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Chat log from R14 of 2015: Western Bulldogs vs Carlton

Chat log for Western Bulldogs vs Carlton, R14 of 2015

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SaintsMan: you guys forgot hamling
AngryRyno: dogs by 17
Jukes82: Bonts fire up! I picked you up this week.
stakerz: yeah come on bont rip this game to shreds
JDolling69: Not too many Dahl, youll cop the tag again
Heizenberg: Cmon blues plz
Jukes82: dalhaus the bin, it’s junk tiime already
Ben_Gogos: Dahl 21 in first 2 minutes
berniebern: jarrad grant = screech
tamoz: Do something Bont!
OnTheRocks: dollhouse going big
Breezey: Rack em up Dahl and Wallis
Breezey: You don’t oftn see the White jersey leading the scoring.
Bazza2014: says a lot for the rest of the reg blues
circle52: Cripps down in the rooms
Yelse: crips could be subbed
Breezey: @Bazza2014. It does at that
Yelse: crips back on
berniebern: miley cyrus back on
Sincity: Kreuzer been handy, still reasonable priced as well
zadolinnyj: Cripps on the ground
Bazza2014: With ultimate footy changing the rules not in line with SC @ AF i have Tom Bell playing on the ground, hope he does well
colmullet: get into it Picken!
OnTheRocks: is Dahl in the mids?
fruity: can someone tell me what are the rules in regards to scores for this weeks it the same as SC with the best 18
Torz: Yes Dollhouse in the mids quite a bit.
Bazza2014: depends what game your playing Fruity
Breezey: Easton Wood on target for 15 or more marks again tonight
Jukes82: cripps on fire!
Torz: A sore Cripps still Carlton’s best player by far.
Sincity: Fantasy = Season Average applied
berniebern: good to see the dogs supporters coming back
Breezey: In DT all your Crows and Cats players get thier season average as your score.
fruity: Thans Sincity
Yelse: comnnnn bont liftttttttttttttt
HawkTalker: Bontempelli getting tired. Will be better next year
J_Pinkman: wow thought cripps was gone with a dodgy knee. good job young fella
auxDT: good round so far..keep it up boyd, dahl, wallis and cripps!
nbartos: Crippa tackling machine
Sincity: Anyone think Toby Mclean is worth picking up?
Sincity: He’ll prob be $250k after this round…
Ben_Gogos: Nope
luked98: bont wow
sickman112: bont head to head with bont?
Jukes82: bont is head to head with bont and still can’t get a kick! lol
CamT: Bontempelli playing on himself. That’s the problem.
colmullet: get some ball bob!
auxDT: 0 touches for Dahl this qtr
JDolling69: Dahl, Simmo, Kreuzer, get going again!
gdshifty: cripps, dahl hamling, do something….
Breezey: Tackle someone then Dahlhaus
Carnster: Dahlhaus sc
Raspel31: Mommy Bell-pick it uplad.
Raspel31: Tommy
Ben_Gogos: That was a very poor half minute of footy
gdshifty: is the bont low on confidence?
auxDT: BT is losing his mind
Sincity: Muppet worthy that
Ben_Gogos: Wood receives the first muppet of the contest, unwilling to take the shot and duly handballing to an unaware Casboult.
meka100: Dahlhaus magnifying glass
gdshifty: is anyone touching the ball this quarter?
carlton_99: these umps are ridiculous
J_Pinkman: cripps is on 55sc points, don’t understand why someone is asking for more from him, considering he’s a bit sore
Raspel31: Early days but picked the Blues to win this one.
frenzy: bont dun flower all since round 3
Schillaci: Bont 44SC …will score mega points if can get the ball!
dipstick: @schill wouldnt say 7 SC pts more than DT is mega
Redraptor: Roughead subbed
3rdstriker: Caleb Daniel is a little pocket rocket
Ben_Gogos: Keep an eye on Daniel, he comes with a decent fantasy game
m0nty: not a good week for the Rougheads 🙁
wadaramus: Come on Dahlhaus,get involved man.
Preston007: Dahl and Wallis already hit the showers???
Ben_Gogos: Not at all
nbartos: Kade 0 tackles typ
Raspel31: Notvintage football.
Redraptor: Everitt subbed…sore right leg
circle52: Everitt subbed
dipstick: jake king sounds like he has 2 testicles in his mouth when he talks. worst commentator!
Jukes82: push up!!!! lol
Raspel31: About time Mr Bell-good work.
HawkTalker: dipstick, never happy unless he’s bagging someone
Raspel31: Or not.
Breezey: I think your right Preston007. I have them both
J_Pinkman: how do you let a midget kick a goal…whats with that
Jukes82: daniel will beat bonts tonight lol
Raspel31: The little man looking good
J_Pinkman: sorry little person, no offence mean’t
heppelitis: HaHa Hawktalker…pop over to the other game…..and post the same thing lol
dipstick: its classic carlton of last decade. more pts than goals. so depressing
carlton_99: are tehs eumpires going to give us a free kick or not
carlton_99: how was that high
Hawks_15: its hard to see carlton scoring goals now with everitt off
carlton_99: frees 14-6 thanks umps
Jukes82: good decision by the umps there
auxDT: traded Dahl in last week, been great so far..
heppelitis: wow….+4 simpson…tackle?….not
frenzy: Bontemshowerhouse
carlton_99: why dont the umps just give them the game bloody ridculaous
Torz: Got in Dahl two weeks ago. Has given me nothing.
Hawks_15: very good quarter by c. daniel.
heppelitis: relax Torz..2 bad weeks in the last 15…..good fantasy player mate
the worm: hey how’s the umpiring been?
FlagDog: Whats going on HAUS??
Dasherman: You win some and loss some with the Umps 24-10 free kick count our favour v Port
JDolling69: This is my fourth game with Dahlhaus, one good game….
heppelitis: trade him if your not happy then
Jair: Get moving Doghouse!
BFAsh: Umpiring is a disgrace
carlton_99: umpiring is a disgrace
carlton_99: ye but dasherman we deserved those frees with our tackles
carlton_99: we are getting nothing from the umps
Jukes82: come on bont! get some junk!
circle52: Cripps off again
Sincity: Jarrad Grant = Nerd Alert
wadaramus: Come on Dahlhaus, Bont and Cripps, you’re going nowhere.
circle52: Dogs should have had another one with White holding Stringer
carlton_99: oh 1 extra free kcik wow
carlton_99: we should have like 10 more
Ben_Gogos: Armfield is such a hack
Jukes82: geez the doggies have been robbed by the umps tonight! getting nothing!
carlton_99: r u serious @jukes
AngryRyno: graham 89sc, why do i have him on the pine
carlton_99: frees are 15-6
DTmuppet: carlton not losing cause of umps, cause they’re rubbish
carlton_99: baaaallllllll
Jukes82: another missed free for the dogs
the worm: its almost as though the fix is on and thew umps are trying to make the blues win…..sickening
carlton_99: it wasnt high even the commentators said tehre was nothing in it
circle52: and everyone of them warranted carlton
carlton_99: ohhhh u guys are just unbelievable we have had 6 frees the whole game
Costanza: carn Mitch finish off
Jukes82: ripped his head off
AngryRyno: wallis 60sc
Sincity: Not going to affect the result…
Jukes82: i’ve seen at least 6 frees that the blue got that didn’t deserve
luked98: bont hasnt touched it since half time
auxDT: has cripps joined Dahl in the showers?
carlton_99: tahts all our frees jukes
colin wood: Keep going Wallis!
Jukes82: yes he has, bont has 9 disposals at half time.
the worm: the umps can only pay the frees when they are there…doubt they have missed more than one or 2 the whole game
carlton_99: how is taht 15m
Ash777: MMM say cripps is injured
the worm: its one metre multiplied by 15
carlton_99: and tahtw asnt a push on murphy
DTmuppet: *whinge_99
frenzy: start junken Bont
carlton_99: haha #Dt-muppet so funny
the worm: im laughing
Breezey: Moving nicely now is Wallis
carlton_99: good for u
gdshifty: looks like Cripps needs to be traded if knee injury
carlton_99: wasnt taht a hold on henderson
luked98: bont is the junk time specialist
DTmuppet: what game you watching carlton?
carlton_99: the henderson contest the bulldogs palyer held him
carlton_99: I never knew i was watchingh Carlton Vs Bulldogs and Umpires
colmullet: Picken you beast!
heppelitis: beautiful picken
willywalks: Cripps off the field???
AngryRyno: im a blues fan and this whinging is inexplicable, its not THAT bad
luked98: wood done
luked98: wood clavicle
daniel87: Didn’t see you blues fans whinging when your getting all the dodgy calls in your favour vs the power
carlton_99: we have had 7 free kicks
carlton_99: how were they dodgy calls the AFl said themselves taht itw as touched from simpsosn
dipstick: im a blues fan and for 15 years carlton cant kick a fucken goal without 2 pts first. fucken pathetic!!!
Jukesy: Umpiring has been shocking against the blues imo, and I’m a bomber
carlton_99: port did no deserve to win we did
DTmuppet: not sure this kid knows how footy works
AngryRyno: graham 103sc, how did i have steele on over him
Dasherman: @daniel87 correct 24-10
Ben_Gogos: Picken is such a fantasy stud this year!
AngryRyno: as grumpy as i am, thats 3 tons in a row for him, take notice lads
carlton_99: omg theers our first free for the half
Dasherman: just like the bulldogs deserve to win tonight
meka100: Dahlhaus useless turd
frenzy: Lol DTmuppet
Jukes82: give bonts the bin
daniel87: You keep believing that Carlton 99
Ash777: they reported dahl may have gotten injured according to MMM
Jukes82: who gives a shit, the blues are garbage anyway.

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