 22 goal kickers today
chinkas: port should go to the airport at half time
Jukes82: yes hannes! stay down gray and buddy. good start
zadolinnyj: Muppet
AngryRyno: look at Port’s top DT scorers, all butchering the ball
Stst1001: Cmon Robbie G
shaker: This got ugly quickly
swannies05: what happened to rohan
Jackwatt$: Are Port the new flat track bullies?
Pokerface: 1 effective possesion. wtf ollie
Vich: More like butch to have 5 kicks
Jackwatt$: That’s better McVeigh, you might just avoid the embarressment of me fielding a rookie instead of you
Vich: @Jukes – ur mate tracca off to a good start 😛
JRedden: this is pathetic from gray, do something ffs
hinsch: Happy to have Buddy about 70SC points today
DrSeuss: Gray being tagged? Or just nowhere near it?
CBeezDeez: Oh yay!!! Me JPK vs Hanners & Pitts! Think I’m up against it already! Boo hoo!
shaker: hinsch you jinxed yourself
NichoB: gray isn’t playing in the midfield @Drseuss playing up foward
grossn: oh my lord I just logged on to check the scores… Swans must be shocking. 8.6???
grossn: I mean, port havent even kicked a behind, Swans really lacking here
Jukes82: @vich im worried, hope he stays under 75
DrSeuss: Up forward? @NichoB – Seems like another genius coaching move.
Vich: All good…he hasnt moved in ages… i think youll be right with the kerridge call
NichoB: genius chucking your best player in the pocket when port have had less than 10 inside 50’s @Drseuss
grossn: I take back my statement
NichoB: hannas being tagges by ebert ffs
Ben_Gogos: What a terrific goal by Rampe
AngryRyno: defender kicks goal
RooBoyStu: JPK icicle
JButcher: We deserve this for naming 3 tall forwards on a wet SCG
Vich: swans with 3 tall forward too ay?
Gott2Win: Come on JPK, at least beat Pendles score
JButcher: @Vich except we have butcher
Vich: hey hey…he’s kicked nearly 7% of your total score hehe
Vich: woops didnt load in time…make that nearly 50%!!!
poido123: robbie gray? that is putrid
Apachecats: Used all my cash to buy a midfielder ,needed a certainty ,ended up with JPK.Please lift.
casty46: robbie gray you kill it, then to get finals and you fuck me over
Apachecats: My little pep talk to JPK worked.!!
LuvIt74: What the hell happened to hanners, he was 50 SC at half time
LuvIt74: sorry quarter time
OllieC: @luvit74 no he wasn’t mate
Rowan1984: can you
Rowan1984: can you do a pep talk to robbie gray
Ben_Gogos: This has been an exceptionally long penguin!
grossn: Kennedy stay down please
Apachecats: Come on Robbie Grey lift for Rowan
Rowan1984: cheers mate lol
colin wood: Bobbie Gray 🙁 of all weeks…
Paga1208: naismith has a breakeven of -12 this week…
AngryRyno: time to get moving again McVeigh
deanie: lets go JPK
casty46: so glad i captained Heeney
Apachecats: Hope no ones got Dixon.
CBeezDeez: Gawd? How’d U come up with that 1 Casty?
feralmong: i’d take dixon 2 weeks ago apache when mcgov gave me 3 for the whole game.
LuvIt74: bloody hell wines lift
casty46: fuck you trengrove, gray and mills, cost me my match
TowelBoy25: C’mon Pittard, get to 90 at least!
Apachecats: Yeah Feral I got rid of McGovern a while back but he got a huge SC last week.
Torz: Is Gray still playing forward, haven’t spotted him for a while?
jeddies22: is gray sleeping
feralmong: don’t worry towelboy, pittard is good for the ton.
hinsch: need R gray to stay right were he is going great
TowelBoy25: Not when he’s playing in a side losing by over 10 goals, something SC take note of.
TowelBoy25: Buddy on bench with ice on knee
colin wood: Great first Pendles and now Buddy to go with Grays rubbish.
brentz: Hopefully he doesnt come back on
hinsch: Buddy on bench opponent has got him and R Gray this is great
Apachecats: Be nice Brentz
Rowan1984: buddy back on
Jukes82: swans should put buddy on ice, game over
Gott2Win: Another quarter like that one thanks JPK
Apachecats: Dixon gets a free kick and handballs it FFS
feralmong: snag a few robbie. all i’m asking.
feralmong: SC Finals – the moment you see +3 and +2 everywhere except your players.
LuvIt74: carn wines ffs do something
feralmong: surely a few more mare’s needed for port players.
TowelBoy25: *test*
JButcher: Unfortunately I think Hinkley and Voss have to go, game plan hasn’t changed since 2014, no plan B
feralmong: swap you choco and dimma Jbutcher.
AngryRyno: i thought Voss got sacked ages ago
TowelBoy25: C’mon Naismith & Pittard, 85 each from you guys would be handy!
oc16: voss?
frenzy: you can have Choco back, tigers giving him the Kyber
Apachecats: Don’t you hate it when your half way through doing a post and the screen refre
feralmong: i want stewy dew in charge.
Apachecats: Refreshes
LuvIt74: carn hanners pump it, pump em out son.
Stst1001: The mare for Robbie. Sounds about right.
Apachecats: Kennedy has started celebrating junk time.
colin wood: Buddy and Gray what a joke…
Stst1001: Team score for port 1278…
Apachecats: Buddy has an alibi
hinsch: PA are winning the clangers though
CBeezDeez: C’mon JPK. Go fwd & snag a couple o ssg’s
TowelBoy25: C’mon Naismith, get some junk time points!!
casty46: trengrove and gray i hope you feel good about yourselves, absolute pussies
PieBoy: Onya robbie
Stst1001: I see Robbie eked out a half century.
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