frenzy: today rooboys today
J.Worrall: Gogo Goldilocks!
SaintsMan: need hunt to peform
Woodie: Take Oxleys 72 or play McIntosh?
frenzy: take it
SaintsMan: keep the 72. Even if he gets like an 80 its only 8 more + oxley is more consistent in those areas
Torz: Time for Hunt to actually do something.
Woodie: Thanks @saintsman
desmondo: Martin BOG richmond by less than a kick 😉
SaintsMan: i also want hunt to have a good game
SaintsMan: does hunt want to touch it?
Jwow: where is hunt playing?
mijg: had my finger on the trade button for Hunt.
mijg: should of done it god damn
jalapenoh: I put hunt on my bench and played saad this week 🙂
jalapenoh: Where’s zeibell playing?
Torz: Dusty looking good.
colin wood: Bobbie Tarrants value all but gone with Hanson back.
SaintsMan: wtf kennedy
SaintsMan: typo
SaintsMan: martin u star
Crowls: why does hanson impact tarrant scoring?
colin wood: Extra tall down back and will play loose
Torz: McIntosh and Hunt hopeless.
HawkTalker: McIntosh truly back to rookie form
kangawalla: Dustbin starting like he usually finishes!:)
colin wood: Tarrant tackle missed
casey22: My two tiger rookies, Kam & McItosh might get a good score between them
casey22: Make that Hunt & McIntosh
Torz: Hunt runs around in space, but the Tigers never give it to him.
casey22: Goldies 124 dt projection looking real tough
frenzy: my god these umpires have lost the plot
Jukes82: Lol if you have Taylor Hunt, muppets.
mr gor: statisticians have missed 3 of woods touches…
mr gor: amateurs doing the stats down in tassie
frenzy: they’re still fixing their stats, lol
mr gor: i’m watching the stat tables as if the game’s still going cos you never know who’s gonna get points next
mr gor: they fixed one kick, he’s still got 2 more handballs does wood
Slashers: The game IS going?
mr gor: (obviously meant over half time :v )
banta: useless scoring in this game. what a bore. what is houli doing? lift!
banta: vlastuin on the field? what a useless hack. needs to be dropped
corza013: who got subbed, isnt showing up for me?
banta: tigs can’t play possession and hits targets
Torz: Tigers just bomb forward off half bad, regardless of if they have options out on the wing.
banta: houli flat tracker
m0nty: McIntosh subbed
Mash: griffiths got subbed, concussion
eski_liddr: cannot believe all the coaches that jumped on houli expecting him to be something his not
corza013: cheers Monty!
Torz: Pretty sure I saw Griffiths with the red vest on..
m0nty: oh wait, my bad!
mr gor: wait what, mcintosh? da fuqqqqqqq
mr gor: fair guess though, haven’t seen mcintosh all damn game :S
auxDT: oh fuck me kmac
eski_liddr: kermit for m0nty!
mijg: haha bogus info gets you banned Mont
qiu333: scared the shower out of me
Kermit: Kermit the Frog here with a Muppet News Flash: m0nty just turned into a muppet.
dipstick: damn kmac! i needed your score
auxDT: m0nt why?!?!
eski_liddr: m0nty at least needs green instead of red
corza013: hahaha rekt
banta: one more goal boomer!!
Dangermaus: Time for Kmac to get the ass I think
eski_liddr: hahahaha GOLD
SaintsMan: 100 by the end of this dusty
Ben_Gogos: Hahah it occurred in Q1 m0nty!
Ben_Gogos: The traditional Dusty will just get to the 3 figures from here.
banta: tigers need to drop useless hacks like hunt and vlasto
auxDT: houli back to his true form
SaintsMan: funny for the people who got howl this week
banta: back to a spud houli where you belong
spangle: Does Monty get a ban for false information..?
Ben_Gogos: He gets a ban for tampering with my game 😉
mijg: wtf hunt POS
banta: everyone on the tigers team utterly gutless and useless today except for miles, martin and edwards
SaintsMan: what does POS mean ?
SaintsMan: piece of shite?
Ben_Gogos: The second muppet of the day, this time to Edwards for that horrible 50 metre penalty which has extended the margin!
dipstick: glad i kept goodes. looks like he’ll ton and you Kmac will be on the table next week
poolboybob: Looking like it’s time for Kamdyn to go.
eski_liddr: its almost upgrade time folks
banta: goals boomer!
Ben_Gogos: Low scoring ground and an opposition team that doesn’t allow scoring, KMAC was never going big today
banta: lindsay thomas the opposite of a team player. never gives off to a teammate in better position. loser
banta: gonna go near the ball houli? beard getting in the ay
auxDT: absolutey hate him lindsay thomas
frenzy: roos getting in the head of the tiges, and they can’t deal with it
Hadouken: why did i put the C on swanny this week……noob move
banta: cmon boomer kick one more
banta: vlastuin TOG has been like 30%
banta: hate you so much houli. why bring you in???
Redraptor: Hansen subbed
Dangermaus: changed the captaincy from Pendles to Goldie, and then finally to Thompson … surely he can’t do worse than Goldy
Torz: Superman quarter please Hunt.
banta: do something houli anything!!
banta: dont think grigg has ever hit a target. always bombs long. so crappy
banta: f!0g thomas
willywalks: Swallow must be #1 priortiy to be traded out this week, rubbish…
poolboybob: wake up Ziebell
mr gor: terrible game fantasy-wise
Ben_Gogos: Who do people think has been BOG?
Jwow: harvey bog
DangerousD: Goldie SC anyone?
banta: don’t even turn up houli go home
Jukes82: Why bring Houli in anyway, way overpriced. Laughable trade.
dipstick: ohh wow!!!! no surprise the stupid bogan dusty hasnt tonned up!
mr gor: bloody sam wright mvp. so many intercepts
banta: miles a gun these days
banta: houli the pile of poo
wadaramus: Goldy 96sc.
willywalks: pumpkin for hunt
willywalks: wall for mcintosh
Jukes82: If Richmond weren’t so shitty Hunt would get dropped this week.
Ben_Gogos: I’ve gone for Petrie, simply because he’s had a great number of goal assists early on. hard to pick.
willywalks: wright for the x factor
dipstick: damn. goldy was 65 at HT
Roflcake: lol higgins sc
dipstick: nice higgins and tarrant. shocker kmac. shoulda done waay better dusty
frenzy: who won Ben
Jair: Higgins you beauty. Rance fudge off to your mother
RooBoyStu: Toothless Tigers