frenzy: end their season maggies
Jair: Need Pendles and Swanny to lead the way again today
OnTheRocks: cmon Pig
Costanza: the magic glove
OnTheRocks: Mr Bean going backwards
casey22: On ya bike, pendles
tamoz: On ya Cloke! More of this please
casey22: Mr McBean has a shot
dipstick: cmon dusty. need 80 by HT so you’ll get close to tonning up
carlton_99: lol
meka100: Grundy’s bubble has burst, fuck off Witts
NewFreoFan: opp has pendles captain, so need him to bugger off
RooBoyStu: Toothless Tigers!
casey22: Wonder if McBean drives a mini?
Jukes82: Hardwick is GONE!!
Drak: The Carlton Tigers?
homemade: cotchin has gone to the m.murphy school of leadership
dipstick: martin in the fwds. rance in the mids. hardwick is a looney
homemade: lol drak – clearly thinking on the same lines
tamoz: Please Dusty, need a big game from you!
Dommy02: cmon houli and adams lift
frenzy: how many out on the full for Cloke
iZander: can we please get a mcbean picture for him
OnTheRocks: Steven Morris looks like Brienne of Tarth
Apachecats: Looking like a vintage Swan performance.
PlayboyZM: Brought in Ellis this week 🙂 feeling pretty good so ffar
rickyb80: worst thing about ricmond is they are a decent team when they wanna be
uptoolate: A BATTLE of the very ordinary ?
Jukes82: Tigers just have too many mediocre players in their best 22
Drak: Any team is a decent team when they want to be
auxDT: oink
Drak: The best teams are consistently amazing, for 4 quarters every week.
YoungGun: cmon tigs!
Jair: What happened to Toovey?
iZander: hawks first quarter against port? @drak
Koss: Not sure what happened to Toovey. Will update when I find out
Torz: Pies look much better when Grundy is in the ruck. No bias. 😉
SwaggyP: Onya Capt Pendles keep it going
Jmachete: tigers in hot ducking form today
Bazza2014: onya capt Swannie, keep it going
Torz: Taylor Hunt was bound to come good as soon as I traded him out.
dipstick: toovey just concussion sub atm. wait til HT
Fury Ride: Swan on track for 46
gdshifty: damn i need to cull these cash cows like Oxley, KMac, Vandenbery and Salem. 4 trades anyone?
Jmachete: frees 11 to 3
Apachecats: Oxley absolutely anchored on 17
dipstick: toovey subbed. time expired just before HT
gdshifty: how many traded out Hunt this week? 😛
Jmachete: free kicks tiges 13 pies 3…
Wends: @torz, you’re not alone there. But traded him to Picken so not all bad.
dipstick: why is BT such a flog? and why so hateful towards soccer? more people dislike BT than like soccer hahaha
dipstick: seems toovey tweaked the old kneebone
frenzy: c’mon swanny, just need U to beat Rance
desmondo: Swan SC anyone?
SaintsMan: sc swan 75
Sloaneyyyy: i traded out Hunt… luckily I picked up Yeo though he won’t play as good as that every week
LovesIt: collingwoodddddddd
LovesIt: collingwoooooooood
man0005: collingwoood
dipstick: dusty look at your tatt- 3Q+1Q=game. Game = ton… no play bogan king. play i tells ya
LuvIt74: I cannot believe im saying this but i want the pies to Win for my Malti
masterhc2: fuck sake traded adams in last week he was averaging 90 odd gives me 55 and now this shit
dipstick: @luvit ridiculous statement lol
RooBoyStu: Heard a rumour Joe Hockey is gonna slug us a tax on Fantasy, SC & DT any truth?
LuvIt74: Carn the pies
LuvIt74: Did anyone watch the Freo vs Dogs game?
pies13: carn pies!!
LuvIt74: @RooBoy only North supporters would believe such crapola…lol
SaintsMan: i did luvit. Why?
LuvIt74: @Saints what a game
auxDT: where the fuck is pendles??
SaintsMan: it was great. Who you support?
Sloaneyyyy: Time to move K-Mac on I think, he’s not gonna make much more
LuvIt74: Carn the pies $$$$
pies13: go pies!!!
LuvIt74: @Sloaneee yeah agree m8 & that Tom McDonald is a must have in defence
SaintsMan: of course hunt can only play one half
RooBoyStu: Coll only beaten Bris Stk Ess & Carl, nobody of note
LuvIt74: very expensive though
spiggs: Swan and Cotchin absolutely lifting my sc team
Jair: Adams hasnt shown much fantasy potential
SaintsMan: swanny gonna rack up 120+ i reckon
Sloaneyyyy: the pig is on fire!
Sloaneyyyy: how long till Greenwood and Sidebum are back ?
Wends: Tatt off on the boundary.
LuvIt74: Swan is on 118 on SC already
Grazz: Just saw the Fyfe report Pfffft give the Ump two weeks
wadaramus: Go Swanny oink oink
Wends: Houli down in the rooms.
Koss: No dropping the ball against Houli?
meka100: wtf Pendles lift
SaintsMan: such a bad decision grazz, hell only get fined
Jair: Massive last qrt Pendles
dipstick: pendles 3 CP and zero CL. lets go swanny. Pendles luckt to ton up :>
LuvIt74: McIntosh is on 53 so if he scores 70+ he will be worth keeping for 1 more week as he is on 54 sc now & his break even 33
SaintsMan: de goey u little ripper!
dipstick: with saad out, kelly with a cracked aggit and goodes vest risk Kmac is a must keep in this carnage
miner4pts: goodes has done ok the last 2 weeks though
Yelse: pendles to kick 2 goals this quarter and ton up
Yelse: if fyfe gets suspended brwnlow will be anyones choice
feralmong: Menadue for Mcbean.
dipstick: @yelse fyfe will get a fine if that. nothing more. dont panic
Wends: Swan starting the quarter in the guts.
Jmachete: another fucking duck from richmond
dipstick: ooaahh if swan could kick the sealer i would be pumped SCwise
dipstick: hi Wends. thats what we want. swan in the thick of it
Sloaneyyyy: come on Dustbin… play out a game ffs
LuvIt74: I want to bring in Rockliff, Selwood & Franklin around the Bye rounds and only got $73k
LuvIt74: so I’ll be getting rid of Heeney, Hogan, Vandenberg & Lonie in the next 2 weeks.
Sloaneyyyy: yeah Vandenberg is due to get the boot this week I think
dipstick: @luvit nice theory but dictated by bubble boys and available rookies who are decent
shaker: We have a great game stop frothing on about your trades
Wends: @dipstick, hoping he n Krak will make up for Capt. Pendles going missing n get me over the line in SC!
LuvIt74: I had Hogan on the ground and had the Emergency on Lonie who scored only 3, wish i chose krakouer as my emergency.
andy59: Dusty will junk it up !!
LuvIt74: @dipstick i will just get who ever I can m8 im ranked 984 so i got to take huge risks
auxDT: oxley looks sluggish and lost
dipstick: yeh- pendles with zero CL is baffling. go swanny!!
Sloaneyyyy: Swannie will get massive SC, 16 contested poessessions
Woodie: Swan 124sc atm
runt: One by one this week the cash cows,”bubble boys?” have been like pigeons smacking into a window
meka100: Magnifying glass for Pendles
LuvIt74: Carn the pies $$$$
SwaggyP: pendles you’re a disgrace
Wends: <3 Swan SC. Cotchin & Maric killing me tho 😐
pies13: carn pies!!!
runt: Nice stat padding by the Tigers today.
LuvIt74: running out of gas fast
Wends: Pendles limping a bit. Must’ve been off today.
LuvIt74: stupid bloody pies useless the only day i wanted them to win there out of gas
Yelse: pies cost me my multi unless they win whyyyyyyyy
LuvIt74: @yelse Same here
Sloaneyyyy: i had Ward captain… and thought I was done for, but just seen my opponent has Pendles captain, and he’s doing worse
Wends: Couldn’t take JPK’s VC as no loophole, bad planning on the w-end Pendles spuds it.
AngryRyno: there goes my free whopper…
meka100: Pendles fuck you you ugly dog
Jmachete: Quack Quack goes the richmond team
Sloaneyyyy: u picked the Lions? AngryRyno ?
AngryRyno: please don’t spoil other games which I intend to watch
Dommy02: what does pendles symbol mean?
Jukes82: vickery and riewoldt with the on target icon
Sloaneyyyy: Cotchin impressive, he’ll be crap for the next 3 games now
Wends: fearing Cotch & Maric’s SC scores 😮
frenzy: rare air dustbin
Jukes82: pendles hurt his ankle in the 3rd
Jmachete: Cotchins ducking skills on point
Bazza2014: bizarre Martins SC so bad- in lst qtr he had a heap of centre clearances- i think the last 2 or 3 for the qtr.
shaker: Pendles has had a dodgy ankle for a while now might be time for a rest