MattyZ: Go Giants!
auxDT: Let’s go Collingwood!
N.Fyfe: Pendles ripe for the picking in R13.
spudaroos: Didn’t start with Pendles? Brave choice.
mijg: Relying on brown is a big ask but a 90sc would be great mate.
mijg: And Ox +1 in defence please
SaintsMan: need shiel to have a shocker
miner4pts: never thought id ever be playing Brown on a fanasy field!
m0nty: Interested to see who Patfull goes to
spudaroos: Would love Ox to get a nice 40.
MattyZ: the next tallest forward other than cloke i’d say m0nty 😉
m0nty: yeah dunno, I reckon Haynes might take White
Rexys Lads: giants to win this one
SaintsMan: tiiped giants
Rexys Lads: oxley bog nah BT cloke was
happytimes: Ward to go Hugh again
SaintsMan: who’s getting tagged for collingwood?
auxDT: is it really that hard to find sainter?
SaintsMan: im not watching
Rexys Lads: no tags saints free attacking footy
auxDT: scully
LuvIt74: What a shocking game
SaintsMan: no, who’s getting tagged you noong
Heater: Mummy influencial already..
m0nty: good game IMO, lots of movement
Rexys Lads: no tags saints
Rexys Lads: dont abuse me please
spudaroos: My god Devon, of course you play like this when I bring you in…
auxDT: oh my bad..i saw the skull next to sidebums name, was meant to say sidebottom chill out big boy
LuvIt74: Who’s more likely to play from Stretch & Neal Bullen?
mijg: Brown so close to fire.
Heater: Spud, Smith has been stinking it up for weeks. Ever since I bought him in!!
frenzy: go figure no Oxley this week
happytimes: Monty doing ok on stadium sports
ryanbob: everytime i put oxley on field he does nothing
LuvIt74: Only got Shaw, Pendles & Swan and none of them are setting the world on fire
RooBoyStu: Taylor Adams firing up against his old side
johnoP: looks like griffen may have one of his 70+ weeks
johnoP: feels so sad saying that
Rexys Lads: shaw is dominating early
auxDT: Griffen looking like the old attack dog
LuvIt74: Griffen is a hack, he’ll score you more 60’s to 75’s then he will 100+
AngryRyno: adams leads all comers with 34sc
Karmaboy: his job is to take attention off shiel and treloar @luvit… its paid dividends already
Derekcraig: Broom head 39, mummy 36, Pendlebury 33SC
AngryRyno: ox 22sc
Derekcraig: Griffin 32SC
m0nty: new icon if you shift reload
auxDT: looks like Treloar wont be going big today
jfitty: Love it m0nty!!
spiggs: Atta boy Callan
KrispyKrem: brilliant goal McCarthy
frenzy: don’t stop devon
Karmaboy: On cue his opponent kicks a goal!!! @monty
DanBlack: frosty!!!
N.Fyfe: Shiel going bananas!
stubba11: Shield on track for cape this quarter!
LuvIt74: Cmon GWS smash the pies
Heater: What do you think? Will Trelaor go to the Pies?
LuvIt74: @Heater dunno but im betting Dangerfield will go to Geelong
auxDT: this is an exciting game to watch
Derekcraig: Nah. Danger is going to Hawthorn
LuvIt74: Swan start swimming ya fool
Heater: How about Danger to Collingwood! That sounds better…!
happytimes: No danger to Sydney
LuvIt74: @Derekcraig I’ve heard otherwise mate, he will be going with Geelong.
LuvIt74: lol@ Danger to Sydney
frenzy: do sum flowering thing Oxley
Jair: Pies dont need Danger; crucify me if you will.
tor01doc: Any Danger danger going to a team that needs him?
qiu333: danger to stay
Heater: @tor01doc: No.
uptoolate: hi all …. good avo …
spudaroos: Fucking Devon, efficiency killing me this week. Nothing I hate more than wasted points.
cusch1: Does Devon Smith know what jumper he is supposed to be kicking to? Week in week out bad DE%
Jackwatt$: There are only 2 clubs Danger will play for next year. Adelaide or Geelong
pies13: go pies!
mijg: Brown and oxley 🙁 bad qtr
uptoolate: this game (and the other) not being on free to air tv today is an absolute disgrace
Heater: No star for Williams???? What the?
pies13: @up2late agree
mijg: Agree uptoolate
wadaramus: Surely if Danger was staying he would just re-sign?
Mozza42: I love my foxtel
wadaramus: I reckon he’s leaving.
Jackwatt$: But Sloane hasn’t resigned yet either. Nor did Cloke last year but stayed
Mozza42: mumford sc?
Jackwatt$: Will Ben Gogos resign with Fanfooty or go to Paige?
YoungGun: treloar sc?
stubba11: Gogos seen having a coffee with Jock Reynolds during the week….
Jackwatt$: Surely he would stay. M0nty can work out break evens in his head. These guys can’t even do it with a calculator!
HawkTalker: Adams to have his biggest week of the year when draft league is on bye. FMSCD
Jackwatt$: Has Shiel had 22 handballs or something?
SaintsMan: shiel 70sc
wadaramus: Mumford 73sc.
ryanbob: swan ripped off
m0nty: Gogos is a required player.
tamoz: FFs Hoskin-Elliot, u do well when i get rid of you
frenzy: ya pay peanuts ya get monkeys, m0nty
the spud: m0nty stop pestering me to sign with fanfooty. I will leave contract talks to the end of the season
stubba11: Davis subbed – Wilson on
SaintsMan: oxley spare man
tor01doc: Can Giants overrun this feral rabble?
stubba11: Ox starting to rack them up – hope they leave him alone like Melb did!
AngryRyno: good signs for oxley, had a decent sc score at half time, im calling a ton
AngryRyno: elliott rubbish, give him the potato mare
dipstick: peanuts are inanimate objects. why would you pay a peanut to do anything?
tor01doc: Do you get paid dipstick?
SaintsMan: cmon shaw get to 90 before 3qt
qiu333: dipstick is not very bright
tamoz: Get involved Cloke!
Derekcraig: Swan 56, Pendlebury 81Sc
uptoolate: dipstick named himself aptly
mijg: Griff gone missing again I see
meka100: Get involved Pendles
AngryRyno: @uptoolate, and you got tool in your name, heh heh
tor01doc: Ha ha Angry. upTOOLate
ryanbob: How is swan only 56? His efficiency is good plus 20 disposals
eaglemagic: adams sc
tamoz: Dont stop Whitfield!
Woodie: 5 clangers for Swan
AngryRyno: sounds like CD traded swan
dipstick: on 1441sc with 12 played and 9 to come. hoping to crack 2000
uptoolate: who gives a toss
SaintsMan: ur gone next week dip
stubba11: Griffen went home at half time
tor01doc: Not me.
ZachLanos: Need Fasolo and NJ Brown to lift
_wato: Giants without Patfull and Davis will make it tough now
dipstick: @angry classic call hahaha
RooBoyStu: only top 18 players score in sc, doesn’t matter if you have all 22 playing
AngryRyno: WHE costing giants the game
uptoolate: how long Angry and Dipnit been dancing together ? … :0/
AngryRyno: shaw 94sc, oxley 74, pendles 83, swanny 59
dipstick: yeh i know but my score has 3 under 70 scores that can be improved
Karmaboy: oxley, oxley, oxley. Why on earth did i trade you out before the melbourne game
Arch: ward S/C ands Mummy please
frenzy: swanny must be banging CD’s Daughter
AngryRyno: bit harsh @uptoolate, you did bring it up for starters
AngryRyno: crack a grin and move on, oxley just got +8
stubba11: Oxley a keeper, just like Saad
dipstick: atetoolup for dyslexics
uptoolate: @Angry …. who u do in your spare time is none of my bizniz
pies13: go you pies!!!
tamoz: Yes Cloke! Make use of their depleted defence
AngryRyno: @uptoolate, how many calories are you burning jumping to these conclusions?
Arch: go pies!!
tor01doc: stickdip
dipstick: i need big tons shaw, swan pendles and oxley
pies13: wots pendles doing?
stakerz: kicking goals pies13
Arch: s just texting wheres Pendles??
_wato: There’s Pendlesssss
meka100: Thanks for turning up for the second half Pendles
pies13: ok he is kicking a goal haha go pies!
tor01doc: Dependlebury – the usual.
SaintsMan: kicking goals
dipstick: poor GWS wont ever have enough MCG games to master the ground
casey22: One thing about this site thats craps me off: arguementive @uptoolate
pies13: haha mayb i should ask again wot he is doing?
tor01doc: argumentative
uptoolate: @casey …. put a sock init then
man0005: argumentative
uptoolate: was that ur first useful comment today idjet ?
dipstick: @casey ohhh youre leaving yourself open for uptools wrath hehehe
casey22: phonetic spelling
tor01doc: man – we should open a school.
LuvIt74: Swan has practically done nothing for 2nd half
tamoz: Haynes getting destroyed by Cloke lol
dipstick: hahaha phonetic- should be spelled fonetic
tor01doc: Giants lose Davis, Patfull and Mumford and become midgets.
_wato: Mummy looks cooked
qiu333: de goey’s injury serious or no?
LuvIt74: Both Stretch & Neal Bullen in for Melbourne
DanBlack: What hapened to Mumdog? Injured or pudffed?
LuvIt74: I just gotta figure out what one to chose think Stretch has better JS
uptoolate: agreez …. not enough support for Mummy .
dipstick: wrap mummy up and put him away for a while
AngryRyno: stats suggest witts outwitted mummy in the ruck today?
frenzy: wots so special with Shaw, how the flower does he score so well
roshanetw: possible ligament in ankle according to MMM
dipstick: shaw scores with bogan power just like dusty
uptoolate: H Shaw a gun ! … that’s why he scores.
colin wood: Buckleys moved Pendles to run with Treloar smart 🙂
roshanetw: COniglio ac joint, mummy medial or lateral ligament
KrispyKrem: good from you OX
AngryRyno: if mummy is truly injured for a while scoop up phillips and laugh all the way to the bank
facebook23: what the heck is clokes icon?
stubba11: red crosses for whole GWS team soon!
tor01doc: Vulture facebook – feeding on Giants’ carcass
AngryRyno: as far as I can see, he is #2 ruck, about 240k, bargain if he replaces mummy
pies13: well done pies big win the 4pts are massive well done!
Jackwatt$: It may not be Phillips though they have another who performed okay in NAB. Can’t remember his name but I have him @R4
mijg: Add 4or5 tackles to griffs score and he would be doing ok. Soft cock
circle52: Vrisp trade for Beams working OK for Pies
Arch: Downie
Jackwatt$: @Arch that’s the one
tor01doc: Brown SC anyone? Cheers.
colin wood: Broom head X factor been very good
AngryRyno: eyes open for selection next week, either could be a bargain, and with all these injuries both could play
dipstick: @angry but if mummy is done you wouldnt downgrade him.
frenzy: trash can for sidearse
uptoolate: cmon Josh Kelly ! get a kick … ur better than this …
AngryRyno: i don’t have mummy, just been hanging out for him to get injured to scoop phillips/downie, as morbid as it sounds
Jackwatt$: @dipstick. I agree Mummy to Jacobs/Martin but a sneaky R3 sideways could be worth it too
tamoz: Give Cloke one more goal!!
dipstick: hey griffen youre fnally fired you alps clown
colin wood: Mummy has gone from 104 to 118 since coming off… Disgusting CD..
mijg: Browns DE should give him an acceptable sc
cusch1: how much time left?
stakerz: 3 mins
Woodie: Brown 70 sc
mijg: Junk up Ox
colin wood: Mummy’s free points are going to cost me this week.. Pathetic scoring system…
dipstick: mummy has been mothballed, wrapped in bandages and put away. see you in 1000 years mumford
AngryRyno: its not even a system, its guys feeding him off a silver platter whilst he rests on the throne
uptoolate: write a book about it Col
happytimes: Really don’t care Colin wood
colin wood: That’s cute thanks ladies for your support
frenzy: sidearse sc ?
uptoolate: no problem Colin … pls carry on being an idiot …
the worm: How did mumford go? was his sc any good?
waldeckr: Cloke cape
RooBoyStu: cape Cloke
stakerz: i agree that is shit
pies13: well done pies another gr8 win!
colin wood: How am I being an idiot uotoolate?
the worm: heart mumford….trying his best despite the unfair scoring system that hurt his ankle
ryanbob: lol swan 81 sc, absolute joke
frenzy: CD cheating flogs
dipstick: griff 78 and swan 81. that seems really ruff and fucked up
colin wood: CD is a joke
N.Fyfe: Swan SC is not a joke, yes he got disposals and went at a high efficiency, but didn’t have a huge effect on the game
the worm: wow, thats the first time ive ever heard criticism aboutthe CD scoring system, please tell me more!
uptoolate: look in the mirror Col !
AngryRyno: 101 for ox, he’s definitely a keeper
_wato: CD you’ve done it again. Well done.
tabs: happy with mummys SC score