Jair: Lets go Tigerland
IHateChat: Well done Fletch!
Brown*Dog: Its Tiger Time!!!
heppelitis: m0nty should give everyone on here tonight the Essendon logo as a thank you to Fletch for his contribution to AFl…haha
m0nty: alright now help me out here, who are the indigenous players in this game?
Jukes82: Tiges beat these flogs.
RooBoyStu: Tigers as useful as a vegetarian with tongs on a BBQ
Andrew37: Chaplin
berniebern: permanent heart for fletch this game
Wends: Love the sound of that didge <3
Andrew37: Should have a Walking Stick icon for FLETCH
Chelskiman: Need a huge one from Houli. Need him to match Shaw. Would also be happy with 70+ from McIntosh.
roshanetw: agree for permanent heart for fletch
Jukes82: McBean L-Plates
carlton_99: no he played 2 weeks ago @ jukes82
Torz: McBean P plates isn’t it?
Jukes82: p-plates then
IHateChat: Fletch needs an icon, agreed.
FlagDog: Cmon Dusty, need you to go BIIIIG!
Torz: Fletch needs a walking cane/methuselah icon.
rosty63: walking frame icon for fletch.
RooBoyStu: relax guys tigers aren’t hawks hence no p plates yet for McBean
berniebern: dreamtime icon for fletch then..here before everyone. idigenous to the AFL
spiggs: Never any danger of dusty hitting the target
danmaio: why not start gulling now Goddard
Apachecats: Fletch came on 1st Fleet
heppelitis: hope flectch doesnt get a doughnut tonight
Drak: nice goal from the ump
Breezey: A nice 10 from Heppell would be nice
Jair: We need a spiral from Fletch for old times sake
danmaio: mccintosh, heppell, and Goddard, going great
IHateChat: How could there not be an icon for Fletcher??
auxDT: lets go dustbin
Breezey: Have no fear Danmaio. Heppell wil rack up a big score tonightl
luked98: bought hibberd this week
spiggs: Martin a fast, tough, efficient turnover merchant.
TheLegend6: How bad is Troy Chaplin lol
casey22: Jobe & Hepp, two weeks from hell, so far!
Apachecats: Danahar back to real form.
RooBoyStu: 2nd gamer McBean doing well
Yelse: bellchambers is the worst ruck in the comp
Drummo: Need melksham to go big tonight
Apachecats: Carlisle must still have the runs
bigbaddasa: yep, Bellchambers the only ruck that doesn’t score
heppelitis: sprayed it apache
frenzy: MrBean
heppelitis: carlisle BOG lol
RooBoyStu: McBean needs a mini or p plate icon
spiggs: Repay the faith Trent.
m0nty: bit of chap on chap action there
spudman321: Have the C on Cooney
FlagDog: Keep going Dusty PLEASE!
FlagDog: Have yhe hand on your fuvkstick
Don Gibson: Classic spudman
casey22: Why did I put Jobe in my team?????
Apachecats: Just be patient with Jobe Casey
RooBoyStu: Jabe Watson missing something he admitted to On The Couch
drapes15: If rance is worth 750-800k a year maybe there is a chance i can play footy
casey22: Give Jobe 3 points for being fat & slow
Chelskiman: Why the hell did I bring Houli in? 🙁
wadaramus: Come on Houli you spud!
bombers04: jobe can play better than you lossers
bombers04: jobe is a champion
danmaio: always wondered why they called Swan the pig, and not Jobe
Chelskiman: Umpires have been awful.
RooBoyStu: Icicle Jabe Watson
drapes15: got hibberd this week, come on lad
Chelskiman: Traded in Houli last week. Seriously thinking about trading him out next week.
Drak: Bombers love over possession when nervous.
FlagDog: Goood Callll 😉
Chelskiman: Finally, a goal!
heppelitis: so true Drak…see Baugley b4?..play on..take a risk
RobHarves: Goddard 13 possies 100% hit targets!
Costanza: Jobe looks exhausted generally
m0nty: mistake by Watson led to that goal
Drak: One huge thing Heppell needs to add to his game. Goals.
frenzy: jobe needs a pepe up
tamoz: Loving your work Dusty, keep it up!
heppelitis: jerret going good tonight
Jair: Scoreboard pressure now on the Bombers. Seems the investigation has finally worn them down
Drak: Essendon will still come home strong Jair. Essendon are beating Essendon.
iZander: bomberswill come back, looking the better team
casey22: Nearly sleep time, Dusty
Drak: Only AFTER half time casey 😉
m0nty: oh no a melee, Tigers always play like crud after a melee
Yelse: essedon might not as well not have a ruck man bell seriously lift
RooBoyStu: give the old man Fletcher what he uses to read the daily paper = magnifying glass
FlagDog: Dusty always plays like crud after 70+ in the first half….
Yelse: monty how come it always auto corrects my chat when i press spacebar
Drak: wow, look at tapouts. If Bombers had a ruck man…..
Jackwatt$: Hogan, Daniher, Patton or Boyd? Who will be the best forward? U would think Hogan but the other 3 need to fill out 1st
Drak: Can someone please tell me why Giles isn’t playing? From memory…. wasn’t he amazing at GWS before Mummy came?
Drummo: I’m taking a stab a gonna say Patton
heppelitis: played well in the 2s today drak
iZander: maric has 11 Hit outs and belly has 10? @ drak
Drak: to adv
demonhell: Fletch, the last man to play against Fitzroy
m0nty: not many stoppages in this game
frenzy: think even mckernan has gone past giles @ drak
desmondo: What a ‘bad’ idea it was ti make Watson my game day captain 🙁
Costanza: there was another D Fletcher in the 92 draft who went on to play 1 game for Geelong
Costanza: one handball in his AFL career
fshow: not sure why bad is in inverted comma’s there des. he is actually scoring bad.
kuraban: Desmondo, you and and me both.
Chelskiman: 70 point half from Houli, please.
ben31215: Jobe Watson lift this QT
TheLegend6: Great tackle rance
drapes15: Hibberd SC anyone?
luked98: maric missing
luked98: 4 points since qtr time
casey22: Another 5 just like that Jobe
fshow: is he dead? is he tagged? is he doing a poo in the changerooms? nope its just dusty in the second half
Yelse: chambers kick a goal or get a few posies
iZander: carlisle BOG either way imo
thebigshot: hi all, any thoughts on why watson has been down on form the past weeks? injury?
fshow: watsnon has struggled since he stopped juicing
TheLegend6: Chaplin is a spud, no where to be seen in that marking contest
RooBoyStu: down arrow Jabe Watson
Chelskiman: Essendon are going to run all over us now. Those two goals we conceded in the last 90 seconds before half time killed
Chelskiman: us
Jukes82: heard a whisper it’s osteitis pubis
bombers04: why dont you losers watch the game and stop fuckin putting him down
fshow: touchy touchy bombers 04
thebigshot: op bad news if it is
fshow: good to see kmac turning it on as replacement for yeo this week. jolly good
ballbag: as usual everyone will start overtaking dustys score soon
bombers04: just want to say that the 3 goals we got in that quarter jobe was involved, its what he does around the ground
bombers04: not your stupid sc score .
iZander: why are people complaining about someone on 90 at 3qt…..
m0nty: yeah I don’t think Dusty has second half fadeouts much any more, that stopped a year or two ago
Jukes82: fuck off k-mac, I took hamlongs sc score. stay under 85!
drapes15: Jab Watson is a flog
iZander: 50? are you serious? umpires a joke
Raspel31: Carn Dons-you will not lose against these pussycats.
meka100: bullshit 50, umpires going to cost Ess the game
drapes15: 50M is a disgrace
Jukes82: that 5o is no big deal, no as if the bummer haven’t got away with shit in the past
RooBoyStu: Boomer a certainty to overtake Flectcher
h a mm e r: Umpire knows its a disgrace but will pay a soft free to essendon later, but one that wont gift a goal
RooBoyStu: fat lady sings: iiiiiiitttttttsssssssssss oooooooovvvvaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
ballbag: wrap fletch in gaffer tape and get that bean pole back out there
drapes15: Game is almost done and dusted
ballbag: dusty is done and dusted
mijg: macintosh my best looking back this week. youd of thunk
fshow: who’d of thunk. not you’d of thunk. the difference is massive
Jukes82: what a shit game
ballbag: i know you hate touching the ball in the 4th but please ton up dusty. you should of 20 mins ago
Raspel31: Shower game but run it home Bombers !
drapes15: Hibberd has just stopped
RooBoyStu: Jabe no hope of a ton in sc
drapes15: need him to kick the winner @RooBoy
uptoolate: well done tigers
Slashers: Shit, think all my on field def has played and can’t loop Mcintosh!
Slashers: Is Goddard really 100%
fshow: richmond are on track for that coveted 9th position on the ladder again
Costanza: Tigers only need 5 more wins to secure 9th
frenzy: gotta give feltcher sum thing m0nty,heart at least
Raspel31: Pooh.
frenzy: no star m0nty? ur hawks bias again
RooBoyStu: karma for Dons, anybody got tissues for Fletch?
Jukes82: richmond haven’t finished 9th for 8 years