ScootD: Lyons & Williams sub. Hendo replaced by Kerridge
colmullet: My boys are starting to look scary
circle52: Any wind advantage Ben
smoochy: circle only from nervous crows players
ReaperRage: Sweet chat room hahaha
ReaperRage: Heath shaw need to get some possessions fast -_-
circle52: Surprising though as I thought a fair bit of interest in this game
circle52: Hard to get possessions when ball at other end.
iZander: fielded kelly this week over lumumba in AF, big call, lets see if it pays off 😀
Burnsyy: Why did treloar get -1?
iZander: they gave him a +1 just before it by mistake i presume
Burnsyy: Oh fair enough
Dangeroo: If Sauce could stand up and do something then this game would get a whole lot more competitive
NewFreoFan: My boy Laird, picked him up 2 weeks ago, pair of 99’s now going strong 🙂
circle52: Looks like Shaw is standing Betts so there goes a cancellation in my teams
circle52: have both Betts and Shaw
SaintsMan: ffs shaw. wtf?
ReaperRage: Stay down Jacobs want to trade you in for nicnat next week
Perry95: rage benched ryan griffen this week…. WWHHYY??
SaintsMan: i actually have cameron and shaw
Yelse: why did i choose shaw this week over mcdolald or yeo
nic-n-nat: really hit and miss with some player
Andrew37: Why do people always complain about Shaw? You should know what you get with him.
Andrew37: He was on 35 3qtr time last week. ended up with 88 and 110 sc.
ballbag: thats right. shaws wearing his bogan mocussins and noot his boots atm
NewFreoFan: Laird and Lever, loving your work boys
iZander: anyone tell me where trelours playing?
Perry95: missed out on lever this week. should have tried harder to afford him 🙁
Yelse: geez how does shaw build his points up so quickly
Jukes82: I trade griffin and this is what he does to me fml
Jair: That’s why you dont ever sideways trade Jukes82
Torz: This is the best I’ve seen Scully play. In general, not DT.
Jukes82: @ jair, I thought he was in doubt to play and I had no bench cover anyway. hopefully kieren jack plays well :l
ReaperRage: What’s your thoughts.. Was Andrew swallow to Heppell a good trade? My friend thinks it was pointless and a wasted trade
iZander: good trade imo
iZander: trelour with second most disposal on the ground but not providing great AF score!! stop hand balling!
ReaperRage: I thought so izander
jvalles69: good trade, swallow not a keeper and out now, heppell is a a keeper
jvalles69: Heppell = keeper, Swallow not. good trade imo
Dangeroo: Eddieeeeee
Ben_Gogos: Eddie Betts has been ridiculous this season!
willywalks: nvb needs to fuel icon, started out ok in 1st, nothing since…
auxDT: where is treloar playing?
Jmachete: You’d hate to be a carlton supporter watching eddie betts
gopies_10: betts aside you’d stil hate to be carlton
pies13: agree@gopies10
Andrew37: Glass for Coniglio
mossssssy: heater gone missing
carlton_99: dangerfield supercoach?
pies13: traded mcarthy 4 smith 3week ago gutsy but 2day has paid off dt
Andrew37: @pies13. You went from average guy to gun? How is that gutsy?
iZander: exactly what i was thinking @andrew and has it payed off? mccarthys been really good tbh
pies13: pod @andrew when you ugrade 2a pod always risky agree?
Andrew37: Hes been averaging 100. Not really.
pies13: no izander last week was 8pt dif this week abit better i said 2day has paid off didnt i?
ballbag: hope the GWS trainers have unpacked the cape for shaw
spuditup: How is Griffen going at 90% when 4 of his 21 touches have been clangers?
iZander: ok fair enough, still not that gutsy, nice pod though
Yelse: ellis yolmen score this quarter?
pies13: ownd by how many @andrew??
Andrew37: its still not gutsy….
gopies_10: @pies13.. very gutsy move imo
pies13: wow thats your opinion @andrew dont agree with it have your say bud
HowI Rioli: Longest quarter ever! Did someone get stretchered?
Andrew37: i picked up fyfe this week. so gutsy imo
iZander: your a crazy bloke @andrew
gopies_10: yeh laird went off concussion
mossssssy: really thought adel would get it done today. Have them in 3 multis 🙁
Mash: Yeh Laird got knocked out and stretchered.
iZander: fielding mccarthy in my forward line the last two weeks has been great! fielding kelly over lumumba this week though….
HowI Rioli: Me too mossy. Might hafta start respecting GWS in my tips
jvalles69: if you trade a cash cow to someone who is a premium thats standard DT’ing not gutsy
ballbag: @mossssy dont think many teams will get it done over GWS for the next 7 years
mossssssy: yeah I keep waiting for GWS to peter out, but keep getting it done
pies13: @andrew well done great pod many have him?
gopies_10: they might tire later in the year
pies13: @jvalles it is if he is not a proven premium
Andrew37: Devon averaged 97 last year and is averaging 100+ this year. It was in no way gutsy.
jvalles69: I was gonna say pies13, Smith is prob slightly gutsy considering other options, who;d you overlook though?
Yelse: why are they subbing griffennn
Andrew37: gna upgrade to goldstien next week, its a bit gutsy though.
pies13: @andrew wots your problem was the word gutsy offensive???
gopies_10: is priddis 119 enough for VC loophole considering fyfe?
SaintsMan: nah fyfe will do better
ballbag: hey boys if someone thought there move was gutsy then it was, whether it is or not i reckon
mossssssy: andrew trolling on chat = gutsy
circle52: I usually do not look at loophole unless my VCscores 125
gopies_10: @saintsMan – thanks for opinion 🙂
pies13: thanks @ballbag only hate i get on this site is fron you haha
Torz: Hey guys, I upgraded Zac Dawson to Jordan Lewis. Gutsy?
ballbag: usually use your VC if theyre within 10% of fyfes avge
pies13: from
colmullet: give mummy the hulk…monstered Jacobs at the contest
mossssssy: Torz, no just silly having dawson in the 1st place
Torz: I tipped him as the big improver this year. The only way was up.
Fletch91: Laird Hurt?
gopies_10: @circle – thanks
DanBlack: Bunch of keyboard warriors here.
Burnsyy: Just put vc on pendulbury, expecting a massive game from him seeing as it’s his 200th!
gopies_10: @burnsy – go pendles!
mossssssy: lol
LuvIt74: Glad i took Cripps score over CEY
gopies_10: laird = concussion
Dangeroo: absolutely ordinary from vb and jenkins there, far too often
Torz: C’mon Treloar, junk time!
Jodd: Laird ever make it back on the field?
Burnsyy: how is treloar only on 80 when he’s had 31 pos?
gopies_10: nah went off on stretcher
LuvIt74: I had the VC on Priddis so with the 119 i’ll take it and wont be greedy although i think fyfe will do better
gopies_10: deciede to go with fyfe cap over priddis 119 thanks to all
Burnsyy: @Luvit74, as if you wouldn’t risk that? Fyfe’s 100th game so i’d be expecting an even bigger game from him
ballbag: @burnsy coz he isnt kicking the ball
gopies_10: true about fyfe but always a risk to ignore certain 120 over potential cause anything can happen
RooBoyStu: Lever ying yang, gone missing 2nd half
iZander: if lever goes the ting yang so can mccarthy, wasn’t sited much in the first half