J.Worrall: earth calling
AngryRyno: no scores?
J.Worrall: no nuttin’
wadaramus: Zero point zero.
Sloaneyyyy: Libba is already on 21
dipstick: zilch!
Sloaneyyyy: make that 24
ajconodie: 6 tackles. Bugger me dead
Sloaneyyyy: libba on 36 now, he’s going nuts… =(
ryanbob: go libba, bring out your usual 160 against melbourne
cusch1: Got libba, Viney and petracca, both leading their teams. Is this the turnaround?
Snarfy: Petracca’s a big boy aint he!
JockMcPie: why do ruckmen always fail against the dogs?
Lecras: is caleb daniel even on the field?
ryanbob: everytime i put kennedy on the field he plays shocking
cusch1: Snarfy his goal was all class. Definitely something to be excited about for Dee’s fans
JockMcPie: go big petracca
poolboybob: Libba going for the tackle record. By half time
ryanbob: lol libba, two tackles in ten seconds
Ash777: dogs rucks negate the opposing rucks around ground
Torz: Reported? Please. Soft as.
circle52: Vince reported but does not appear to be a lot in it.
MIJG: If he could get some touches he’d be killing it
circle52: Still contacted Wallihead though so who knows with MRP
JockMcPie: nononono wagner please touch the ball
cusch1: Will be kne week max if he has a poor record
jocka: Vince will go for weeks.
circle52: Wallis got straight up though Jocka so may be low contact
circle52: For info Darius Vince reported for high bump/contact on Mitch Wallis
AngryRyno: Gawn quiet, so is Dahl
OnTheRocks: this is a fucking ridiculous week. All my POD players are failing.
dipstick: @onrocks that’s why they are PODs
MIJG: Spark up Boyd.
cusch1: Enjoy a week off Boyd
JockMcPie: im sad max gawn. very sad.
Ash777: no week off has will be 70pts
MIJG: Great week for my opponent to capt Gawny. 🙂
LuvIt74: No way will Boyd get a week for that
poolboybob: I’ve played against opponents who had Gawn only twice this year. Both times he scored over 170.
Torz: Need to start taking some marks Biggs.
circle52: Did some reseatch and in 7 rounds no ruck has topped the 100 v Dogs including Goldy who had his lowest score
Breezey: My opponent has Gawn as skipper. Keep it right there Maxy
circle52: Why I did not C Gawn
Apachecats: My forecast SC was 2320 ,going to end up on 1800 if I’m lucky .Thanks Gawn ,Parker ,Zaha
ajconodie: Kennedy having a ripper 1/4
Apachecats: Rance ,Ward ,Hall and a few others
Roksta: A lot of the low ruck scores against dogs because of our clearance stats
LuvIt74: I stated this yesterday all the top rucks have scored poorly against the dogs.
iZander: anyone who has Gawn captain just didn’t do their research…
dipstick: bugg needs a spray for that. mortein time roosey
Breezey: Spot on Roksta
iZander: love it how its taken 8 rounds for people to realise this too haha, all the better for me 😛
AngryRyno: wow Bennedy go son!
JRedden: so many hunter tackles missed
Breezey: I’m a stickler for having a midfielder as captain. Gotta be Hanners or Pendles every week for me
Smurf_x: Got Gawn as captain…..Fml
ryanbob: not gawns day, dropped two marks now
Rockafella: Dont worry, he will make a big comeback like Tom Mitchell did last night, 122 quality capt points right there
MIJG: Boyd ,Libba and Bennedy 🙂
poolboybob: Attaboy Bennedy, keep generating that cash
Yelse: goldy and gawn will get double teamed now. a lot of third man ups against them which will decrease whiteouts to advantag
LuvIt74: Dogs centre clearance is phenomenaley fast, this is the reason the Rucks score poorly PERIOD
ryanbob: was that not kennedys FF?
King_Robbo: Metra is a dog
colin wood: Ruckmen this season have had terrible scores this against the dogs.
SilverLion: @ryanbob It was yes, against Redpath. CD people got that one wrong.
SaintsMan: collin wood, said that since golds game, hickey, gawn, martin and goldy
MIJG: Pitty bonts not a fwd anymore.
King_Robbo: Jetta* hit bont behind play
pants42: was coasting to a big win… Gawn capt, will now lose 🙁
SilverLion: cape for kennedy
Sloaneyyyy: loving this big Max, my opponent has him as captain
Breezey: I’m loving it too Sloaneyyyy
ryanbob: libba should smash the tackle record
poolboybob: Libba might start laying tackles on the runners and boundary umpires
han solo: Good boy Maclean letting it go for liba
ryanbob: i know libba has had a few clangers but surely he should be 70+ for his tackles
Roksta: Good to see dogs up on the free count
Jukes82: how much is a tackle worth in sc?
eagles86: looks like i might win my sc with gawn having a shocker thank god
Roksta: I always thought it was 4pts jukes
Apachecats: Logged of for a while ,good to see Gawn has had a kick now
Torpedo10: It’s 4 for a normal tackle, and 6 for a rundown tackle.
ryanbob: libba you tackling freak. gonna smash that record of 19
JockMcPie: gawn please. get to 80?
awesomeguy: Libba just keeps racking up the tackles
AngryRyno: a lot of SC tackles seem to be worth just 3
JockMcPie: wat is petracca doing lol…
SilverLion: Libba more tackles than possies…
Apachecats: Think I’ll log off again hope he gets a kick while I’m gone ,you too Petracca.
MIJG: Libba a true bulldog.
poolboybob: Libba will be a late out next week… general soreness
awesomeguy: and then theres petracca….
awesomeguy: eagles din’t u say u had JK? Well he’s kicked 5 in the first quarter u might actually win when unexpected
AngryRyno: Libba nearly has more tackles than Petracca does points!
Lodgy: Surprised the sports scientists haven’t pulled libba off and told him to stop tackling!
MIJG: No spoilers from other games geez. Delayed telecast here in the west
JockMcPie: gawn, wagner, petracca…gonna be lucky to get 2000 at this rate.
the worm: i hate spoilers too…but u might wanna avoid footy chats to be safe mijg
dipstick: lol. no such thing as spoilers with a live twitter feed every 15 seconds
feralmong: Need a big last qtr from Gawn and truck.
vartic: did libba just lose a tackle?
Karlpov: They missed a macrae tackle.. gave it to picken instead
AngryRyno: i think Libba did indeed lose a tackle
ryanbob: yeah libba lost a tackle for some reason
dipstick: libba needs 3 more tackles for record
feralmong: Sorry if mentioned. Isn’t 17 the tackle record. Bolton’s.
Torz: 19 is the record by Bolton/Ziebell
Mash: 19 is record
han solo: is 19 – ziebell holder
ryanbob: 18 is the record, bolton and ziebel
feralmong: Cheers
OnTheRocks: i think Libba heavily applies the glue at the start of each qtr
feralmong: Need more from truck and Gawn. Unless bken and Biggs get none as well.
awesomeguy: Libba hasnt laid a tackle in a while…
awesomeguy: someone called it before, ruckman dont play well against the dogs
MIJG: Carn Boyd finish well like last week.
AngryRyno: Bulldogs have announced they will handball to opposition to allow libba to lay more tackles
Generalsor: Vince likely to be suspended? Anyone see it?
awesomeguy: if libba breaks the reord then thats a nice points boost in SC
Smurf_x: Absolutely no chance vince will be suspended. Weak as
AngryRyno: still 900 points to be donated
feralmong: Trash it up Gawn.
Torz: Agree with Smurf. Not much in it.
Generalsor: Cool, cheers papa Smurf
thommoae: Vince careless, hip to shoulder/head but Wallis up & about straight away
AngryRyno: make that 700, few extra points being dished out a I speak
feralmong: Ahh no ryno just 600 to go.
feralmong: Hehe lol. Timing is off.
King_Robbo: This backs up what I think all dogs supporters thought. Mcg actually suits our game!
ryanbob: come on libba, just lay one more tackle!
Ash777: wtf is with the hypnotic things the demons cheer squad is using
Torpedo10: I know right Ash! Absolutely crazy, should be banned.
LuvIt74: Imagine if the dogs had 2 of their best running defenders in Murphy & JJ
LuvIt74: Not to mention Adams who has been awesome in defence.
LuvIt74: There centre clearance is blinding
han solo: he wont get record
Generalsor: Ugh Wagner on field hurts
Torz: Thanks for the donut this quarter Biggs. :/
han solo: pedersen is a massive massive massive spud
LuvIt74: Dogs wont make 3rd now
ryanbob: get in there libba!
awesomeguy: no cmon libba!
AngryRyno: Libba choking big time
iZander: not having wagner in your team hurts more 🙁
BestCoast: Stringer scabbing every week
jaxx: petracca needs $$ or up arrow
colin wood: time left guys?
AngryRyno: Libba on 19 tackles!
ryanbob: libba! one more!
Roksta: Well done libba tackle record
Pokerface: should i do gawn to kruezer?
AngryRyno: lol @PokerFace
han solo: gotta get it from this clearance
han solo: yes get kreuzer for gawn. he only got 174 last week lol
DanBlack: Don’t chase last weeks points Pokerface
Harmes37: nope 15 it was
Roksta: Get a life bestcoast he’s a machine. Usually wins his own ball and kicks them
LuvIt74: Carn the doggies
ryanbob: surely you gotta put libba in the mid for the last minute!
ryanbob: scale libba up to 140!
Torz: Gawn with a junk whiteout!
BestCoast: @cocksta flog
Torz: hit out*
Roksta: Worstcoast wonka jealous
Coutzy: Can’t wait to see the story of the guy who just won Supercoach by a point thanks to the extra second & hitout.
JockMcPie: +20 for that hitout gawn?? please??
King_Robbo: Haha westcoast wonka for flog of the year call. Stringer is a star
BestCoast: Of a team that hasn’t won a granny on colour TV @coksta cold front
BestCoast: King Robbo look after the carpet burns on your knees receiver