Carnster: I’m pumped after the GWS win lets hope this game delivers
J.Worrall: GoDees
tamoz: Go Lloyd!!
meka100: Can you pull your finger out Parker?
SydneyRox: pyke for first goal would have paid well
Ben_Gogos: Stretch looks like a twig amongst timber tbh
Fletch91: Thats a bit of a stretch Gogo 🙂
Ben_Gogos: Well done to Billy!
OnTheRocks: and i got rid of Salem on Friday as well 🙁
SydneyRox: didnt think titch had such a long kick
gdshifty: gonna do anything today Parker? Or just gonna piss ya pants all day worrying about buddy….
tezzer_j: still happy with that decision@ontherocks. Salem the only one i could upgrade
SydneyRox: tippo looking great
Dangermaus: gave up on Parker a few weeks ago… traded Newnes for Titch, already paying off
OnTheRocks: could of gotten rid of Heeney but if heeney gets his breakeven then he’ll make more money than Salem
Ben_Gogos: Parker spending too much time fwd again
abbarulz94: Cross is tagging Hanners, Vince is tagging JPK
SydneyRox: getting rid of heeney would be a mistake
OnTheRocks: Luke Parker tagging himself
abbarulz94: If Stretch had more size on his frame he’d be a jet
NewFreoFan: yeah Heeney is a long term project now
pies13: traded out salem new this woulg happen fkmdt!
uptoolate: So who dumped Salem ?
meka100: Fuck off Salem, done fa last week
NewFreoFan: need a mid or back to downgrade to after this round, wanna get Titch
pies13: would
Dangermaus: at least Melb decided to tag the most damaging Swans player for the last few weeks
pies13: would love hogan 2get a kick!
SydneyRox: give tippett the cape 😛
shaker: No wonder Watts has been sub he has no possies again
uptoolate: @meka …. Salem a gun @ 19y.o. why you no rissen ?
tezzer_j: i think a lot of us upgraded salem, well i did anyway
abbarulz94: JPK is getting tagged as well as Hanners
OnTheRocks: Franklin, Parker, Hannebery, pls :`(
spudaroos: Buddy kick a goal u spud
Dangermaus: Lmao, Tippett playing his one good game for the year I see
frenzy: break out the cape ben-gogo
tezzer_j: havent been overly happy with JPK since i brought him in, come on man!
abbarulz94: Be aware that JPK is being tagged and Titch is eating up more mid time which depletes JPK’s output
SydneyRox: yeah titch and jpk play the same role, which is why JPK playing fwd
mijg: speaking a bit soon on salem early days yet but keep going mate. so close to trsding this week
SydneyRox: jpk just as likely to kick 5 against the dees though
Jukes82: Don’t like this titch nickname, ther eis already a titch in the afl.
NewFreoFan: at least hit your b/e Hogan ya spud 🙂
frenzy: bit tight with the icon Ben Gogos
abbarulz94: Hogan’s not a spud loool
frenzy: Jeffy pink donut?
Ben_Gogos: @frenzy which icon?
Dangermaus: I felt crazy bringing Tom McD for Hodge, but for some reason it works
tezzer_j: decided i don’t like Titch, ya robbing me points bloke!
OnTheRocks: Goodes must be fuming being the bench bitch again
Ben_Gogos: Ahh I must’ve missed it mate, sorry about that
OnTheRocks: @Dangermaus, i did the same and was worried about it
Ball_Hog15: I hope Parker finds some form and breaks 80
frenzy: tippet cape?
man0005: cape for tippett?
Ben_Gogos: Nah, it was a big Q but only 39DT
uptoolate: lift your game Monty
DirtyDawn: Evgening all
frenzy: 3 goals in a qtr is a cape buddy
runt: Put Salem on my backs bench just to flex my DPP muscles and he gets me back with extra venom
Ben_Gogos: looking more for a 50 point Q for the cape fellas
mijg: wow thank you Salem need this.
man0005: montys son obviously dislikes tippett
uptoolate: Salem a gun @ 19y.o. as said b4 and Monty off on a toilet break !
shaker: I got rid of Salem for Titch2
uptoolate: stretch also a great start !
frenzy: Ben moving the goal posts
gdshifty: i did the same runt.
3rdstriker: Dollars for Salem
Torz: Salem on bench. But at least I held this week and he’ll gain some $
Redraptor: Well done Salem
mijg: now kick some goals Dees. make a game of it
NewFreoFan: what’s the deal with this Stretch bloke?
tezzer_j: so ok, Salem startin to piss me off, of course the week i upgrade him. blah!
SydneyRox: jetta goal was awesome
Carnster: Mcglynn SC
mijg: bit of a stretch this early but think he is a long chance of getting more games
dipstick: salem on field for hogan is paying massive dividends
NewFreoFan: jesus that was painful mijg
tamoz: come on lloyd!
uptoolate: Brayshaw a step up gun as well…
SydneyRox: you have lloyd in a fantasy team??
dipstick: phew so glad i traded heeney out for mitch
mijg: ha im bored waiting forvthe delayed freo game
SydneyRox: looks like heeeney is done
dipstick: is that a gravestone icon?
dipstick: heeney PCL they reckon
SydneyRox: goodes is on
Ben_Gogos: Heeney looks devastated..
SydneyRox: lets hope it aint a long term injury
mijg: makes me feel much better off loading him last week
Jwow: whats mitchell’s JS like?
SydneyRox: much better if heeney and/or lloyd do go down
tezzer_j: ew! Heeney didn’t make break even, cyanara
mijg: loving Salems lot tonight. could actually get me over the line
tamoz: Lay some tackles Lloyd!
mijg: who would of thought eh Salem 71 sc at half time
SydneyRox: mcdonald playing a fantastic game
SydneyRox: rohans marking been outstanding today
shaker: Think it might be time to get Watts the machine on
Ben_Gogos: Heeney has most likely avoided the ACL injury
SydneyRox: which is great news
Ben_Gogos: Absolutely @SydneyRox
SydneyRox: watts the time!
Fletch91: Parker SC ton incoming!
shaker: How is Titch2 going in SC I’m starting to get a bit excited
wpmufc: Parker!!!
standog: Happy with my 2 trades Armitage (c) and Mitchell this week
SydneyRox: titch on 94
SydneyRox: sc that is
luked98: Lift hogan, having heeney on me field is bad enough
Andrew37: Wheres the Hulk for JPK
luked98: chose hogan over salem
tezzer_j: @standog, if u brought in those two and made armi capt then I bow to you kind sir
shaker: Cheers SR
Ben_Gogos: Terrific grab by Hogan there
standog: my one stroke of genius for the year @tezzer
SydneyRox: whats going on?
runt: @standog I brought in Mitchell and Mundy with Mundy as captain
mijg: Don’t stop Salem
FlagDog: Hope Parker finally gets to B/E for the first time in ages, alomst makes up for keeping him.
Fury Ride: Mcdonals sc
The39Steps: Is that Titus O’Reilly guy supposed to be funny?
SydneyRox: mcdonald at 99sc
Fury Ride: Thanks
meka100: Why have you stopped Parker
standog: @runt looking pretty good so far!
FlagDog: get the ton tmitch
Ball_Hog15: thank you parker!
Pedrominat: sorry, arriving late, what happened to Heeny?
frenzy: c’mon vanders flower me lift bud
dipstick: and 7 players overtake salem
RooBoyStu: no $ for Hogan?
SydneyRox: heeney done a knee, not sure how bad, but not acl
SaintsMan: the one time he has parker he does this!
Fury Ride: Heeney is getting injured every week
meka100: Vanderberg going backwards, one week needed fucken flog
mijg: 100 sc + pls Salem an I will be happy happy
gdshifty: finally parker repaying the faith
snake_p: well done Parker made your B/E
Ball_Hog15: mitchell come on man!
FlagDog: yay parker
Fury Ride: How do u get sc scores?
SydneyRox: sc gold
NewFreoFan: Stretch hasn’t managed a single score in the second half, yeah?
dipstick: alem hack cant ton. how many touches in the last hour?
mace485: go hogan! one more mate
FlagDog: yay tmitch!!
mijg: poor Melb gave there their supporters somebhopecl early in the season haha
frenzy: earth 2 vandenburg come in vandenburg
Ben_Gogos: Great stuff from parker1!!
frenzy: blu moon parker if ever I saw one
SydneyRox: nice win, lets hope heeney doesnt miss too many
ZachLanos: Garlett and Hogan with poor efficiency. Going to ruin my SC
LuvIt74: I’m afraid i have had enough of Minson & not knowing whats going on with him so im forced to keep TBC as a ruck swing
LuvIt74: If minson isn’t playing next week im getting Blivcas