Harmes37: slow chat day
Torz: They just said Steven H2H with Gibbs.
Raspel31: Need 300 from Weitering after capping Neale instead of Danger.
dipstick: @harmsey they feel threatened by the top 4 blues. OK. I leave ya to it.
Harmes37: I have Doch Simmo and Kerridge
Tigger5: docherty looking like hes going to have a big one
Harmes37: I almost brought Neale in this week
armalitemk: @Harmes37 you are going to have some funky defenders next week then with both Carlton boys out!
Raspel31: Tagged out Harmes-still a good bet.
Hadouken: going to be a high scoring affair
JockMcPie: need a massive game from joey
Bazza2014: Arvo Lads.
Harmes37: for sure @arma lucky I have prepared well across the ground
Bazza2014: Dochers my only player in the game. cmon
kosduras: afternoon gents
Raspel31: Arvo Bazza
Bazza2014: Arvo Raspel
Raspel31: Wake me up when someone scores
JockMcPie: lol docherty on a mission to beat danger’s score…
BigLynchy: current score looks like something from the Euro matches overnight 🙂
Bazza2014: docherty on target for 120
armalitemk: @Harmes37 good on you I thought about adding simpson but i had docherty at the start and didn’t want to jinx myself 🙂
Hadouken: carlton been forward much at all ?
Harmes37: 9 kicks in 13 mins wtf?
Bazza2014: i trail at the moment by 459 care of bloody rocky. 8 players to 4 to go, lets see this happen
Bazza2014: not sure carlton have got an inside 50
JockMcPie: docherty averages 130+ SC in last 4-5 matches against st kilda
nbartos: Carlton making a joke out of the SC scoring model
vartic: Docherty & Simmo in this one >tfw 5 defenders on bye next week
poolboybob: Good move letting Docherty get away for pick 33, Brisbane.
leorosman_: captain docherty im happy rn hahaha
Harmes37: @Raspel…wa…..nevermind. go back to sleep
Bazza2014: actually 8- 5 players to go, and i have Titch C
dipstick: open yer facken eyes Raspel
Fury: Docherty to get double ton
Harmes37: OMFG who kicked that surely it was an accident ? lol
leorosman_: @fury wouldnt that be nice
Bazza2014: ill take 120, not greedy for DT, he usually has one low qtr
Harmes37: Must be the weather playing its part 😉
Raspel31: Thanks dipstick
poolboybob: Gresham actually a handy player through the byes… plays every week and usually good for about 50 or 60.
Viscount: Mr Lee, you are a bubble boy on my bench, appreciate you are a cog, but you are allowed to get the ball yourself!
nbartos: Montag is butchering it
JRedden: glad i held sumner, started well
PieBoy: have a crack tommy
Harmes37: unfortunately the TAG has made another appearance :/
auxDT: Steven, hulk it up mate
JockMcPie: keep it up all my players, doing great so far joey, docherty, simmo and kerridge
sfmmp23: hopefully Joey keeps it under 80, he will be ripe for an upgrade target
frenzy: I’m Cryin Byrne
desmondo: Squibbs is doing nothing…again
leorosman_: docherty keep it up mate big c
Tommo2909: Byrne, I need some points from you
Tigger5: membreys running rings around weitering
Bazza2014: really happin my draft league to have picked Dochers up.
poolboybob: Go Doc, ton up by half time
DrSeuss: Cripps – it is time for you to leave my team!
Bazza2014: saints all over the favs at the moment
poido123: what the hell is byrne doing? get a move on steven
Hadouken: come on carlton ya bunch of flogs
poido123: ffs carlton. last leg of my treble, cost me 300 :/
Hadouken: @poido123 killing my 5 leg 🙁 after i got all of yesterdays games right..
PieBoy: onya piercey
Kekkington: Carlton is my second last in my 6 leg. and I thought I screwed it when Westcoast lost turns out I didn’t have them
64frogs: Doch has SC immunity from FA Hickey goal from doch FA CD say that’s ok nothing to see here
Kekkington: With the amount of injured and down players for Saints you would expect Carlton to steam roll them
JockMcPie: remember who r talking about…its carlton..
Bazza2014: great tackle Dochers
Gott2Win: Wouldn’t mind montags and Simpson slowing slightly
sfmmp23: docherty has been sitting on 70 for about 15 minutes
sfmmp23: but im ok with that my opp has him
Tigger5: that boundary umpires logic was terrible
JockMcPie: docherty + simpson + montagna + kerridge = fantastic
Bazza2014: how was it touched over the line for a non mark, then he stated in that case its OOF
Roksta: Montagna and simmo gotta keep going
Bazza2014: bizarre logic
sfmmp23: apparentley simmo got nothing for reaking a pack of three then hitting a target by foot
Bazza2014: dochers qtr 1-49, qtr 2-24 , 73 good to go
JockMcPie: im proud of my boys, i will crack 2000 after this game!
Tigger5: surely simpson should be on more than Joey, joeys been butchering it
Thedude24: Almost certain that 5 or 6/6 of stkilda’s frees were holding the ball. Super effort
Vinstar: Need s.ross and Simpson to get 25+
cusch1: There’s going to be some big scores this week. Imagine having danger, jelwood doc, rocky, sgibson
Kekkington: Rocky wasn’t a big score though
sfmmp23: kek rocky got 140 in dt i think
Sloaneyyyy: If only Newnes could play like this more regularly
cusch1: Wow I didn’t realise how low his sc was ahhah
sfmmp23: need simmo to break 120
Viscount: C’mon Tom, lift!
Hadouken: carlton are puss
Torz: Steven has been huge.
Bulky: Gibbs is a downhill skier.
Bazza2014: carlton dont want it, no where near hard enough at it
Hadouken: the whole carlton team are downhill skiers
sfmmp23: come on simmo
Stikman35: Thomas is an uphill skier?
Bazza2014: ive moved on from viewing, will watch the condensation on my window dry instead
JockMcPie: would nearly rather watch gold coast 0.o never a good sign
poido123: bloody saint decide to turn up today. Blues not so much :/
Kermit: Kermit the Frog here with a Muppet News Flash: Savage kicks straight to Wright for a clanger goal.
auxDT: steven has transformed into the hulk
Bazza2014: i cant believe this game is nearly being decided by the ruckwork of hickey, to steven, its remarkable in the day and age
JockMcPie: eyy kermit, good 2 c u
Bazza2014: BOG Steven
dipstick: @jock then record the suns game to watch tomorrow arvo
heppelitis: very nice steven..great to get a top score after being tagged early
poido123: happy with evryone. Byrne…
Stst1001: Cripps kerridge weitering cmon…
frenzy: you are a star Hickey
Hadouken: @frenzy funny enough i have him, normally dont admit that though. hehe
Gott2Win: Steven finally becoming SC relevant, has usually always racked up possies but no damage
frenzy: got him myself a couple weeks back for insurance for goldy
Tigger5: Hickey’s winning Saints the game, his tapwork has been phenomenal
Breezey: Come on Savage. Keep pumping along
Krispin_35: U beast Steven get to 150 in the final quarter and get yo ass moving Simpson
LuvIt74: Lee comes in and stuffs up his leg
JockMcPie: cmon kerridge ton up and make it 4 for the game for me
LuvIt74: @frenzy spewing u couldn’t keep up with the Cats, wanted the Roo’s to win.
Torz: Hulk for Steven
LuvIt74: Ease up docherty I gotta get u after the byes
frenzy: I’ll try harder next time, lol Luvit
kosduras: a ton from simmo and kerridge would be ideal
Vinstar: Cmon simmo get to 25 touches
Thedude24: Well done Jack. Nice try tagging him blues.
Hadouken: carlton to pile on 7 more unanswered goals and take it out
Torpedo10: Hickey on my bench, with Petracca on field. Geez, that’s annoying.
Torz: Steven is the star, amazing game.
Sloaneyyyy: Steven going nuts!
sainter11: Hickey and Membrey on the field today (y)
cusch1: This year I selected ziebell in my team over Steven for the first time . I regret it almost every week
Bazza2014: wd Dochers
cusch1: Traded in Simpson and jgibson and very happy with the return
Lachie.BT: When you have steven hmmmm very good game
Sloaneyyyy: time to tonne up now please Joey
Hadouken: well the multi may be out the window, but very happy with hickey.
Lachie.BT: another 25 points kerridge would be good
Bazza2014: not in 5 mins
mattmac24: Was telling so many people to get docherty in a few weeks ago when he was still cheap but they didn’t listen!
LuvIt74: Loody hell Docherty is gonna make money at this rate with a B/E of 143
LuvIt74: @mattmac i could have but it would have effected my bye structure
LuvIt74: I was telling everyone that I rated Docherty higher then Simpson b4 he went BANG damn it.
Stst1001: Weitering drift down forward and slot a major
Torz: Poor second half Armo.
LuvIt74: I’m bringing both of them in R14
Krispin_35: Steven and Simpson in this not much more I could ask for
LuvIt74: Realistically if i knew Adams was a late out I would have brought him in, but i didn’t realise he was a l8 out
mattmac24: Same here with the Simo and Doc debate, I’ve had him from the start.
NoneyaB: geez i have joey stevens and doc gibbs and kedge out of this one game
jmate: my bad wrong round
frenzy: my boy Hickey