Gott2Win: Neale to get about 150 today
BestCoast: Very warm up here today about 29 for the Spud Cup
tbrowne: hopefully collins has one of those 100 days
iZander: Stephen Hill taking the kick ins, surly hes off halfback 😛
willywalks: u know its going to be a terrible game if jarrad grant can score a goal
Gott2Win: There is fair dinkum about only 5 blokes in this game that would get a game for most other clubs
Nwalton: i hope freo get a home final
clee!: Kolojizznee is terrible
9inch: Forgot to trade out collins 🙁 stuffs my other trade now.
LuvIt74: carn Davis need a 80 or more
sfmmp23: come on big game collims
m0nty: might have to make a +2 icon for Suns games…
AngryRyno: come on Neale xx
Yelse: neale since i picked you up producing shower
AngryRyno: Neale needs marks and tackles
iZander: wells thats a cape i thought id never see 😛
PieBoy: onya nealey
AngryRyno: keep going Neale those beastly CP numbers
feralmong: 007 MayDay top two for Suns
Nwalton: my friends at johno say I play like sammy frost!
Gott2Win: Shoenfield looking good
cadelcamac: surely Collins scales a little higher in SC…going @ 87% with no clangers
feralmong: Go Collins go.
Yelse: clay smith worth it for a pick up?? will he drop when dalhaus comes in?
casty46: lift davis!
Gott2Win: Most of them are backwards and uncontested
Buzz67: Word is Schoenfeld is a jet
sfmmp23: carn collins, between you and ruggles for mcveighs spot
AngryRyno: schoe looking like a gun
Yelse: collins please stop u on my bench and i can’t bring you in
casty46: i love shane yarran
Shaundog: @yelse I feel your pain!
King_Robbo: i may have to take collins score over brodie smith… i can see him doing nothing v cats..
Gott2Win: Collins can stop at about 60 for the day thanks
clee!: not so funny casty, now that the pies have lost?
King_Robbo: never saw jarrad grant do that at the dogs… incredible
Gott2Win: Once again the review system fails
AngryRyno: Neale deserves more SC
tbrowne: Might take collins over rance if collins gets over 85
Breezey: Neale will get 50 possies today.
Gott2Win: Stop scoring now thanks Collins
9inch: Collins has made his be yet so no $$$s.
BestCoast: Freo are a Flog side in an arm wrestle with a team missing 20 players Freo are Spuds
Breezey: Drop punt Grant. Heard of one of those
rooboypete: the week after I drop Collins, he does this! Typical
AngryRyno: if Neale was Danger he’d have 130 by now
LuvIt74: WTF would u trade collins, how many trades do you have
Jukes82: give neale the gun
Jukes82: why would yo drop collins when he’s still making good cash lol
9inch: Collins be is 80 sc. Basically cooked.
AngryRyno: collins good coverage, mcveigh owners would be happy
ryanbob: How’s neale only 93 with 38 poss?
casty46: kolojizznee
mattmac24: most people would have a full premo defense now so Collins makes for good bench cover.
Gebs: @mattmac .. correct
ajconodie: Look at his DE ryanbob
RooBoyStu: $ for Collins lol sc be -7 is wrong
mattmac24: 8 clangers for -32 points for neale
AngryRyno: come home strong neale need a good VC score
carlton_99: Why is Neales SC score so low. Has 38 possies and a goal
cadelcamac: cmon Collins….
LuvIt74: coz he isn’t Dangerfield
AngryRyno: GC running away with it
Gebs: @ carlton99 and ryan bob read mattmacs comment. theres a bit more to it in sc
sfmmp23: Neale deserves more than 93, even with 8 clangers. 38 possies, 20CP and a goal. Big scale probably.
LuvIt74: 20 contested possessions and 8 clangers
King_Robbo: Freo are a joke. Clearly tanking
sfmmp23: and he has 8 clearences. I get the sc rule but seems as though he has busted his gut all day, not really being rewarded.
mattmac24: he’d be 130 without the 8 clangers. also 60% DE, I’d say he deserves what he’s on. he’ll scale a bit though
sfmmp23: collins get to 90 great bench cover
cadelcamac: Neale should become a woman, marry a Dangerfield, then play. He’d be on 135+
Stst1001: Would love Collins to eek out a 90 here…
ajconodie: AFL Integrity need to look at this game.
mattmac24: he will get a lot of the scaling for freo since he’s done the most work for them. has happened before
LuvIt74: each clanger is -4 so he had 8 thats 32 points gone right there
clee!: standard kolo
colin wood: I have Neale and I’m satisfied with his score. Alot of turnovers. Like mattmac said hes score will scale abit at the end
AngryRyno: clock anyone?
LuvIt74: 9 clangers so -36
mattmac24: I have Neale too, he’s my VC. would love the score he’d get without the clangers but what can you do?
LuvIt74: 3 minutes
iZander: may star for sure
Bazza2014: all over
mattmac24: 3 Mins left
mattmac24: as long as the rest of my players hit their projected scores for SC, I’m going for 2600+
LuvIt74: Does one take Collins score and bench Rich?
painkilla: havent u all learnt by now SC rewards outside players who get easy disposals, not the
24incharms: luvit74 , explain kennedys score then with his 7 clangers
cadelcamac: I’m looking like benching DBE for Collins.
Gott2Win: we get the same shit every week, people whinging about the sc scores. If you don’t like it, don’t play
mattmac24: keep rich against bombers imo.
willywalks: sexton for the star, hard to choose when no one stood out
Fizzy343: tackles 24incharms
Gebs: @24in charms only reala difference between the two is jjk got more tackles
LuvIt74: @24 inch look at JPK Tackes 6 to Neals 1
Fizzy343: its almost as if thats what i said
LuvIt74: Yup Neales score is right
LuvIt74: Neale 10 clangers to JPK’s 7
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